Mindfucked By Your Meditation Teacher
General Info
- Tier
- Hypnosub
- Audience
- F4M
- Author
- u/HighlyAdventurous
- Artist
- Shibby
- Release Date
- 17/02/2025
- Play Count
- 4879
- Tone
- Affectionate, Soft Spoken
- Setting
- Modern, Spiritual Retreat
- Consent
- Consentual, Written Agreement
- DS
- Gentle Female Domination
- Orgasm
- I count you down, over and over, until you Clench and Surge into a hands free orgasm from the Pleasure caused by my Snaps
- Instructions
- I encourage you to listen to this session in whichever way is most natural for you. But do ensure that you're laid down in a private room before you begin, someplace where you'll be free from distractions and won't be easily disturbed. Ideally, you should be able to settle comfortably on your back, with your eyes closed. It's also recommended to use stereo headphones for the best experience.
- Intended Effect
- In this erotic roleplay, I'm a hot and slightly manipulative mediation instructor, who uses her practice as a means to find willing clients for her sex work on the side. Taking on the role of one such client, is you, the listener; my naïvely eager student, and newest favourite to have filled in my special intake forms for some "extra-curricular" activities. (Note: although I'll flaunt my body, especially my ass, and evoke sexual imagery in this file, there is no actual sex, nor depiction of sex or nudity by either the listener or instructor). In our scene here together, you'll simply be guided into a state of submissive trance* as part of your ongoing mediation training; including light bondage of the wrists and ankles, letting go into deep pleasure with the breath, and enjoying the experience of a sexy hands-free orgasm like a good boy should. To close the roleplay out at the end, I'll suggest you leave me a good review on 'Yelp' to help the meditation business grow. (* Although there is mention of prior installation of triggers, and some very slight reinforcement of a few core ones, the trance in this file should hopefully still be accessible, being grounded in pure relaxation, submission, and mind-fucked surrender).
Audio Info
- File Type
- audio
- Audio Type
- audio/mpeg
- Effects
- Countdowns, Layers, SFX / Reverb, Echoes
- Background
- Binaurals, Music
Countdown Hypnosis Gentle Fdom Trust Me Relaxation Kiss | Kisses Intimate Trigger Reinforcement Manipulation ASMR Story | Erotica My Pet Ear Licking Surrender Ear Blowing Bondage Binaurals Music Layers Aftercare Induction | Roleplay Shibbycentric Playful Mindfuck | Mindplay Breathe Script Fill SFX My Toy Consent Talk Teacher | Student Slow-Build Medium Length Training Social Media Ear Nibbling Aftertalk No Sex Sensual No Age Instructions | Homework Ear Kisses Recharge Meditation Sounds | Restraints Listener | Cock Induction | Body Scan Listener | Chest Sex Work Yoga Pants HFO Fdom
Hypnosis Style: Pure, Story-Like
- Level
- Beginner
- Induction
- Scene Begins, Pretalk{ Conversational Intro, On Our Private Meditation Session, Instructions, Eyes Closed, Rope Bondage : Tying You To Pole }, Body Scan{ Regulated Breathing : Inhaling And Exhaling Through Your Nose, Focusing, On Your Hands, Going Deeper / As You Sharpen Focus, Relaxation / Feeling Your Breath Moving, Focusing, On Your Breath, Giving In To Blank And Empty, Quick Trigger Drop }
- Deepener
- Ear Licks : Kisses : { Relaxation, Quick Trigger Drop }, Going Deeper / Countdown{ Building Pleasure, Quick Trigger Drop, Surrendering To Me, Reinforcing Trigger < Good Boy, Spiralling Into Submission, Quick Trigger Drop }, Rapid Trigger Snaps : { Lowering Your Guard / Building Trust, Building Pleasure, Reinforcing Trigger < Snaps, Rapid Trigger Clench / Squirming And Thrusting For Me }
- Body
- Focusing, On Your Full Rigid Cock, Yoga Pants / Ass Appreciation, Trigger Training / Reinforcing Trigger < Pleasure, Quick Trigger Drop, Consent Talk, On Your Intake Forms, Rapid Trigger Snaps : { ... }, Cum Countdown, Cum Countdown, Scene Ends / Aftercare
- Wakener
- Yes
- Aftercare
- Yes
Welcome to your private session with me, Shibby, your spiritual guide and teacher.
Today, I will be helping you to deepen your meditation practice. My ways of doing things might be a bit unorthodox but just trust the process. Breathe in. Breathe out. Focus and observe your chest moving, up and down, with each cycle. Letting your mind become Blank and Empty along with it. So I can take over and fill it with Pleasure.
Although this can stand-alone, I recommend having recently enjoyed either "My Sweet Boy", "Clench", or the beginner file, "Give In", a few days before.
All of the characters in this file are 18+. Although the scene revolves around the dynamic of a mediation teacher and her star pupil, the hypnosis, as it is depicted, is transactional, between consenting adults, and fully negotiated in writing beforehand. There is some implied seductive manipulation towards the submissive client, but there is no forced coercion or breach of consent.
This private script offer was written by u/HighlyAdventurous; who gets all my five stars for coming up with such a sweet meditative trance for me. (Sorry loves, with all the layering involved this time, there's no naked version).
Sound Credits
The background music used here was purchased and licensed for use from pond5.
- Piano Dream (Long Looping) by Felipe Adorno Vassao
- Publisher: Lynne PublishingSource: pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/63880378Artist: Felipe Adorno VassaoLicense: Standard
The background music used here was purchased and licensed for use from pond5.