Dream Lover

The audio includes or describes the perfect loving partner of your wildest dreams.

My Will Drowns You Out

Water — It makes for such a malleable metaphor for the mind. Those streams of conscious thought, that flow and run through all our lives, dictating our each and every action. It's all too easy to get swept up or swept along by an enticing idea. To suddenly spiral out of control in a tidal wave of emotion and intense feelings. But not for you. Not anymore. Not after all these files and...

My Will Drowns You Out

Water — It makes for such a malleable metaphor for the mind. Those streams of conscious thought, that flow and run through all our lives, dictating our each and every action. It's all too easy to get swept up or swept along by an enticing idea. To suddenly spiral out of control in a tidal wave of emotion and intense feelings. But not for you. Not anymore. Not after all these files and...

Loop For Me, My Good Boy

A remix of an older hypnosis file; "Return To Me, My Sweet Boy" is now available in a pure loop form for you to enjoy! Three distinct layers have been split and taken from the induction, deepener, and body sections, to form an overwhelming blend of my voice and my suggestions arriving each at the same time. But with much less of an emphasis on the relationship roleplay aspects, so you can...

Ancient Goddess Visits You in Your Dreams

Your entire life as an archeologist has been leading up to this. A few weeks ago, you and your team completed the dig of the century. While everyone was celebrating your success, you couldn't help but let a certain totem catch your eye. You knew it was wrong to steal it, but something about it felt like it was calling to you. You took it and hid it under your bed where no one would see. ...

Return To Me, My Sweet Boy

I'm sorry baby, I've been so busy lately. You're so sweet. And you've been so patient... How about a trip down memory lane, back to where it all started?

Return To Me, My Sweet Girl

I'm sorry baby, I've been so busy lately. You're so sweet. And you've been so patient... How about a trip down memory lane, back to where it all started?

It’s getting dark

You feel suffocated by your village, close minded and monotonous. What better way to clear your head and be free than forage for your dinner? Surely you won’t stray too far… after all it’s getting dark. Perhaps you drifted a little too far on purpose to see what lies beyond the garden wall. Chasing the adrenaline of curiosity and fear, you’re about to find out that someone else was...

It’s getting dark

You feel suffocated by your village, close minded and monotonous. What better way to clear your head and be free than forage for your dinner? Surely you won’t stray too far… after all it’s getting dark. Perhaps you drifted a little too far on purpose to see what lies beyond the garden wall. Chasing the adrenaline of curiosity and fear, you’re about to find out that someone else was...

Return To Me, My Sweet Boy

I'm sorry baby, I've been so busy lately. You're so sweet. And you've been so patient... How about a trip down memory lane, back to where it all started?

Return To Me, My Sweet Girl

I'm sorry baby, I've been so busy lately. You're so sweet. And you've been so patient... How about a trip down memory lane, back to where it all started?

Futa Fuckbattery Transformation

I want you to picture the woman of your dreams, see every beautiful curve, every delicate feature. I am going to turn you into her. It's irresistible, when I have you in this submissive state... I only need to use her seduction against you, and you'll be powerless to resist becoming my futa fuckbattery. For this I will require access to both your mind and body. I'll demand your full...

Queen Femininity

My Voice...  It lingers to stay inside your mind, long after the final word has been spoken. It seems to nestle itself down into the deepest corners of your thoughts — My Voice. Like the faintest echo, it's never quite there but never truly completely gone. Like a spell gently settling upon you, slowly taking up residence in the palace of your waking dreams. I whisper along every hallway,...

Queen Femininity

My Voice...  It lingers to stay inside your mind, long after the final word has been spoken. It seems to nestle itself down into the deepest corners of your thoughts — My Voice. Like the faintest echo, it's never quite there but never truly completely gone. Like a spell gently settling upon you, slowly taking up residence in the palace of your waking dreams. I whisper along every hallway,...

Queen Femininity

My Voice...  It lingers to stay inside your mind, long after the final word has been spoken. It seems to nestle itself down into the deepest corners of your thoughts — My Voice. Like the faintest echo, it's never quite there but never truly completely gone. Like a spell gently settling upon you, slowly taking up residence in the palace of your waking dreams. I whisper along every hallway,...

Your girlfriend helping you go to sleep

A lovingly sweet and vanilla script written by u/insomnia_swede. Your girlfriend slips into bed beside you, but finds you're still awake and that you cannot sleep. “Shush now, my love. I am here with you, that is all that matters… Let me do the talking.”


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

Relax, Baby

Just you wait baby, we are going to have some fun together.                                                                  ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Summoning the Succubus

It's late at night and my voice is whispering in your ears. You feel a need and a drive and yet you find yourself moving mindlessly, drawing runes on a floor. Smoke fills the air, and the silhouette of a lovely and inhumane woman starts to show itself. You've summoned a Succubus - can you handle what happens next? ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

The Pause Deepener

A deepener taken from the file, "Morph Girl".

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes. This is the naked version of the story, without binaurals or music.

Relax, Baby

Just you wait baby, we are going to have some fun together.                                                                  ...

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.                       ...

The Succubus Inside You

This file comes out almost as an erotic bedtime story. Being visited by the succubus of your dreams. Go into it picturing me curled up next to you, a book in hand and whispering a bedtime story in your ear. Feel yourself being sucked into the story...

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.                       ...

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.                       ...

In Your Secret Garden

I adapted a script on GWA by u/activelyretro from M4F into a F4M version... This version has music and special effects. This is a very sweet and gentle HFO. I consider it vanilla, but there are slight Fdom words, so I threw the tag up.

In Your Secret Garden

I adapted a script on GWA by u/activelyretro from M4F into a F4M version... I am going to be playing with some new sound effects and buying some music for it before I put it up later today / tomorrow... but for those of you who enjoy hypno, this is the edited but with no special effects yet version. I thought some of you might enjoy it.