
Feel a charge of sexual electricity run through your body as I pull your complete and undivided attention to me.

Kicking your Balls

On another evening in my dungeon I might perhaps have left something to the mystique. After all, I like my subs to arrive a little nervous in anticipation of what is to come. But something tells me that's not quite needed this time. Not when you already spelled it out to me so very very clearly beforehand. How you're such a tough man that you could take me kicking your balls. ...

Nominative Determinism

Today, I'm holding another one of my very special online "Shibby Says" erotic hypnosis classes, which any of my adoring fans can come watch or join on webcam. And you — my favourite listener of all — I'm sure that you won't miss out on attending as well. In fact, I'm counting on it. You look like just the perfect demonstration bottom for what I have planned this morning. Although I teach...

Nominative Determinism

Today, I'm holding another one of my very special online "Shibby Says" erotic hypnosis classes, which any of my adoring fans can come watch or join on webcam. And you — my favourite listener of all — I'm sure that you won't miss out on attending as well. In fact, I'm counting on it. You look like just the perfect demonstration bottom for what I have planned this morning. Although I teach...

Nominative Determinism

Today, I'm holding another one of my very special online "Shibby Says" erotic hypnosis classes, which any of my adoring fans can come watch or join on webcam. And you — my favourite listener of all — I'm sure that you won't miss out on attending as well. In fact, I'm counting on it. You look like just the perfect demonstration bottom for what I have planned this morning. Although I teach...

HFO Amplification

HFO Indoctrination // Series #9
                      In a break from tradition, and the rest of this series, "HFO Amplification" is instead a gentle fdom companion audio and preparatory induction to help towards achieving a hands free orgasm. Meant to be played before another file, in order to amplify the...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

HFO Slave Training

From now on the only thing you get to touch is the play button on this fucking audio. Whenever you feel the need to stick your hands down your pants you're going to hear my voice calling you back. When you become sooo horny and confused wondering whether or not you should touch yourself, my conditioning sets in, and you come back here without further questions. It feels so good to just...

Control Room Inside Your Mind

Inside your mind is a control room of sorts, but is it really yours or perhaps it is mine? For those slaves who have already listened to lots of my recordings perhaps you already know the answer... But I'm sure just one more brain­washing loop won't be too hard for you to handle. Because now it's time we both explored that thought a little bit deeper. Now it's time I made myself a...

Ultraman vs Latex

                  A clash of good versus evil. In this classic comic-style crossover between two much-loved titles, "L.A.T.E.X." and "The Enslavement of Ultraman", you will be taken along on a superhero adventure to turn the tides against the dark and viscous sticky corruption of all mankind. Surely you can save the day!...

Ultraman vs Latex

                  A clash of good versus evil. In this classic comic-style crossover between two much-loved titles, "L.A.T.E.X." and "The Enslavement of Ultraman", you will be taken along on a superhero adventure to turn the tides against the dark and viscous sticky corruption of all mankind. Surely you can save the day!...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Do My Poor Pet A Favour

You've been staring so intently and for so long now. It's like you've fallen deep down into my eyes... As if you've slipped along your gaze to fall deeply inside them, deep into my eyes. To where you could just turn around and see yourself through them. And when you do... You see that, in this moment, you're all that matters to me. And that makes you so very happy. That makes you smile...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Ear Play Edging

Your ears are one of my favorite parts of your body. As the means and method by which I oh so easily manipulate that cock of yours. And I just can't wait to lick and suck and whisper dirty things into them. All while I stroke you to the edge over and over... and over again... Each time counting you down deeper into our dream-like sexual fantasy, of my hands playfully twisting and teasing...

Caged & Fucked into Submission

You find yourself down in Shibby's dungeon, all set to be teased and caged, and ready to go deep. You know that when you go Deeper, everything will feel so much better... Deeper into trance. Deeper into pleasure, and warm blissful submission. But while your cock will be inside of a cage... Domina's won't. Her thick rubber cock will be inside of you, stretching you out to your deepest...

Breast Obsession

You've been a good boy in your slave training so far. That is until I catch you staring at my tits...                                            ...

Tickle Torture at the Hands of a Cult

The road here is dark and unfamiliar... And your car that had been slowly stuttering past the clawing canopy of trees is now stuck at its wayside. You turn the key a few more times but realise it’s no use. Pulling out your phone only further dampens your hope. It's as if you shouldn't be here, wherever here is. No phone service. No map. No idea of where you are. You really are alone....

Shy Superheroine Accidentally Mesmerizes You with Pheromones

You've been a superhero for a long time now. You've even made a pretty good name for yourself. Tonight, you're staking out some criminals you've been tracking for a while. But before you can leap into action, she appears... A newbie hero with a ridiculously revealing costume. She tells you she can secrete pheromones that make people docile. She wants to help you fight, but you aren't so...

Impacted into Subspace

This file is an improvisation that I recorded live. Relax into your breathing, and let go of your thoughts. Sink away as I introduce you to my favorite way to take a sub down into Trance using a kinaesthetic technique, and a new tool or two that I picked up from the latest convention I visited this week. I just love leather, leather paddles, leather whips. As I guide you through my...

You're such an Easy Slut

There’s something so uniquely fulfilling about spending an afternoon in your favorite café as you enjoy the ambiance. Of course, that means that you're not truly interacting with anyone... But who can blame you? It has been a long, arduous week... Your body is worn out. Your mind is tired. It's nice to just let all of your stress drift away while you sip your drink, and watch as the...

A Sweet Reward in Chastity

How are you feeling in chastity, Slave? Your balls must be so heavy right now. I love malleable pets that are this easily controlled. But I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with your obedience in following my commands. And that's not easily done. Your ordeal so far has been rather... lacking in orgasms... hasn't it, Slave. So I'm going to fix that. Does that sound like a good idea?...

The Slave Owners First Trick

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 2 / 3
The events of this session take place straight after those in "The Slave Auction". You find yourself kneeling at the foot of your new owner's bed. Bound, restrained, legs spread apart and blindfolded.                      ...

The Slave Owners First Trick

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 2 / 3
The events of this session take place straight after those in "The Slave Auction". You find yourself kneeling at the foot of your new owner's bed. Bound, restrained, legs spread apart and blindfolded.                      ...

Enslaved to Your Wife: In the Kitchen

Third Session Month: 3
Your wife is happy with your progress but it's time to get more specific about what she wants you to do for her. You need to be your wife's cook, server, busboy, and janitor. And as I take you deeper into trance and your conditioning you will realize this is what you've wanted to do for your wife all along. It makes her happy, and that makes you happy, and I'm just so...

The Sissy Soldier Trap

You are a high ranking soldier in the Empire's army. Head of the Experimental Weapons Division, you've been working on a new weapon which will strip the enemy of their will to fight and turn them into something more compliant through subliminal radio broadcasts. After testing it out, you find one poor soldier has succumbed to its effects — and so you take him back to your base where he is...

The Sissy Soldier Brainwashing Loop

You are a high ranking soldier in the Empire's army. Head of the Experimental Weapons Division, you've been working on a new weapon which will strip the enemy of their will to fight and turn them into something more compliant through subliminal radio broadcasts...                      ...

Caged & Fucked into Submission

You find yourself down in Shibby's dungeon, all set to be teased and caged, and ready to go deep. You know that when you go Deeper, everything will feel so much better... Deeper into trance. Deeper into pleasure, and warm blissful submission. But while your cock will be inside of a cage... Domina's won't. Her thick futa cock will be inside of you, stretching you out to your deepest...

Burst for Me

My art simply is not complete until you listen to it. So I will help you to experience hypnosis and trance to full completion - Only then will my art truly come alive. ;)

Follow Me

Follow me and everything will be alright... Follow me and I will lead the way... Follow me because you want to... Follow me into Oblivion.                                            ...

Pure ASMR Hands Free Orgasm

I know, I know... the title is a bit lacking in art, a bit... clickbaity. But it gets the point across. Don't worry, once you listen, once you relax as I start with a bit of rambling to calm and soothe and build the intimacy between us... Once my fingers and lips start going to work, and my whispered words start pulling you down, down, deeper into a hypnotic ASMR trance. You'll forgive me...

Chained For Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Boy. I think we need to do some training. ...

Domina's Outlet

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Left tied up, waiting for my next desires... Left with my recording, my voice playing in your ears...
Until at last you hear me return, my heels popping on the dungeon...

Impacted into Subspace

This file is an improvisation that I recorded live. Relax into your breathing, and let go of your thoughts. Sink away as I introduce you to my favorite way to take a sub down into Trance using a kinaesthetic technique, and a new tool or two that I picked up from the latest convention I visited this week. I just love leather, leather paddles, leather whips. As I guide you through my...

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

Divinity’s Corruption

You find yourself held captive in the dungeon of a powerful succubus. Bound. Beaten. And — Alone. Or so you had believed. Thankfully there has been a guardian watching over you. An angel trying her best to save you! Revealing herself at last she comes to your aid. But the succubus catches on, and attempts to corrupt you both. Will you be able to hold back and ascend to the...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...


