The Choice is Yours
General Info
- Tier
- Hypnosub
- Audience
- F4A
- Author
- broken
- Artist
- Shibby
- Release Date
- 19/08/2024
- Play Count
- 2429
- Tone
- Affectionate
- Setting
- Modern
- Consent
- Consentual
- DS
- Vanilla
- Orgasm
- No
- Instructions
- I encourage you to listen to this in whichever way is most comfortable for you to fully relax. But do ensure that you're in an extremely familiar and private space before you begin; either laid down snuggled in bed, or seated back on a chair or couch. Someplace you won't be disturbed or interrupted for the duration of our time together. Ideally you should be able to freely move your body, including the full range of movement in your upper arms; in your hands and fingers. Also that you're well-hydrated, and in a warm and well-ventilated environment.
- Intended Effect
- In this file, and the alternative variant, you'll start out the same way; settling down and giving clear intention that you'll spend the next little while together with me. In both we'll explore the shared experience of hypnosis using a mix of kinesthetic and visualisation techniques, and our fun new trigger... but, in this session, we will choose the safer path, the left door, leading to more of my whispered floaty sleepy words. The first technique starts with my "Tapping Induction"; using the word 'Sleep' to push you deep down into trance when I command it, from a simple tap against your forehead. I'll ask you to use your index finger, on your primary hand, as a means of fighting against the resistance of gravity and towards tapping your body parts asleep. With practice we'll share this one trigger, so that your mind can reactively say it to itself, and (for the visually inclined) to picture letters spiralling into your head. The second visual technique will come in the "The Bit Flip Deepener". Using the analogue of computation, I'll ask you to visualise the numbers '1' and '0' as representations of thought and sensation. And once this binary nature is established, I'll flip you between the numbers, as you inhale and exhale, each time further embracing the nothingness of zero.
Audio Info
- File Type
- audio
- Audio Type
- audio/mpeg
- Effects
- Countdowns, Layers, SFX / Reverb
- Background
- Music
Countdown Hypnosis Trust Me Relaxation Vanilla Whispers Kiss | Kisses Movement Beginner Friendly Fall Asleep Positive Trigger Reinforcement Trigger Installation Music Layers No Wakener Post Hypnotic Suggestions Shibbycentric Breathe Multiple Endings Script Fill No Rape SFX Gentle | Affectionate Medium Length Psychological Dirty Talk Mantras No Orgasm Kiss | Goodbye Induction | Waking Induction | Unique Sounds | Kisses
Hypnosis Style: Pure
- Level
- Beginner
- Induction
- Pretalk, On Kinesthetic Hypnosis And Blissful Relaxation, Instructions{ Setting Our Intentions / Reinforcing Trust, Focusing, On My Voice }, "Tapping Induction" : { Quick Trigger Limp, Finger Movements / Fighting Gravity, "S.L.E.E.P" Countdown / Installing Trigger > Sleep¹, Movements / Repeat Forehead Finger Tap{ Quick Trigger Sleep & Snap }, Layers : { Countdowns / Quick Trigger Sleep & Snap } }
- Deepener
- "The Bit Flip Deepener" : { Psychological Dirty Talk, On Computational Theory Of Mind. And The Nature Of Consciousness, Relaxation, Guiding You Deeper, Visualisation, Your Mental Computer{ Deep Breathing / Binary Partitioning Your Consciousness Into 0's And 1's }, Focusing, On The Stillness Of '0', Parity Breath Countdown / Turning On & Off Your Awareness, Layers : { "Zero" / "Blank & Empty" } }
- Body
- Visualisation, A Room With Two Doors, Countdown / Choice, 'Open The White Door' ... Layers : { Countdowns / Quick Trigger Sleep & Snap }
- Wakener
- No
- Aftercare
- No
This commissioned script was written by one of my minions, and a lot of fun to bring to life in recording. Inspired by kinesthetic inductions, and our time spent together at a hypnosis convention, it is allll about the interactions of binary choice, and the conscious or unconscious ways in which they're made. Those mental ‘On / Off’ switches of thought. Or perhaps, for the more philosophically inclined, what is known as ‘The Computational Theory of Mind’.
So naturally, it comes in two very different and yet very similar versions, as I guide you down into trance and towards the entrance to something... More. In one I will keep things light, and mostly vanilla at the end. In the other, nothing more than dark, but undeniably hot latex mind-fucking will do.
The choice, of course, is yours.
In the "Left Door" version the listener steps through their entryway into more of that lovely, floaty, sleepy place we call trance. This is the more calming choice of the two, and as such it makes no reference to the listener's genitals. In particular it's perfectly suited towards those new to hypnosis who wish to try kinesthetic techniques for the first time, and to install a fun new sleep trigger.
If you enjoyed this style of induction then you may also want to try out: "The Shibby Spiral" or "A Happy Little Induction" (by the same writer).
Please note that this session includes multiple references to you using your index finger, on your primary hand. If this might cause discomfort or issue, then know that you are always free to modify or adjust my suggestions to what works best for us both in that moment. And know that in doing so you are ensuring that you are safe with me, and that my presence is only ever a positive one.
The script was written privately for me, by one of my minions.
Sound Credits
The background music used here was purchased and licensed for use from pond5.
- Piano Dream (Long Looping) by Felipe Adorno Vassao
- Publisher: Lynne PublishingSource: Felipe Adorno VassaoLicense: Standard
The background music used here was purchased and licensed for use from pond5.