No Sex

This audio does not include depictions of sexual intercourse.

Your Shrink's New Toy

Your therapist has been working with you for a long time. Working ‒ on you ‒ for a long time. In today's session, her goals of shrinking you down and keeping you as her little plaything will finally become realized as her hypnotic trap is sprung!                      ...

Snap Into It, Snap Out of It

This might be just a short file on the surface. Maybe nothing more then a quick slutty tease to some. But to all those secretly kinky sluts out there — Well, this ones for you. See, I think it's time you snapped out of it, sweetie, and dropped the façade. I want to spend a moment together, and—this?—just won't do. All I want is to see it happen, to feel you let yourself go, hear...

Snap Into It, Snap Out of It

This might be just a short file on the surface. Maybe nothing more then a quick slutty tease to some. But to all those secretly kinky sluts out there — Well, this ones for you. See, I think it's time you snapped out of it, sweetie, and dropped the façade. I want to spend a moment together, and—this?—just won't do. All I want is to see it happen, to feel you let yourself go, hear...

Boy Toy Audition

You are applying to be my boy toy. Let me give you the quick run down on what will be required. If you're a good boy — You get to be trapped down between my thighs. Drowning in my pussy, in my moans and whimpers. If you're a bad boy — You will be on the other side of the door. Locked away and forgotten, shackled by chains and regret. ...

Doctors Orders

A direct and dangerous follow up to the dark events of "Take Your Medicine". This sequel sees you, the listener, once more returning to take your place as 'Patient 207' at the New Foundation for Experimental Scientific Research...                      ...

Ancient Goddess Visits You in Your Dreams

Your entire life as an archeologist has been leading up to this. A few weeks ago, you and your team completed the dig of the century. While everyone was celebrating your success, you couldn't help but let a certain totem catch your eye. You knew it was wrong to steal it, but something about it felt like it was calling to you. You took it and hid it under your bed where no one would see. ...


A playful bondage scene... You, my love, are blindfolded, bound, tied down to our bed, naked and exposed before me. Completely at my mercy. Completely helpless. As I touch, taunt and tease, making sure you understand the vulnerable position you are in.

How Dare You Make Me So Horny

How fucking dare you. Do you know what you do to me? — Do you know how excited I am? Just listen at how fucking depraved you make me feel. Make no mistake, I’m in charge but even I have my limits on how much I can take.                      ...

Scratching the Sissy Itch

Just a short and sweet induction to satisfy your sissy’s longing to be called by name, by a sweet and loving voice as they drift off to sleep.                                            ...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

ASMR Slave Inspection

Come in. Sit down. Relax, I, contrary to what you have been led to expect from women, will not hurt you. That is for your future Mistress to do. I am simply here to give you a health check up. Check your hair for lice, check your ears for cleanliness... And check your reactions to various stimuli, to see what makes your cock hard. When it's time for you to go on the auction block, it's...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

Just A Plaything

Let me help you accept what it is that you’re meant to be used for.
You see, I know what you are - my plaything. And I know what you want. You want to be played with. As all pets do.                      ...

Your girlfriend helping you go to sleep

A lovingly sweet and vanilla script written by u/insomnia_swede. Your girlfriend slips into bed beside you, but finds you're still awake and that you cannot sleep. “Shush now, my love. I am here with you, that is all that matters… Let me do the talking.”

More than Just Friends

We make such good friends because you let me do all the talking! But... maybe we could be more then just friends. I'd really like that.

Patient 207's Induction

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. And I wouldn't want anybody to be enticed in that wasn't prepared to be mind-fucked...

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.                      ...

I'm Sick not Dead

Get out your vibrator, I already got out mine ;)

Bound Deeper Deepener

My voice twists around you as rope binds you deeper down into trance...                                            ...

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told it's...

The Collaring

I understand you better then anyone else. So come and be mine, kneel at my feet and submit to this special moment. You've earned it. This file is not so much about sex as it is made to inspire feelings of submissive devotion.

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Cuddled to Sleep

Perfect to put after those files that were a bit intense, where you need a bit of personal attention afterwards. Just come here and let me hold you.                                            ...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

A Happy Little Induction

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. Come join...

A Happy Little Induction

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. Come join...

A Happy Little Induction

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. Come join...

Spellcast Slave Induction

Welcome back. Or maybe its your first time? That's okay. We're just going to have a bit of fun... To see the world, the worlds within these books. To disappear into the hidden adventures I describe. To absorb each word which is read aloud. Becoming so enchanted by my tales that the world outside seems to just fade away. Wouldn't you like that? To live the story, and after have such marvelous...

ASMR Slave Inspection

Come in. Sit down. Relax, I, contrary to what you have been led to expect from women, will not hurt you. That is for your future Mistress to do. I am simply here to give you a health check up. Check your hair for lice, check your ears for cleanliness... And check your reactions to various stimuli, to see what makes your cock hard. When it's time for you to go on the auction block, it's...

More than Just Friends

We make such good friends because you let me do all the talking! But... maybe we could be more then just friends. I'd really like that.

ASMR Trance Trigger Training: Drop. Deeper.

The recreation of an older file of mine- "Drop. Deeper". This version has the same script, just added to - leading to a completely different, completely immersive experience. Using similar techniques to those in "The States of Mind Series", this file has no sex in it - instead it is simply hypnosis, simply brainwashing, simply a loop to make your mind, simply Mine. Training you to respond to...

ASMR Trance Trigger Training: Drop. Deeper.

The recreation, without binaurals, of an older file of mine- "Drop. Deeper". This version has the same script, just added to - leading to a completely different, completely immersive experience. Using similar techniques to those in "The States of Mind Series", this file has no sex in it - instead it is simply hypnosis, simply brainwashing, simply a loop to make your mind, simply...

Sleepyhead Induction

Sex With A 'Tist // Series / Induction Part: 3 / 3
This short progressive relaxation induction is taken from the file, "Ridden by a 'Tist".                                            ...

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...

The Collaring

I understand you better then anyone else. So come and be mine, kneel at my feet and submit to this special moment. You've earned it. This file is not so much about sex as it is made to inspire feelings of submissive devotion.

Tomboy CuddleSlut

It's dark and cold outside, but we are warm together in the bunkhouse, cuddling under a nice thick blanket. This file is not about sex. It's about cuddling, and a rambling story of earning the name cuddleslut at a paintball field.

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told...

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told...

A Trip To The Pet Store

Oh, did I forget to tell you where we are going? Just the pet store baby. Why are you looking at me like that? Just because I sound a little evil... I know we don't have any pets. But I have a pet, and I feel like you could use a few things...                      ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort and aftercare, at a little over twenty minutes long. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering, and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort, and aftercare at a little over twenty minutes. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort, and aftercare at a little over twenty minutes. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...