My Latex Series // Session Three #3
Welcome to the third & final file in “My Latex Series”, and the last step in your journey through slavery to prove you are special. After all this time. All these years spent listening to me. It really has been a long way down into my dungeon, sweet­­heart. Remember? ... All those many many nights spent together, deep within my rubber world,...

Brainwashed and Begging

Your body paralyzed by pheromones... Frozen and helpless... Fall to my seduction as I slip in and play with your mind. Once you consent... you are mine.

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

Trust me but don't trust me

Do you think you're able to entertain me? Do you think you're enough to satisfy me? Slave, I think it's finally time for you to put your training into practice — to be a good pet and obey me. I'll be watching, so you'd better follow my orders till the very end. You're going to be naughty for me. So very naughty, my dear boy. ...

Trust me but don't trust me

Do you think you're able to entertain me? Do you think you're enough to satisfy me? Slave, I think it's finally time for you to put your training into practice — to be a good pet and obey me. I'll be watching, so you'd better follow my orders till the very end. You're going to be naughty for me. So very naughty, my dear boy. ...

Trust me but don't trust me

Do you think you're able to entertain me? Do you think you're enough to satisfy me? Slave, I think it's finally time for you to put your training into practice — to be a good pet and obey me. I'll be watching, so you'd better follow my orders till the very end. You're going to be naughty for me. So very naughty, my dear girl. ...

Trust me but don't trust me

Do you think you're able to entertain me? Do you think you're enough to satisfy me? Slave, I think it's finally time for you to put your training into practice — to be a good pet and obey me. I'll be watching, so you'd better follow my orders till the very end. You're going to be naughty for me. So very naughty, my dear girl. ...

The Slave Auction

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 1 / 3
At this stage I'm only asking you nicely to come play along... As I drag you down into a submissive slave state and inspect you for delivery. It's fun playing with you, but it will be even more fun watching you up on that auction block, squirming and not knowing who will buy you, what they will do to you. I have such great plans for you slave. But...

Sensory Deprivation

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Feel me over top of you, teasing and whispering over your helpless body while I play with your balls and your mind. Before leaving you tied up and waiting for my...

Caged Pleasures

The file MADE to go with my new branded cages. Experience being owned like never before.                                            ...

Caged Pleasures

The file MADE to go with my new branded cages. Experience being owned like never before.                                            ...

Caged Pleasures

The file MADE to go with my new branded cages. Experience being owned like never before.                                            ...

Caged Pleasures

The file MADE to go with my new branded cages. Experience being owned like never before.                                            ...

Powerful Woman's Plaything

There is so much pleasure in being played with by powerful women. Follow the familiar patterns, the familiar ways of thinking. Let my voice drift over you, cover you, cover your mind with blissful joy and a desire to serve. Float in sweet haze as my words sweetly rearrange you to my liking.

Irresistible Illusion

The Two Sides // Series #2
In this file I relate to you a new and fantastical story, told in the same way as “Sleight of Voice” with all my tricks in play. Come. To a carnival, inside your mind...

Muffling Your Mind

A Muffled Mind is a Happy mind. Let me take charge of all your thoughts, showing I can block out all other sound. You know what I am saying is true. It's manipulation in blatant form, and for a slut like you, that only serves to make it more powerful.

Rub for Me My Pet

Experience the playful manipulation of dating a hypnodomme. You're lying in bed, keeping the bed warm. You hear the shower stop - I come running in, diving under the covers butt ass naked and shivering. Be a good pet and help warm me with cuddles. And I'll reward you with a scene... You are a good slave, I know that your greatest joy is giving me pleasure. It's how I've conditioned you after...

Rub for Her

This file has all the role play cut out of "Rub for Me My Pet", and is tweaked a bit so it is perfect for your own Mistress to put on to you, to brainwash you while you give them a massage.                      ...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. ...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

Futa Abduction 2: Transformation

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 2 / 2
The second part and long awaited return to my “Futa Abduction” series, collaborating my ideas and voice once more with u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing; it's time again for you to be taken! You are accepted... You will remember… My sisters have decided. You will be prepared for service, for Futa cock. Prepared to receive your...

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...

ASMR Slave Inspection

Come in. Sit down. Relax, I, contrary to what you have been led to expect from women, will not hurt you. That is for your future Mistress to do. I am simply here to give you a health check up. Check your hair for lice, check your ears for cleanliness... And check your reactions to various stimuli, to see what makes your cock hard. When it's time for you to go on the auction block, it's...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Making A Bet With A Gamer Girl

Your gamer girl friend is having trouble beating a boss and doesn’t appreciate hearing how easy it was for you.
I bet that you won’t be able to beat him while I distract you. Oh no! My distractions are so sexy! What will you doooooooo?                      ...

You're just a Toy

As irresistible to you. As it is irresistible to me. That's the beauty of hypnosis. That's why you're so precious to me. I sense who, and what you are... And I feel the excitement rise, even as my anxiety fades. And I taste power, and pleasure, at the thought of playing with somebody. Thinking of you all so blank, and floaty, and feeling so nice. It draws me in... It draws me to...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Drained in Denim

I love finding more ways to control you, more ways to tie your desires with me. Finding new threads to tug, unravelling your mind before me. Threads that weave around and around inside your brain. My voice is so soft as it slips past your defences so easily. Surrounding you, enveloping your consciousness with my words.
They cross, they knot, they twist and entwine. Your mind becoming...

Package for Delivery

Sex Slave Simp // Series Induction
This is just the beginning to my file, “The Slave Auction”. An ASMR Induction to set you both in the scene, and in your place. As I drag you down into a submissive slave state and inspect you for delivery. Until it's completely out of your hands and you are helpless to comply. But at this stage I'm only asking you nicely to come play along… ...

Drip. Drop.

Drop for me my sweet pet, welcoming in my influence as it washes over you.

Shibby's Minion's Milking Day

Domina is home! C’mon, scurry to me Minions! Good Pets. It’s so wonderful to have you all here, ears perked up, standing to attention. My whole array of Minions. You know what day it is? It’s Milking Day! I hope you’ve all been Good Minions, and been especially productive this week. Otherwise I’ll have to punish you all equally, and I truly hate mistreating my obedient...

Endless Arousal

This one is a bit cruel. But for some of you, that's what you like. That's what turns you on. You LIKE being controlled so utterly, so completely, that even though you are weeping from your eyes and your cock is in constant throbbing NEED... You are so conditioned, so perfectly obedient, that even while you curse the words as they come from your lips, over and over you beg me NOT to make...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Sleight of Voice

The Two Sides // Series #1
In this file, I am going to play with your mind. Your conscious mind will listen to the right-hand side, while I tinker with the subconscious, embedding my staple triggers deeper inside you. I will use all manner of social tricks and triggers I have in my arsenal. And you won’t be any the wiser, you won’t even hear them... But you will feel them.

Sleight of Voice

The Two Sides // Series / Left #1
I thought those of you who like to mix and match might enjoy having the two sides separated from the rest of the loop. This version of "Sleight of Voice" contains solely the whispered background layer, and is directed at your left ear, and your subconscious mind. So you can softly layer my words with other files, and you won’t be any the wiser, you...

Soaking in Power

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you. Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities - they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind. You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all...


My Latex Series // Session Three #3
Welcome to the third & final file in “My Latex Series”, and the last step in your journey through slavery to prove you are special. After all this time. All these years spent listening to me. It really has been a long way down into my dungeon, sweet­­heart. Remember? ... All those many many nights spent together, deep within my rubber world,...

Hooked up to the Hive

My Latex Series // Session Three / Loop #3
It always starts with the snap... Then the whirring of unseen gears. The artificial bathing of green light... And you are in. Hooked up directly to my hive system, and my brain­washing machine. The place where all my slaves conditioning is monitored, moulded and manipulated. ...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...

Pleasure for a poor neglected Slut

You poor thing. Have I been neglecting you? I'm sorry I've been a little busy lately. I have a new addiction. It seems like you might be a little bit addicted to me. Addicted to hypnosis. Addicted to my control I have over you. My poor needy little slut. My Good Slut. You have been a Good Slut, haven't you? Don't worry, I'm here to make it up to you, getting lost in playing with you, while...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Rewarding Return to the BedroomPart: 4 / 4
The reward. Coming back to the bedroom, and being hypnotised even deeper into trance, where I will make you feel pleasure upon pleasure until you cum from either jerking off, hands free, or simply a pure explosion of orgasmic pleasure in your mind. You will be mine. ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Stretching, Scrubbing, and Slipping AwayPart: 3 / 4
I will guide you through breathing and stretching, and get you more and more used to following my commands. I will instruct you to relieve yourself, to shower, to dry off... everything you do you will do as my good little drone. ...

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.                      ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Wonderful Slave AwakeningPart: 2 / 4
From wake up, you will be brainwashed. Conditioned to follow my control.                                            ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Blissful Morning BrainwashPart: 1 / 4
This session is split into four files, which should be placed together in order on a playlist. I suggest having a listen to the full session keeping out of trance BEFORE you try and listen to it as a morning wakener, to help alleviate awkwardness and confusion when you go to listen to it as intended. Then, the next morning, use some form of app...

