Nominative Determinism


General Info

Release Date
Play Count
Modern, Online Classroom
Consentual, Verbal Agreement
Female Domination (Mistress / Slave)
I count us both down, with Snaps and Clench, while pegging you In & Out to a hands free orgasm together
Ensure you are in a private and well-ventilated space from which you won't be easily disturbed or overhead while listening. For this session I'd encourage you to be comfortably seated upright on a chair or couch, or simply propped up cosily in bed. Just make sure there's enough cleared space nearby on which you can kneel and stand up without interference or discomfort. It is recommended to wear non-wired headphones due to the potential movements I will be asking you to perform. I'd also suggest setting aside some free time post trance to be safe.
Intended Effect
As part of the roleplay experiment into "Nominative Determinism" the listener's own name, for a time, will be replaced with the new identity of "Slave", to slip away and return to their other name slowly by degrees after we are done. To see just how much it affects their behavior and mindset, and of course, their arousal. During this class I'll still introduce all the same brainwashing suggestions as before, but with additional pleasure triggers for anal prostate stimulation. They are intended to only last an hour, and only if desired. Time in which I can help guide and arouse the listener through a fantasy demonstration scene, in which I they are pegged and brought to climax.

Audio Info

File Type
Audio Type
Countdowns, Layers, Echoes, SFX / Reverb


Hypnosis Style: Pure, Story-Like

Scene Begins, Logging In To My Online Class, Pretalk / Instructions, Conversation, On Nominative Determinism And Changing Your Name, "Slave" Name Consent Talk / Verbal Agreements, Reinforcing Trust / Mantra : "Miss Shibby Has Authorization To Adjust Things In My Mind", Instructions{ Eyes Closed, Relaxation, Focusing, On My Voice / Rapid Trigger Drips, Deep Breaths }, Quick Trigger Drop & Snap ...
... "Teacher's Favourite Pet" : Brainwashing{ My Whispers / Penetrating Deeper In Your Mind, Visualisation, Your Control Room{ Granting Admin Rights To Your Internal Directory, Applying Your New Name: "Slave", Instilling Obedience To Me, Reinforcing Pleasure In Praise, Installing Trigger > Slave, Light Objectification, Drifting Deeper Into "Slave" / Post Hypnotic Suggestion } }, Wakener Count-Up
Class Demo¹{ Conversation, On A Corrupted Experiment, Verbal Response / Trigger Testing = Slave, High Protocol Titles, Relaxation }, "Prostate Play" : Brainwashing{ Quick Trigger Drops, Opening Your Internal Directory, Installing Trigger > In & Out > Snaps² > Clench }, Wakener Count-Up, Class Demo²{ Pegging, Countdown / Orgasm } ... Quick Trigger Drop & Snap, Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Scene Ends



Today, I'm holding another one of my very special online "Shibby Says" erotic hypnosis classes, which any of my adoring fans can come watch or join on webcam. And you — my favourite listener of all — I'm sure that you won't miss out on attending as well. In fact, I'm counting on it. You look like just the perfect demonstration bottom for what I have planned this morning. Although I teach across a wide variety of kinks and hypnotic subjects, what I love most of all is deep psychological brainwashing, and, for my lesson on "Nominative Determinism", I'll need somebody who trusts me on an intimate and personal level, in order to be able to experiment safely.

In this version of the file I happen to have my special box of kinky toys with me, which I turn to my advantage, bringing out my vibrating dildo strap-on and pegging the listener to climax in front of the whole class. Note that if you enjoy this experience then you might wish to check out some other files such as "Slip into Slave Mode" or "Control Room Inside Your Mind" which can reinforce more lasting changes.



Unlike my normal files, this session, in keeping with the class setting, uses fairly permissive language around my common triggers and how you use them; including suggestions that they are temporary and will fade over time, or, in some cases, will be entirely erased. If you might find that thought uncomfortable and desire an affinity to being enslaved, then please exercise discretion while listening. You may prefer the "JOI Slave" variant instead.


You'll want to be sitting upright and wearing headphones for this one. Someplace private but where you'd normally interact online. Oh, and make sure your floor is clean and clear of anything that might hurt to step, kneel or lay on.