
The audio includes the oozy and sticky presence of slime in the scene or story.

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

A Sinfully Sticky Situation

In this deliciously sticky script, you and your friend have wandered deep down into a dungeon together. Looking to slay some monsters I suppose, though I have a faint suspicion you both wanted some alone time. Just too afraid to admit your feelings together, you explore your way deep down into the lair of a Dark Slime... Noticing the sexual tension between the two of you, she instantly decides...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Just think of the slime girls

Toying with the idea of different monstergirl effects...

A Sinfully Sticky Situation

In this deliciously sticky script, you and your friend have wandered deep down into a dungeon together. Looking to slay some monsters I suppose, though I have a faint suspicion you both wanted some alone time. Just too afraid to admit your feelings together, you explore your way deep down into the lair of a Dark Slime... Noticing the sexual tension between the two of you, she instantly...