Brain Slut 2

It's been quite a while now since your mind was truly stretched for me in the original "Brain Slut". I hope you haven't forgotten any of your conditioning. I very much doubt you have, but let's not take any chances now. Just to make sure, I think it's time I showed your brain what a whore it really is. Bound up in my spider's web of words. Asserting my absolute dominance over you,...

Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Slip into Slave Mode

The Slave Mode Collection#1
This file will make you feel more submissive. It will take you to a peaceful blank place in your mind, where you are so very vulnerable to my suggestions. In it, I place the trigger 'Slave Mode'. You will feel more submissive when you see those words in text. This trigger will let your mind know it's time to play. Time for you to obey. You will have no choice except...

Slip into Slave Mode

The Slave Mode Collection#1
This file will make you feel more submissive. It will take you to a peaceful blank place in your mind, where you are so very vulnerable to my suggestions. In it, I place the trigger 'Slave Mode'. You will feel more submissive when you see those words in text. This trigger will let your mind know it's time to play. Time for you to obey. You will have no choice except...

Sleight of Voice

The Two Sides // Series #1
In this file, I am going to play with your mind. Your conscious mind will listen to the right-hand side, while I tinker with the subconscious, embedding my staple triggers deeper inside you. I will use all manner of social tricks and triggers I have in my arsenal. And you won’t be any the wiser, you won’t even hear them... But you will feel them.

Futa Drow Matriarch Breaks in her New Slave

It's been a bad day. It started off with your village being raided, and you being carried off into slavery. Quickly sold on an auction block while stripped naked, the hooded figure that purchased you led you on a chain to your new home. She bought you for her Mistress, a powerful Drow Matriarch. Given incredible blessings and powers by the Dark Goddess Lloth, your new Mistress will be your...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Triggered Into Pleasure

A pure hypnosis file that installs the safeword 'Red' inside you. A word you can use if you ever need it, to pull you out of trance and free from my influence. I need to be able to trust that you can use it, that you can be responsible for yourself. It is my intention that this helps deepen your trust and your trances in the future. ...

Triggered Into Pleasure

A pure hypnosis file that installs the safeword 'Red' inside you. A word you can use if you ever need it, to pull you out of trance and free from my influence. I need to be able to trust that you can use it, that you can be responsible for yourself. It is my intention that this helps deepen your trust and your trances in the future. ...

Triggered Into Pleasure

A pure hypnosis file that installs the safeword 'Red' inside you. A word you can use if you ever need it, to pull you out of trance and free from my influence. I need to be able to trust that you can use it, that you can be responsible for yourself. It is my intention that this helps deepen your trust and your trances in the future. ...

Proper Worship


Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...


You are here to be made into my bitch. To be trained to my voice, to feel that sweet sweet release... That you can only find when constrained, when your mind is empty and blank.

Drip. Drop.

Drop for me my sweet pet, welcoming in my influence as it washes over you.                                            ...

Sacrilege - Couples Video

All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

My Sybian 2 - I like it in the butt

Not your butt, you greedy pervert! My butt. I happen to enjoy anal sensations as well. Sadly, no anal sex for me since I've become a Dominatrix - there is so much stigma that the person taking it in the ass is automatically submissive that I need to make sure I have complete control of the situation. Hypnosis is good for that. :)

HFO Fractionation

HFO Indoctrination // Series #3
Another file in my series, "HFO Indoctrination". I'm going to use blowjobs to fuck with your head. Make you feel it in your mind, another slave.. a sexy female under my power. Using her lips and mouth at my command to take you down as she goes down on you. Every time her lips touching the base of your shaft your mind will blank out in pleasure. In trance....

HFO Induction

HFO Indoctrination // Series #1
First in the series, "HFO Indoctrination", where I will be exploring all the different ways to take you down via hypnosis. I'm going to take you down, deeper and deeper... And then when your will is gone, when you are so far gone you seek only to obey and please me I will reward you for your devotion. With physical pleasure spreading through your body,...

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...

Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // Series #4
You haven't been concentrating enough lately... I'm going to help you rid yourself of your distractions. Release you so you can properly focus. On me, and my will. In this file I will implant triggers for focus and obedience in you. And then I will make you cum. There are multiple versions of this audio - this version has my preferred binaurals, and is a bit of a game...

The Stray

This file is a perfect way to relax and condition your mind before listening to other files. To create positive changes in both yourself and the world. I believe very firmly that motivation is important, and part of this file is telling that hidden observer in your mind WHY I make these files, WHY I train you, condition you. It is my desire that understanding my motives better will help your...

Two States of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #1
In this file I am two voices, one on each side, whispering in your ears and talking to each part of your brain, giving each half of your brain something to listen to in a lovely recursive induction. By virtue of giving your minds multiple points of focus, confusion style inductions help overwhelm your mind until it just shuts down and surrenders to me... ...

Chained Under My Control

You made the choice to come to me a long time ago. And now choice is something you no longer have to worry about. Now close your eyes. Picture yourself outside. The sounds of the night around you. Slowly waking up from a drugged out haze to the sound of chains being locked around you, of cuffs being played with and attached. Every time you move you can hear the clanking of your chains, the...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...

Slave Mode: Cushion

The Slave Mode Collection#2
Strapped down with no where to go, no way to escape my ass and pussy lowering towards the mouth of my cushion. Get ready to be used. Soon you will just be an it. But that's ok, it's what you're good for.                      ...

#01 : Shibby Live and Impromptu

Session #01 //  21-06-2018 Shibby Live
Not all of it, there was a good bit of chatter previous to me beginning to record. It was a lot of fun though, I had just gotten home from a kink friendly party and wasn't quite ready for bed. I wanted to play. So I started writing a script... but that just wasn't enough and so I did an impromptu live recording on discord for anyone online to be pinged. ...

The Collaring

I understand you better then anyone else. So come and be mine, kneel at my feet and submit to this special moment. You've earned it. This file is not so much about sex as it is made to inspire feelings of submissive devotion.

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. If you'd like, listen to "My Sweet Boy" and "Clench" first, to ensure my triggers are...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbors. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me so...

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations....

Squeezed Into Submission

You go for a walk in the woods and meet a lonely lamia. You are never seen again. A lovely file to place after an induction, or to listen to as a sexy bedtime story before you fade off to sleep...                      ...

Entranced Confessions - Cum Eater

The Entranced Confessions Collection#4
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. So how about a little humiliation? A little snack, to show you who is in charge, and show you that we really can make you do anything. ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Take a Moment

Take a moment to yourself, and listen intently as I take you down a winding path into trance. Once I am deeply in your mind, I have you turn your senses inwards. Blanking your mind, I have you pull up an inner avatar. A bound up you, whose mind I take you into. Blanking that mind, binding that mind... before forming another you... Binding that you as well. And each time we go into...


Make sure you have listened to "Slip into Slave Mode" recently. An appreciation for that file and "Mine" is a clear indication you will enjoy this hypnosis file. This file has some real world triggers I install, a slight modification to your behaviour I will condition. Some movement while in trance. And a deep and addicting, devoted submission to me. Just a loop though, right? Surely it's...

Brain Slut

When I take you down into trance and enter your mind I can do anything to you. And we both can transform in anyway I choose. I'm going to turn your mind into a pussy so I can fuck it. Fuck you like the good little slut you are. Now Beg for it you little whore.

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Slut to My Voice

Follow my voice. I sound sleepy don't I? And it's just so easy to let my tone lead the way, lulling your mind down into a sleepy, suggestible state. Really you just love listening to my voice. You like the way it sounds, the way it makes you feel. The words aren't even important, not to your conscious mind anyways. Your conscious mind doesn't even need to pay attention to individual words...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...


Hypnosis is the only weapon where the more you know about it, the more effective it is against you. In this file I am telling you, logically guiding you to the only conclusion... Every time you listen to me you start out by pretending... playing along. Some of you go into trance when I say the triggers, or lead you there with an induction. Some of you just play along the whole time... or just...

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...

Holy Domination

Ready for a bit of sacrilege? I put on this latex nun outfit just for you, and I expect you to be a good boy and worship me properly for my efforts.                                            ...

Submit. Speak. Cum.

Say my name. No, seriously. Say it. You'll find it brings you pleasure, a warm fuzzy feeling that is more then a little bit sexual.                                            ...


I made this. Why? For the fuck of it really. It's tone and pacing is not like my normal, but I get bored and like to fuck around with other styles sometimes. I didn't really intend this to be a part of the patron thing... but I guess all of my recordings sort of are. And since you guys support me and I imagine a few of you will enjoy it, I figured I'd share. I play a game called OverWatch a...

Object of Our Desires

This file is special. I wrote it a long time ago, and had to wait awhile to find just the right person to record with - and u/sweetcarolinekisses came through so sexily well. If you like women sharing you with their friends, using you like the sex toy you are meant to be, treating you as an object and half the time simply ignoring you while they play with each other using you as nothing but...

Triggering Reinforcement JOI

This file is all about taking existing triggers you've learned from my other files, and making them stronger. And a bit of fun to make sure you'll remember them properly... ;)

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.

