Blurred Reality
General Info
- Tier
- Hypnosub
- Audience
- F4M
- Author
- Shibby
- Artist
- Shibby
- Release Date
- 07/07/2019
- Play Count
- 1105
- Tone
- Affectionate
- Setting
- Modern
- Consent
- Consentual
- DS
- Female Domination
- Orgasm
- No
- Instructions
- I encourage you to listen to this erotic induction in whichever way is most comfortable for you. But do ensure that you're settled back, either in a comfortable seated position, or laid down in bed, with your eyes open. Take all the time you need to make sure that you'll not be disturbed or interrupted for the duration.
- Intended Effect
- N/A
Audio Info
- File Type
- audio
- Audio Type
- audio/mpeg
- Effects
- None
- Background
- Naked
Hypnosis Style: Pure
- Level
- Beginner
- Induction
- Conversational Intro, On Binaural Beats, Eyes Closed, Quick Trigger Drop, Relaxation, Kinesthetic, Fingers Brushing Skin, Tickling / Tingling Pleasure, Shivers, Visualisation, One Finger, Circling, Scalp Massage, Building Pleasure, Visualisation, Spiralling Into a Hole, Blurring Thoughts, Quick Trigger Drop
- Deepener
- None
- Body
- None
- Wakener
- No
- Aftercare
- No
HFO Indoctrination // Series / Induction#3 Once I've relaxed your body into a heavy and comfortably floaty space I'm going to drop you down into an even blanker state of existence. Using simple visual imagery of a spiral to scramble your thoughts, in such a pleasant way. Guiding your focus inward, and pulling your conscious mind, deeper down into trance. As I blend together all of your reality, in a pleasurable mix, until nothing makes sense except for my voice, and my words ...
Following the spiral. As it goes down, further, and further, pulling you in with it.
This tingly ASMR induction was taken from my file, "HFO Fractionation", and features subtle low-frequency binaurals comparable to the naked original.