
The audio includes a mythological creature capable of shifting shape and humanoid form, from the mundane to the magical.

  Today, I am going to play the role of a completely different sort of Dungeon Master ... A Wizard!  Who will use all her skill and magical prowess to cunningly convince you to play along in my D&D-esque adventure. For those of you that know me. You’ll know that I love storytelling. Whether or not that’s weaving my own tales of dread and delight, or bringing another's twisted fable to...

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes. This is the naked version of the story, without binaurals or music.