What It Feels Like For A Girl

Everything is more fun forced. But is it really force when it makes your cock so hard? Or is the force just what I need to do to you to make you accept it - accept what you are. My Dirty Little Bimbo Whore.                      ...

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire.                      ...

Office Sex Slave

Pick a picture. Any picture, with a face and a slutty pose. No exposed tits, pussy or ass though. Keep it in front of you and remember... you aren't allowed to look anywhere else.

My Sweet Boy

My Good Boy // Series #1
I want to take you down. Down deep into a place where you are mine and I control your pleasure as you come closer and closer to being mine. My pleasure results in your pleasure. It’s only natural, and I gently reinforce this desire, this causing of pleasure when I tell you what a good boy you are. Good boys get rewarded… And after tuning your mind to feel...

Powerful Woman's Plaything

There is so much pleasure in being played with by powerful women. Follow the familiar patterns, the familiar ways of thinking. Let my voice drift over you, cover you, cover your mind with blissful joy and a desire to serve. Float in sweet haze as my words sweetly rearrange you to my liking.

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Orgasmic Denial

Orgasmic Training // Intro Night: 1
It's time to begin your "Orgasmic Training". I want to do things with your cock, and your orgasms, that you didn't know were possible. I'm going to make your orgasms last longer. Make it easier to control when and how many times in a row you can cum.                      ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next", where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend into a perfectly submissive little...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.

Jerking For The Hairdresser

Naughty naughty, are you getting hard during your haircut?! Well... I guess I'll take it as a compliment. And since your cock is nice and hard anyways, why don't you be a good boy and stroke it so softly no one can see, keep your moans in so no one can hear. It'll be a fun little game. One only the two of us know about. ...

My Good Boy Hypno Series Companion Video

My Good Boy // Series / Loop Bonus
This is a loop where I moan trigger words from "My Good Boy Series". I was playing around on audacity and made a moaning track of me saying 'Good Boy' to play with the triggers I've been putting in your mind. Then I played with it some more and gave it layers, binaurals, and spirals... ...

Entranced Confessions - Pegging

The Entranced Confessions Collection#2
Oh my... you dirty dirty slut. Your secrets are simply not enough anymore. Now I want more from you. I want to DO more to you. So I'm going to fuck you. :)                      ...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Summoning the Succubus

It's late at night and my voice is whispering in your ears. You feel a need and a drive and yet you find yourself moving mindlessly, drawing runes on a floor. Smoke fills the air, and the silhouette of a lovely and inhumane woman starts to show itself. You've summoned a Succubus - can you handle what happens next? ...

Reverse Hypnotherapy

Feel My presence, real and intense, as I take you under for a very special session together. My lips will move and your body will shudder as you respect My power and My authority. I have a lot of paying clients like yourself... Who are obsessed with cock. Who simply can't stop fantasizing about cock. I know it's...  HARD...  But don't think about cock. ...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Brainwashed Goodboy

Get comfortable for me, while my voice takes you deep into trance and wraps you up in the warm blanket of my control over you. You're a good boy. You want to be a good boy. You need to be a good boy. It's second nature to slip into the mindset, to ease into the submissive bliss of simply being... My good boy.

Dropping into the Loop: Freeze

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 3 / 7
Get ready to be played with in a whole new way. Let me show you, just how much physical control I can take over you, as I freeze you in place.                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Freeze

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 3 / 7
Get ready to be played with in a whole new way. Let me show you, just how much physical control I can take over you, as I freeze you in place.                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Freeze

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 3 / 7
Get ready to be played with in a whole new way. Let me show you, just how much physical control I can take over you, as I freeze you in place.                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Freeze

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 3 / 7
Get ready to be played with in a whole new way. Let me show you, just how much physical control I can take over you, as I freeze you in place.                      ...

Slaves Covid Clinic Check-up

In this crazy world, forever changed by this pandemic going on - one thing remains constant. A good mistress will bring her slave in for regular check-ups to ensure it's health. I guess you have a good one. Of course, I do tend to take liberties with my patients...                      ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Bedtime Breeding

I was dreaming I was pregnant with your baby. The thought made me happy, so when I woke up next to you... well, I couldn't help but touch and stroke and whisper in your ear. I'm going to breed you. And make you clean your slower swimmers from my pussy with your tongue.

Brain Slut 2

It's been quite a while now since your mind was truly stretched for me in the original "Brain Slut". I hope you haven't forgotten any of your conditioning. I very much doubt you have, but let's not take any chances now. Just to make sure, I think it's time I showed your brain what a whore it really is. Bound up in my spider's web of words. Asserting my absolute dominance over you,...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Venus 2000

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Five #2
Slave. You made it... The sluts have long since disappeared... But you still feel a lingering fullness inside that slutty ass of yours... We have no company down here, no audience, it’s just you and me. Alone... Here in my private dungeon buried in the deepest corner of your mind. ...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Broken by the Sluts

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Four #2
Mm... You're doing so well, such a Good Boy. The maid has long since disappeared into the fog but my latex clad Sluts remain, so eager to play with you. You’re going to be a Good Slave for me today. It’s amazing what a slave will do for his Mistress. How obedient you can be. I want you to meet someone special, that one day you might...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Maid Audition

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Three #2
Mm. Such a Good Slave. This is just how I like you. Body unable to move. Mind so docile, so relaxed. Letting me talk with the real you. Your subconscious. The start to your latex adventure - I have a brand new Slut for you to play with, to use however you like, all you have to do is follow my instructions and keep going Deeper. Only one of you...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Deepener

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Two #2
You're doing so well, following my instructions as I desire. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog - floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. Worship your Domina. Drop...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...


You are here to be made into my bitch. To be trained to my voice, to feel that sweet sweet release... That you can only find when constrained, when your mind is empty and blank.


You are here to be made into my bitch. To be trained to my voice, to feel that sweet sweet release... That you can only find when constrained, when your mind is empty and blank.                      ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Brainwashed Goodboy

Get comfortable for me, while my voice takes you deep into trance and wraps you up in the warm blanket of my control over you. You're a good boy. You want to be a good boy. You need to be a good boy. It's second nature to slip into the mindset, to ease into the submissive bliss of simply being... My good boy. ...

Brainwashed Goodboy

Get comfortable for me, while my voice takes you deep into trance and wraps you up in the warm blanket of my control over you. You're a good boy. You want to be a good boy. You need to be a good boy. It's second nature to slip into the mindset, to ease into the submissive bliss of simply being... My good boy. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants....

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards me whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey me. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine different variants. ...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Pet", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Girl

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Girl", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Mistress whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey their Mistress. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

Scented Memories for an Obedient Slave Boy

Start by lighting a scented candle. A scent you want to associate with submission, a scent that from now on, will cause you to feel submissive towards your Master whenever you catch a breath of it. This is an excellent file to go before others... For those of you who want to be called a "Good Boy", and be conditioned to obey their Master. No genital bits are mentioned in any of the nine...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from where we left off...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Broken by the Sluts

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section B #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Maid Audition

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section A #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.                      ...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...

ASMR Punishment Edging

My Good Boy // ASMR Series / Punishment Bonus
Naughty boy!! — I told you not to cum without permission, but you just couldn't hold it in could you? Well. Naughty sluts get punished. And here is yours! Do NOT Cum.                      ...

ASMR Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #4
My Sweet Boy... So good you've come back to me. I hope you have been enjoying yourself, enjoying all the hands free bliss I've bestowed on you. You've progressed so well, and I am very proud. But there is always room for more improvement, more... lessons. Today's lesson is in control. You are going to stroke yourself the way I tell you, as I take you...

Burst for Me

My art simply is not complete until you listen to it. So I will help you to experience hypnosis and trance to full completion - Only then will my art truly come alive. ;)

Chained for Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

Pure ASMR Hands Free Orgasm

I know, I know... the title is a bit lacking in art, a bit... clickbaity. But it gets the point across. And also will show up great on [Tag] searches. =P Don't worry, once you listen, once you relax as I start with a bit of rambling to calm and soothe and build the intimacy between us... Once my fingers and lips start going to work, and my whispered words start pulling you down, down, deeper...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...                                            ...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...

Brainwashed and Begging

Your body paralyzed by pheromones... Frozen and helpless... Fall to my seduction as I slip in and play with your mind. Once you consent... you are mine.

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

Rub for Me My Pet

Experience the playful manipulation of dating a hypnodomme. You're lying in bed, keeping the bed warm. You hear the shower stop - I come running in, diving under the covers butt ass naked and shivering. Be a good pet and help warm me with cuddles. And I'll reward you with a scene... You are a good slave, I know that your greatest joy is giving me pleasure. It's how I've conditioned you after...

Sensory Deprivation

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Feel me over top of you, teasing and whispering over your helpless body while I play with your balls and your mind. Before leaving you tied up and waiting for my...

Powerful Woman's Plaything

There is so much pleasure in being played with by powerful women. Follow the familiar patterns, the familiar ways of thinking. Let my voice drift over you, cover you, cover your mind with blissful joy and a desire to serve. Float in sweet haze as my words sweetly rearrange you to my liking. ...

