
The audio draws its references from myth, folklore, or fanciful tales and superstition.

Kicking your Balls

On another evening in my dungeon I might perhaps have left something to the mystique. After all, I like my subs to arrive a little nervous in anticipation of what is to come. But something tells me that's not quite needed this time. Not when you already spelled it out to me so very very clearly beforehand. How you're such a tough man that you could take me kicking your balls. ...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Tickle Torture at the Hands of a Cult

The road here is dark and unfamiliar... And your car that had been slowly stuttering past the clawing canopy of trees is now stuck at its wayside. You turn the key a few more times but realise it’s no use. Pulling out your phone only further dampens your hope. It's as if you shouldn't be here, wherever here is. No phone service. No map. No idea of where you are. You really are alone....

Ancient Goddess Visits You in Your Dreams

Your entire life as an archeologist has been leading up to this. A few weeks ago, you and your team completed the dig of the century. While everyone was celebrating your success, you couldn't help but let a certain totem catch your eye. You knew it was wrong to steal it, but something about it felt like it was calling to you. You took it and hid it under your bed where no one would see. ...

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

Divinity’s Corruption

You find yourself held captive in the dungeon of a powerful succubus. Bound. Beaten. And — Alone. Or so you had believed. Thankfully there has been a guardian watching over you. An angel trying her best to save you! Revealing herself at last she comes to your aid. But the succubus catches on, and attempts to corrupt you both. Will you be able to hold back and ascend to the...

Her golden eyes

A deceptively vulnerable girl living in the woods turns out to not be very vulnerable at all. The key to fall in love with this girl is to look into Her Golden Eyes.                                            ...

Irresistible Illusion

The Two Sides // Series #2
In this file I relate to you a new and fantastical story, told in the same way as “Sleight of Voice” with all my tricks in play. Come. To a carnival, inside your mind...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

Amazonian Breeding Hut

You've been captured! Dragged through the jungle, stripped and tied down on my bed. Relax my new husband... Your struggles will get you nowhere. You are about to be MINE.                      ...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Queen of the Black Coast

Do you hear the waves? The creaking of my ship? Do you hear the aroused sighs of my crew, watching us? Do you feel how wet my soft, tight cunt is still, wrapped tight around your cock, mmm, a hot wet sheath for your blade? Oh, my king.                      ...

Futa Drow Matriarch Breaks in her New Slave

It's been a bad day. It started off with your village being raided, and you being carried off into slavery. Quickly sold on an auction block while stripped naked, the hooded figure that purchased you led you on a chain to your new home. She bought you for her Mistress, a powerful Drow Matriarch. Given incredible blessings and powers by the Dark Goddess Lloth, your new Mistress will be your...

Call of the Wild

This audio whispers in your mind, stories of a time before Earth as we know it. It takes you deep into a magical forest where you’ll be met with a beautiful, radiant woman who goes by the name: Mother Nature.                      ...

The Big Friendly Giantess

Found on a mythical island by a mythical creature - things get very real very fast as your giant rescuer becomes curious about human and male anatomy, and wants to explore her dirtier side.                      ...

The Riddle of the Catgirl

Halt, adventurer! Where do you think you’re going? No, I’m not down there. Try looking up, to the top of this pedestal. Right where I belong. There you go. Now, if you wish to collect the treasure, you must successfully answer the riddle of the sphinx. I'm not actually a sphinx. I'm a catgirl. But the principle's the same. Now, if you can't answer the riddle, I kill you. Sorry, but...

The Box

I am the Head Priestess of The Order. Now that you are eighteen years of age, I must test you to see if you are ready to enter our society as an obedient young man. You do wish to be an obedient young man towards all women, don’t you? Let us see with The Box ...                      ...

Her golden eyes

A deceptively vulnerable girl living in the woods turns out to not be very vulnerable at all. The key to fall in love with this girl is to look into Her Golden Eyes.                                            ...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

Amazonian Breeding Hut

You've been captured! Dragged through the jungle, stripped and tied down on my bed. Relax my new husband... Your struggles will get you nowhere. You are about to be MINE.                      ...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Cast Asleep by an Enchantress

An induction taken from the naked version of the file, "Sudden Succubus".

Queen of the Black Coast

Do you hear the waves? The creaking of my ship? Do you hear the aroused sighs of my crew, watching us? Do you feel how wet my soft, tight cunt is still, wrapped tight around your cock, mmm, a hot wet sheath for your blade? Oh, my king.                      ...

Futa Drow Matriarch Breaks in her New Slave

It's been a bad day. It started off with your village being raided, and you being carried off into slavery. Quickly sold on an auction block while stripped naked, the hooded figure that purchased you led you on a chain to your new home. She bought you for her Mistress, a powerful Drow Matriarch. Given incredible blessings and powers by the Dark Goddess Lloth, your new Mistress will be your...

The Big Friendly Giantess

Found on a mythical island by a mythical creature - things get very real very fast as your giant rescuer becomes curious about human and male anatomy, and wants to explore her dirtier side.                      ...

My Sweet Little Girl

You are on a date with a sultry vampire. You might not know it yet, but you are my new pet, such a very sweet little girl... I tell you, "My little one", how I met the woman who turned me - and then make love to you, feeding on a sultry summer night. Script by u/ ... well that's been deleted. Guess this one won't be on GWA.

The Riddle of the Catgirl

Halt, adventurer! Where do you think you’re going? No, I’m not down there. Try looking up, to the top of this pedestal. Right where I belong. There you go.

This is a cat girl whose whims change by the moment... Her uncle the sphynx hired her to sit around in a boring tomb, waiting to give the occasional adventurer an age old riddle. Boring, boring, boring. And then you come along! ...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

Wedding Night Surprise

Oh Honey... I'm so glad we are finally wed. We can finally have that wedding night we've been talking about, that you have been saving yourself for. There's just this one thing... I'm not really a virgin. Or religious. In fact, I'm a dominatrix, and I've decided to turn you into my perfect slave. ...

Sexy Spy Needs Monks Cum To Use As Invisible Ink To Stop Terrorists.

Ejaculate for Jesus! It's for national security. I need a lot of cum, ok?                                            ...

Wash finds religion

I've always been a fan of firefly, and I was always hoping Saffron would take things a bit... further with some of the crew. Here Saffron makes her way to the front of the ship, to take over Wash's mind and make him pilot the ship where she wants to go.                      ...