Powerful Woman's Plaything

There is so much pleasure in being played with by powerful women. Follow the familiar patterns, the familiar ways of thinking. Let my voice drift over you, cover you, cover your mind with blissful joy and a desire to serve. Float in sweet haze as my words sweetly rearrange you to my liking. ...

Muffling Your Mind

A Muffled Mind is a Happy mind. Let me take charge of all your thoughts, showing I can block out all other sound. You know what I am saying is true. It's manipulation in blatant form, and for a slut like you, that only serves to make it more powerful.

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

Spellcast Slave Induction

Welcome back. Or maybe its your first time? That's okay. We're just going to have a bit of fun... To see the world, the worlds within these books. To disappear into the hidden adventures I describe. To absorb each word which is read aloud. Becoming so enchanted by my tales that the world outside seems to just fade away. Wouldn't you like that? To live the story, and after have such marvelous...

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...

ASMR Slave Inspection

Come in. Sit down. Relax, I, contrary to what you have been led to expect from women, will not hurt you. That is for your future Mistress to do. I am simply here to give you a health check up. Check your hair for lice, check your ears for cleanliness... And check your reactions to various stimuli, to see what makes your cock hard. When it's time for you to go on the auction block, it's...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

ASMR Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #4
My Sweet Boy... So good you've come back to me. I hope you have been enjoying yourself, enjoying all the hands free bliss I've bestowed on you. You've progressed so well, and I am very proud. But there is always room for more improvement, more... lessons. Today's lesson is in control. You are going to stroke yourself the way I tell you, as I take you...

Making A Bet With A Gamer Girl

Your gamer girl friend is having trouble beating a boss and doesn’t appreciate hearing how easy it was for you.
I bet that you won’t be able to beat him while I distract you. Oh no! My distractions are so sexy! What will you doooooooo?                      ...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

ASMR My Sybian

My Good Boy // ASMR Series #3
Mmm... I have so many fond memories of the first time I created this file. The first file I ever saw someone have a Hands Free Orgasm to, right in front of my eyes... The file that convinced me hypnosis was real, and I could really affect you in so many ways with it. ...

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

Soaking in Power

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you. Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities - they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind. You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all...

Endless Arousal

This one is a bit cruel. But for some of you, that's what you like. That's what turns you on. You LIKE being controlled so utterly, so completely, that even though you are weeping from your eyes and your cock is in constant throbbing NEED... You are so conditioned, so perfectly obedient, that even while you curse the words as they come from your lips, over and over you beg me NOT to make...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Rewarding Return to the BedroomPart: 4 / 4
The reward. Coming back to the bedroom, and being hypnotised even deeper into trance, where I will make you feel pleasure upon pleasure until you cum from either jerking off, hands free, or simply a pure explosion of orgasmic pleasure in your mind. You will be mine. ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Stretching, Scrubbing, and Slipping AwayPart: 3 / 4
I will guide you through breathing and stretching, and get you more and more used to following my commands. I will instruct you to relieve yourself, to shower, to dry off... everything you do you will do as my good little drone. ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Wonderful Slave AwakeningPart: 2 / 4
From wake up, you will be brainwashed. Conditioned to follow my control.                                            ...

Good Morning Slave Routine

Routine // Blissful Morning BrainwashPart: 1 / 4
This session is split into four files, which should be placed together in order on a playlist. I suggest having a listen to the full session keeping out of trance BEFORE you try and listen to it as a morning wakener, to help alleviate awkwardness and confusion when you go to listen to it as intended. Then, the next morning, use some form of...

Brainwashed and Begging

Your body paralyzed by pheromones... Frozen and helpless... Fall to my seduction as I slip in and play with your mind. Once you consent... you are mine.                                            ...

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...

Footstool Deepener

A deepener taken from layers in the file, "Footsie Slave - Footstool".

Cast Asleep by an Enchantress

An induction taken from the naked version of the file, "Sudden Succubus".

HFO Recursion: Confusion Induction

HFO Indoctrination // Series / Induction #2
A recursive induction taken from the file, "HFO Recursion".                                            ...

Sandals Induction

A short induction taken from, "Footsie Slave - Painted Toes".

Footstool Induction

An induction taken from "Footsie Slave - Footstool".

Jerking For The Hairdresser

Naughty naughty, are you getting hard during your haircut?! Well... I guess I'll take it as a compliment. And since your cock is nice and hard anyways, why don't you be a good boy and stroke it so softly no one can see, keep your moans in so no one can hear. It'll be a fun little game. One only the two of us know about. ...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Fractioning Your State of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #2
Let yourself relax back for a bit. Let me play with your mind. Bring you pleasure. Bring you down into trance with a recursive induction, in the signature style of "The States of Mind Series" with multi-tracks, and luxurious ASMR whispers. My voice will surround you. Wrap you... Bring you down in a mixture of hypnosis techniques and the psychological dirty talk...

Chained Under My Control

You made the choice to come to me a long time ago. And now choice is something you no longer have to worry about. Now close your eyes. Picture yourself outside. The sounds of the night around you. Slowly waking up from a drugged out haze to the sound of chains being locked around you, of cuffs being played with and attached. Every time you move you can hear the clanking of your chains, the...

Soaking in Power

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you. Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities - they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind. You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all...

Soaking in Power

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you. Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities - they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind. You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all...

Soaking in Power

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you. Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities - they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind. You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all...

Slave Mode: Cushion

The Slave Mode Collection#2
Strapped down with no where to go, no way to escape my ass and pussy lowering towards the mouth of my cushion. Get ready to be used. Soon you will just be an it. But that's ok, it's what you're good for.                      ...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Futa Drow Matriarch Breaks in her New Slave

It's been a bad day. It started off with your village being raided, and you being carried off into slavery. Quickly sold on an auction block while stripped naked, the hooded figure that purchased you led you on a chain to your new home. She bought you for her Mistress, a powerful Drow Matriarch. Given incredible blessings and powers by the Dark Goddess Lloth, your new Mistress will be your...

Good Morning Slave Routine - Happy Drone Loop

Routine // LoopBonus
A combination of some of the loops I made for the file, "Good Morning Slave Routine".                                            ...

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...

Slavery Makes My Cunt Wet

I'm so horny, so wet... Please... I need to cum. I need it so bad.                                            ...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Squeezed Into Submission

You go for a walk in the woods and meet a lonely lamia. You are never seen again. A lovely file to place after an induction, or to listen to as a sexy bedtime story before you fade off to sleep...                      ...

Entranced Confessions - Cum Eater

The Entranced Confessions Collection#4
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. So how about a little humiliation? A little snack, to show you who is in charge, and show you that we really can make you do anything. ...

Enslaved to Your Wife: Submission and Sleep

First Session // Intro / Part 2 Month: 1
I'm being paid good money to turn you into a slave for your wife, you want to be a good boy and follow my training so I continue to get paid right? Happy Wife, Happy Domina. You must keep falling... Deeper & Deeper. Just follow my words, follow my instructions and picture your lovely wife. Picture how happy she will be when you go back to...

Know Your Place

You think you're strong. I know you're weak. In this file I relentlessly tease you, and relentlessly take you deeper. As I expose you to what you want, and keep it right where you could have it - if you dared. But you don't. You won't. And I rub this in your face as I take you on a journey that mixes the hypnotic with the erotic, and uses multiple forms of induction and deepener to...

#01 : Shibby Live and Impromptu

Session #01 //  21-06-2018 Shibby Live
Not all of it, there was a good bit of chatter previous to me beginning to record. It was a lot of fun though, I had just gotten home from a kink friendly party and wasn't quite ready for bed. I wanted to play. So I started writing a script... but that just wasn't enough and so I did an impromptu live recording on discord for anyone online to be pinged. ...

Slave Mode: Cushion

The Slave Mode Collection#2
Strapped down with no where to go, no way to escape my ass and pussy lowering towards the mouth of my cushion. Get ready to be used. Soon you will just be an it. But that's ok, it's what you're good for.                      ...

Just An It

There is a safe escape from confusion and discord. You will find it inside my words - my guidance - my control. You will find it in your true purpose. As all objects do.                                            ...

Slave Mode: Cushion

The Slave Mode Collection#2
Strapped down with no where to go, no way to escape my ass and pussy lowering towards the mouth of my cushion. Get ready to be used. Soon you will just be an it. But that's ok, it's what you're good for.                      ...

Slave Mode: Cushion

The Slave Mode Collection#2
Strapped down with no where to go, no way to escape my ass and pussy lowering towards the mouth of my cushion. Get ready to be used. Soon you will just be an it. But that's ok, it's what you're good for.                      ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

The Collaring

I understand you better then anyone else. So come and be mine, kneel at my feet and submit to this special moment. You've earned it. This file is not so much about sex as it is made to inspire feelings of submissive devotion.

Making a Deal with your Hidden Observer

Taken from the file, "Bite the Pillow", this deepener will help you to trust me as I put safeguards in your mind, to protect you from any suggestions or triggers that would go against your morals or ethics. This deepener helps safeguard against other hypnotists as well, because I want you to be safe. And once I feel you are nice and safe... I help you understand how much fun it is to relax...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Take a Moment

Take a moment to yourself, and listen intently as I take you down a winding path into trance. Once I am deeply in your mind, I have you turn your senses inwards. Blanking your mind, I have you pull up an inner avatar. A bound up you, whose mind I take you into. Blanking that mind, binding that mind... before forming another you... Binding that you as well. And each time we go into...


Make sure you have listened to "Slip into Slave Mode" recently. An appreciation for that file and "Mine" is a clear indication you will enjoy this hypnosis file. This file has some real world triggers I install, a slight modification to your behaviour I will condition. Some movement while in trance. And a deep and addicting, devoted submission to me. Just a loop though right? Surely it's...

You Have to Earn Pleasure Loop

I can cum as much as I want. You have to wait though. Stroking your cock and slowly going mad as I take you deeper, make you stroke faster, as I keep cumming and you keep wanting until I count down and let you cum with me. Made with some layers from the main file, "For MY Pleasure", mixed in with audio made just for this loop. It is also released in two parts, as well as a whole, so you can...

You Have to Earn Pleasure Loop

I can cum as much as I want. You have to wait though. Stroking your cock and slowly going mad as I take you deeper, make you stroke faster, as I keep cumming and you keep wanting until I count down and let you cum with me. One half of a loop made with some layers from the main file, "For MY Pleasure", this contains only the first part of the longer track, and does not include permission to cum.

You Have to Earn Pleasure Loop

I can cum as much as I want. You have to wait though. Stroking your cock and slowly going mad as I take you deeper, make you stroke faster, as I keep cumming and you keep wanting until I count down and let you cum with me. Made with some layers from the main file, "For MY Pleasure", mixed in with audio made just for this loop. It is also released in two parts, as well as a whole, so you can...

You Have to Earn Pleasure Loop

I can cum as much as I want. You have to wait though. Stroking your cock and slowly going mad as I take you deeper, make you stroke faster, as I keep cumming and you keep wanting until I count down and let you cum with me. One half of a loop made with some layers from the main file, "For MY Pleasure", this contains only the second part of the longer track, a shorter section which includes...

Brain Slut

When I take you down into trance and enter your mind I can do anything to you. And we both can transform in anyway I choose. I'm going to turn your mind into a pussy so I can fuck it. Fuck you like the good little slut you are. Now Beg for it you little whore.

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Don't You Dare Loop

Layers taken from, "Know Your Place", added to... And made into this lovely loop making you acknowledge what you are. You're a SLUT.

Don't You Dare Loop

Layers taken from, "Know Your Place", added to... And made into this lovely loop making you acknowledge what you are. You're a SLUT.                                            ...

Enslaved to Your Wife: Triggers

Second Session Month: 2
Happy Wife, Happy Domina. If you've been following the regimen set forth by me and your wife, you'll be living up to these tenets - but we're not done with you yet. Your wife has informed me that while she is happy with your progress - she wants more. And she deserves more. Out of you, and out of our sessions together. ...

Know Your Place

You think you're strong. I know you're weak. In this file I relentlessly tease you, and relentlessly take you deeper. As I expose you to what you want, and keep it right where you could have it - if you dared. But you don't. You won't. And I rub this in your face as I take you on a journey that mixes the hypnotic with the erotic, and uses multiple forms of induction and deepener to...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations....

Take a Moment

Take a moment to yourself, and listen intently as I take you down a winding path into trance. Once I am deeply in your mind, I have you turn your senses inwards. Blanking your mind, I have you pull up an inner avatar. A bound up you, whose mind I take you into. Blanking that mind, binding that mind... before forming another you... Binding that you as well. And each time we go into...


The brainwashing file "Bondage" with extra sissy layers added in... to enhance it for good girls like you.                                            ...

Picture and be Played with

For this file you will need a picture. A picture of a woman you would like to have an erotic experience with. Put her picture big on your screen and press play. I take the role of puppet master, bringing you deep down into trance. Relaxing your body, recharging your mind. And when you are loose and your mind is blanked out — I fill it. I fill it with her. The woman in the picture. She...

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

Marked by My Voice

Listen and be Marked... "Marked by My Voice" will enhance the next file listened to, especially if the words 'Good Boy' are used in the file. Have a marker handy, you will be writing on yourself. Be risky and use permanent, or safe and use something a bit easier to wash off. And don't worry... My triggers will not be washing off as I place buttons on your skin to increase your...


Consensual non consent - this file will instruct you to find a safe way to get yourself in bondage before listening. Once you hit play you are trapped. Trapped in a MK Ultra dream of being bound in a leather sleep sack, given LSD, and given no escape from my relentless and irresistible words. And even if you can resist them the first time - well this is a long file, do you really think you can...


Consensual non consent - this file will instruct you to find a safe way to get yourself in bondage before listening. Once you hit play you are trapped. Trapped in a MK Ultra dream of being bound in a leather sleep sack, given LSD, and given no escape from my relentless and irresistible words. And even if you can resist them the first time - well this is a long file, do you really think you can...

Floating in My Control

A sneak peak into the Cum Calendars in loop form, that I made from layers taken from the files: On one of the days, after dropping you into trance, I leave your mind to float for awhile with sweet nothings being whispered in your ears, encouraging your mind to shut down for awhile. To recharge. ...

Floating in My Control

A sneak peak into the Cum Calendars in loop form, that I made from layers taken from the files: On one of the days, after dropping you into trance, I leave your mind to float for awhile with sweet nothings being whispered in your ears, encouraging your mind to shut down for awhile. To recharge. ...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Slut to My Voice

Follow my voice. I sound sleepy don't I? And it's just so easy to let my tone lead the way, lulling your mind down into a sleepy, suggestible state. Really you just love listening to my voice. You like the way it sounds, the way it makes you feel. The words aren't even important, not to your conscious mind anyways. Your conscious mind doesn't even need to pay attention to individual words or...


Make sure you have listened to "Slip into Slave Mode" recently. An appreciation for that file and "Mine" is a clear indication you will enjoy this hypnosis file. This file has some real world triggers I install, a slight modification to your behaviour I will condition. Some movement while in trance. And a deep and addicting, devoted submission to me. Just a loop though right? Surely it's...

My Sybian 2 - I like it in the butt

Not your butt, you greedy pervert! My butt. I happen to enjoy anal sensations as well. Sadly, no anal sex for me since I've become a Dominatrix - there is so much stigma that the person taking it in the ass is automatically submissive that I need to make sure I have complete control of the situation. Hypnosis is good for that. :) ...

Slut to My Voice

Follow my voice. I sound sleepy don't I? And it's just so easy to let my tone lead the way, lulling your mind down into a sleepy, suggestible state. Really you just love listening to my voice. You like the way it sounds, the way it makes you feel. The words aren't even important, not to your conscious mind anyways. Your conscious mind doesn't even need to pay attention to individual words or...


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations....


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations....


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations. Painful...


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations. Painful...

Toys: Base Introduction

My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations. Painful...


My sweet toy, are you ready to truly become one of my toys? To helplessly feel yourself compelled to obey as I treat you like my own marionette and give you very detailed orders to follow. And the more you comply, the easier you find it to surrender your power to me. To let me take charge and command your sensations. And we are going to explore so many sensations. Tickly sensations....


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...


Hypnosis is the only weapon where the more you know about it, the more effective it is against you. In this file I am telling you, logically guiding you to the only conclusion... Every time you listen to me you start out by pretending... playing along. Some of you go into trance when I say the triggers, or lead you there with an induction. Some of you just play along the whole time... or just...

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

Bondage Loop

A nice long loop taken from the file, "Bondage".

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Munch for Me

Do It For Me // Series #1
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Run for Me

Do It For Me // Series #2
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Clean for Me

Do It For Me // Series #3
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Enslaved to Your Wife: In the Kitchen

Third Session Month: 3
Your wife is happy with your progress but it's time to get more specific about what she wants you to do for her. You need to be your wife's cook, server, busboy, and janitor. And as I take you deeper into trance and your conditioning you will realize this is what you've wanted to do for your wife all along. It makes her happy, and that makes you happy, and I'm just...

Holy Domination

Ready for a bit of sacrilege? I put on this latex nun outfit just for you, and I expect you to be a good boy and worship me properly for my efforts.                                            ...


Hypnosis is the only weapon where the more you know about it, the more effective it is against you. In this file I am telling you, logically guiding you to the only conclusion... Every time you listen to me you start out by pretending... playing along. Some of you go into trance when I say the triggers, or lead you there with an induction. Some of you just play along the whole time... or just...

Training the Slut Inside You: A Multi HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #2
The main thrust of this script (heh), beyond a massive orgasm and temporary gender transformation, is to separate orgasm from ejaculation in the mind of the listener. Allowing the subject to have multiple mental orgasms over the course of a session before finishing with a squirting (ejaculating) orgasm. This file is very sexual, just like you, and has very...

Training the Slut Inside You: A Multi HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #2
The main thrust of this script (heh), beyond a massive orgasm and temporary gender transformation, is to separate orgasm from ejaculation in the mind of the listener. Allowing the subject to have multiple mental orgasms over the course of a session before finishing with a squirting (ejaculating) orgasm. This file is very sexual, just like you, and has very...

My Sybian 2 - I like it in the butt

Not your butt, you greedy pervert! My butt. I happen to enjoy anal sensations as well. Sadly, no anal sex for me since I've become a Dominatrix - there is so much stigma that the person taking it in the ass is automatically submissive that I need to make sure I have complete control of the situation. Hypnosis is good for that. :) ...

Submit. Speak. Cum.

Say my name. No, seriously. Say it. You'll find it brings you pleasure, a warm fuzzy feeling that is more then a little bit sexual...                                            ...

Submit. Speak. Cum.

Say my name. No, seriously. Say it. You'll find it brings you pleasure, a warm fuzzy feeling that is more then a little bit sexual...                                            ...

Submit. Speak. Cum.

Say my name. No, seriously. Say it. You'll find it brings you pleasure, a warm fuzzy feeling that is more then a little bit sexual...                                            ...

Enslaved to Your Wife: Submission and Sleep

First Session // Intro / Part 2 Month: 1
I'm being paid good money to turn you into a slave for your wife, you want to be a good boy and follow my training so I continue to get paid right?
Happy Wife, Happy Domina. You must keep falling... Deeper & Deeper. Just follow my words, follow my instructions and picture your lovely wife. ...

Enslaved to Your Wife: First Session

First Session // Intro / Part 1 Day: 1
They told the wrong person to Love, Honor, and Obey, at your wedding. Your wife is ready to fix that, so she sent you to me, telling you it would be a simple therapy session. And it is simple, you just have to listen... And when you go home to your wife, you will OBEY. ...

Object of Our Desires

This file is special. I wrote it a long time ago, and had to wait awhile to find just the right person to record with - and u/sweetcarolinekisses came through so sexily well. If you like women sharing you with their friends, using you like the sex toy you are meant to be, treating you as an object and half the time simply ignoring you while they play with each other using you as nothing but...


I made this. Why? For the fuck of it really. It's tone and pacing is not like my normal, but I get bored and like to fuck around with other styles sometimes. I didn't really intend this to be a part of the patron thing... but I guess all of my recordings sort of are. And since you guys support me and I imagine a few of you will enjoy it, I figured I'd share. I play a game called OverWatch a...

Triggering Reinforcement JOI

This file is all about taking existing triggers you've learned from my other files, and making them stronger. And a bit of fun to make sure you'll remember them properly... ;)

Two States of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #1
In this file I am two voices, one on each side, whispering in your ears and talking to each part of your brain, giving each half of your brain something to listen to in a lovely recursive induction. By virtue of giving your minds multiple points of focus, confusion style inductions help overwhelm your mind until it just shuts down and surrenders to me... ...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...

Object of Our Desires

This file is special. I wrote it a long time ago, and had to wait awhile to find just the right person to record with - and u/sweetcarolinekisses came through so sexily well. If you like women sharing you with their friends, using you like the sex toy you are meant to be, treating you as an object and half the time simply ignoring you while they play with each other using you as nothing but...

Do it for Her - Slave Contract

Do It For Me // Series / Induction #4
Signing a slave contract in your mind, binding you to your Mistresses will. Of course, this file is only an induction, with an open ended float command at the end. I highly recommend playing it before another file that has triggers your Mistress would like to use on you. Show her what a good boy you can be. Be the best you possible. Do it for...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...


A beginner file that follows more classic hypnosis techniques. In this file I will be asking you steadily more perverted questions. At first it's easy to say yes. Do you want to be hypnotized? Of course you do. Do you want ME to hypnotize you? I know it goes without saying... but I still want you to say yes. And on and on down a slippery slope in your mind as you slowly but vocally...

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...

HFO Devotion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #6
Following in the "HFO Indoctrination" tradition, this is a HFO / JOI file. This file looks at hypnosis and hands free orgasms through the idea that female pleasure is what is really important. A bit of a curse file, Installing triggers that She / I must cum first, or your orgasm just won't be as good. Linking moans and female sounds of pleasure, that...

Two States of Mind

The States Of Mind // Series #1
In this file I am two voices, one on each side, whispering in your ears and talking to each part of your brain, giving each half of your brain something to listen to in a lovely recursive induction. By virtue of giving your minds multiple points of focus, confusion style inductions help overwhelm your mind until it just shuts down and surrenders to me... ...

Triggering Reinforcement JOI

This file is all about taking existing triggers you've learned from my other files, and making them stronger. And a bit of fun to make sure you'll remember them properly... ;)                                            ...


This loop gave me chills while I edited it. Lovely tingles reverberating through your mind and body as you are conditioned. In this file I train you to accept and love yourself unconditionally. All guilt, denial and fears will be stripped from your being and will be replaced with pure acceptance to My control. Your mind will be re-programmed to associate self love with obedience to Me. ...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...


A beginner file that follows more classic hypnosis techniques. In this file I will be asking you steadily more perverted questions. At first it's easy to say yes. Do you want to be hypnotized? Of course you do. Do you want ME to hypnotize you? I know it goes without saying... but I still want you to say yes. And on and on down a slippery slope in your mind as you slowly but...


A beginner file that follows more classic hypnosis techniques. In this file I will be asking you steadily more perverted questions. At first it's easy to say yes. Do you want to be hypnotized? Of course you do. Do you want ME to hypnotize you? I know it goes without saying... but I still want you to say yes. And on and on down a slippery slope in your mind as you slowly but vocally...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Sacrificial Virgin

This is not a nice file. This is a cult file. Addiction, brainwashing, subjugation and worship are all heavily present. Rape... though this file will have you questioning if it really was rape... after all... you wanted this, didn't you? Gas-lighting all parts of your mind, until it's too hard for your mind to keep up and it just goes to SLEEP. On my command ;) ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next". You can find the first part linked, where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend...

The Stray

This file is a perfect way to relax and condition your mind before listening to other files. To create positive changes in both yourself and the world. I believe very firmly that motivation is important, and part of this file is telling that hidden observer in your mind WHY I make these files, WHY I train you, condition you. It is my desire that understanding my motives better will help your...

A Trip To The Pet Store

Oh, did I forget to tell you where we are going? Just the pet store baby. Why are you looking at me like that? Just because I sound a little evil... I know we don't have any pets. But I have a pet, and I feel like you could use a few things...                      ...

Quiet, They Might be Listening

An audio for those who listen to my work at their work. I’m under your desk, whispering up at you, gradually relaxing you into trance as my hands go slowly up your thighs. Sweet words to not be nervous, but you have to be very very quiet for me while I play with you. Or else everyone will know as my words wrap around you, as your mind feels my lips wrap around you, as you blank and keep...

Quiet, They Might be Listening

An audio for those who listen to my work at their work. I’m under your desk, whispering up at you, gradually relaxing you into trance as my hands go slowly up your thighs. Sweet words to not be nervous, but you have to be very very quiet for me while I play with you. Or else everyone will know as my words wrap around you, as your mind feels my lips wrap around you, as you blank and keep...

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.

Footsie Slave - Painted Toes

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I use painted spirals on my toes to play with your mind bringing you in and out of trance rapidly... scrambling your mind for what comes next in both files - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.

Sacrificial Virgin

This is not a nice file. This is a cult file. Addiction, brainwashing, subjugation and worship are all heavily present. Rape... though this file will have you questioning if it really was rape... after all... you wanted this, didn't you? Gas-lighting all parts of your mind, until it's too hard for your mind to keep up and it just goes to SLEEP. On my command ;) ...

Sacrificial Virgin

This is not a nice file. This is a cult file. Addiction, brainwashing, subjugation and worship are all heavily present. Rape... though this file will have you questioning if it really was rape... after all... you wanted this, didn't you? Gas-lighting all parts of your mind, until it's too hard for your mind to keep up and it just goes to SLEEP. On my command ;) ...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.

Footsie Slave - Painted Toes

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I use painted spirals on my toes to play with your mind bringing you in and out of trance rapidly... scrambling your mind for what comes next in both files - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes. This is the naked version of the file.

Good Boys Run

Do It For Me // Series / Loop Bonus
Mostly dirty talk, and alternating layers taken from the file, "Run for Me"... This short bonus loop is for while you are running.                                            ...

Munch for Me

Do It For Me // Series #1
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Clean for Me

Do It For Me // Series #3
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Run for Me

Do It For Me // Series #2
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.                      ...

You don't get off until I get off

You will find this file very intimate. I made this file live on my discord with a bunch of lovely people listening - it's almost pure improv, so there are no special effects. Instead this file has the natural feel of me, talking to you. Breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to you as we get off together. ...

You don't get off until I get off

You will find this file very intimate. I made this file live on my discord with a bunch of lovely people listening - it's almost pure improv, so there are no special effects. Instead this file has the natural feel of me, talking to you. Breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to you as we get off together. Just remember while you're stroking that lovely cock of yours - ...

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire. I want that fear boner from you. Those after-adrenaline fantastic and orgasmic endorphins of pure pleasure...

My Sweet Boy

My Good Boy // Series #1
I want to take you down. Down deep into a place where you are mine and I control your pleasure as you come closer and closer to being mine. My pleasure results in your pleasure. It’s only natural, and I gently reinforce this desire, this causing of pleasure when I tell you what a good boy you are. Good boys get rewarded… ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire. I want that fear boner from you. Those after-adrenaline fantastic and orgasmic endorphins of pure pleasure...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience - Induction

An induction taken from "Inhaled Experience".

Rita's Lascivious Trap

Don't let the "trap" in the title fool you, this is not a trap file. It's an orgy to be sure, but yours is the only cock there. A very explicit story, being used as the helpless pawn in your co-workers lacivious bet. How many times can they make you cum? They are determined to find out. You can't help it, you can't stay limp as they use all of their very generous tits to entice your cock...

What It Feels Like For A Girl

Everything is more fun forced. But is it really force when it makes your cock so hard? Or is the force just what I need to do to you to make you accept it - accept what you are. My Dirty Little Bimbo Whore.                      ...

You Do What You're Told Brainwashing Loop

This fun little loop makes my words come to you as an inner voice... You do what you're told. You don't have to think. Invading your thoughts until you can't tell the difference between my words and your thoughts.                      ...

You Do What You're Told Brainwashing Loop

This fun little loop makes my words come to you as an inner voice... You do what you're told. You don't have to think. Invading your thoughts until you can't tell the difference between my words and your thoughts.                      ...

You Do What You're Told Brainwashing Loop

This fun little loop makes my words come to you as an inner voice... You do what you're told. You don't have to think. Invading your thoughts until you can't tell the difference between my words and your thoughts.                      ...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Orgasmic Chastity

Orgasmic Training Night: 12
You've been cumming quite a bit recently. I think it's time we slowed things down for a bit... Leave you feeling submissive throughout your day, as this file lingers in your mind.                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 5 Night: 11
The final night that you are allowed to cum, before the rest of the series only brings you to the edge for a few days... A prep-up towards having a Hands Free Orgasm. Are you ready for some intense fun?                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 4 Night: 10
Welcome back. How's your cock this time? Almost there... let's see just how far we can go together. You might want to rush ahead, but that would be naughty.                      ...

Orgasmic Resurgence

Orgasmic Training Night: 9
Time to practice what I've been teaching you. Prepare yourself to have multiple orgasms of multiple varieties. Relax and enjoy, this file is quite the adventure.                      ...

Orgasmic Resurgence

Orgasmic Training Night: 9
Time to practice what I've been teaching you. Prepare yourself to have multiple orgasms of multiple varieties. Relax and enjoy, this file is quite the adventure.                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 3 Night: 7
How's your cock been today? Is it ready - ready for me to play with it again, a bit more extreme this time? Enjoy, and make sure you check with your doctor first if you aren't sure you can handle the intensity. It's only going to go up and up and up.... ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 2 Night: 6
How are you feeling, how is your cock? Depleted, drained... mmm that would be best. But I want more from you, and you are a good boy who needs to give me what I want. An even longer orgasm. Controlling you... in such a strong way, until you admit if only to yourself that a little piece of me owns a little piece of you, and it's only going to get more...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 1 Night: 5
There are five Intensity files. They are all different and each one will take you deeper — train you further — and make your orgasms last longer than the previous. This is the first. Tying your sexual responses to obedience...                      ...

Office Sex Slave

Pick a picture. Any picture, with a face and a slutty pose. No exposed tits, pussy or ass though. Keep it in front of you and remember... you aren't allowed to look anywhere else.

Orgasmic Command

Orgasmic Training Night: 3
Feeling denied? Don't worry honey, you do get to cum tonight. Just so long as you cum how and when I say so. If you cannot cum exactly on my command - that's ok! Keep in mind that this is a training series, and it wouldn't be training if you were already perfect. Don't worry, you WILL be perfect, it might just take some special...

Orgasmic Denial

Orgasmic Training // Cut-Intro Night: 2, 4, 8, 13
It's time to continue your "Orgasmic Training"... I want to do things with your cock, and your orgasms, that you didn't know were possible. I'm going to make your orgasms last longer. Make it easier to control when and how many times in a row you can cum. ...

Sperm Collection

You’re at the sperm bank, but you just can’t get it up. In comes Nurse Joy, to help collect your offering. You’re going to get more than money at this sperm bank as she takes you down and personally helps collect the merchandise. Once she has you under her power using only her voice, she takes it a step further, instructing you to insert a prostate massager, giving you the choice on...

Sperm Collection

You’re at the sperm bank, but you just can’t get it up. In comes Nurse Joy, to help collect your offering. You’re going to get more than money at this sperm bank as she takes you down and personally helps collect the merchandise. Once she has you under her power using only her voice, she takes it a step further, before giving you the choice on whether to use your hands to help. This...


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Orgasmic Chastity

Orgasmic Training Night: 12
You've been cumming quite a bit recently. I think it's time we slowed things down for a bit... Leave you feeling submissive throughout your day, as this file lingers in your mind.                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 5 Night: 11
The final night that you are allowed to cum, before the rest of the series only brings you to the edge for a few days... A prep-up towards having a Hands Free Orgasm. Are you ready for some intense fun?                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 4 Night: 10
Welcome back. How's your cock this time? Almost there... let's see just how far we can go together. You might want to rush ahead, but that would be naughty.                      ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 3 Night: 7
How's your cock been today? Is it ready - ready for me to play with it again, a bit more extreme this time? Enjoy, and make sure you check with your doctor first if you aren't sure you can handle the intensity. It's only going to go up and up and up.... ...

Feminazi Turned Hypnoslut

Feminist blogger records herself while watching a hypnosis audio. The plan is to make fun of it, and mock him to her followers... Hypnosis is bullshit right? The plan starts to unwind as so does her mind as she falls into trance and obeys her new Master.                                                                                                              ...

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 2 Night: 6
How are you feeling, how is your cock? Depleted, drained... mmm that would be best. But I want more from you, and you are a good boy who needs to give me what I want. An even longer orgasm. Controlling you... in such a strong way, until you admit if only to yourself that a little piece of me owns a little piece of you, and it's only going to get more...

Feminazi Turned Hypnoslut

Feminist blogger records herself while watching a hypnosis audio. The plan is to make fun of it, and mock him to her followers... Hypnosis is bullshit right? The plan starts to unwind as so does her mind as she falls into trance and obeys her new Master.

Orgasmic Intensity

Orgasmic Training // Level 1 Night: 5
There are five Intensity files. They are all different and each one will take you deeper — train you further — and make your orgasms last longer than the previous. This is the first. Tying your sexual responses to obedience...                      ...

Orgasmic Command

Orgasmic Training Night: 3
Feeling denied? Don't worry honey, you do get to cum tonight. Just so long as you cum how and when I say so. If you cannot cum exactly on my command - that's ok! Keep in mind that this is a training series, and it wouldn't be training if you were already perfect. Don't worry, you WILL be perfect, it might just take some special...

Orgasmic Denial

Orgasmic Training // Intro Night: 1
It's time to begin your "Orgasmic Training" ... I want to do things with your cock, and your orgasms, that you didn't know were possible. I'm going to make your orgasms last longer. Make it easier to control when and how many times in a row you can cum. ...


All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

Sperm Collection

You’re at the sperm bank, but you just can’t get it up. In comes Nurse Joy, to help collect your offering. You’re going to get more than money at this sperm bank as she takes you down and personally helps collect the merchandise. Once she has you under her power using only her voice, she takes it a step further, before giving you the choice on whether to use your hands to help. This...

Sperm Collection

You’re at the sperm bank, but you just can’t get it up. In comes Nurse Joy, to help collect your offering. You’re going to get more than money at this sperm bank as she takes you down and personally helps collect the merchandise. Once she has you under her power using only her voice, she takes it a step further, instructing you to insert a prostate massager, giving you the choice on...


All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

Release from Chastity

Chastity // Series #3
Now in a perfect world... You will have been in chastity for a bit before listening to this. If you are truly a Good Boy... You may have even tried my "Chastity Challenge" regimen. I do so hope you succeeded. Orgasms are much more intense and satisfying when you've been a Good Boy for me. ...

Teasing you in Chastity

Chastity // Series #2
Short and maliciously sweet, I thought you could use a bit of stimulation.                                            ...


Chastity // Series #1
I love controlling you. It's so easy... You are just such a slut. Such a slut that to control you, all I have to do is control your cock. Control when you can get release... When you listen to this file... when you are ready to truly listen and be my slave, it is best if it has been a few days since the last time you came. Because the more you want to cum, the...

Foot Fetish HFO

Toes and feet, toes and feet... My Toes and Feet rubbing all over your body... all over your cock. This is an exquisitely slow paced audio, written and submitted by one of my devoted slaves.                      ...

Release from Chastity

Chastity // Series #3
Now in a perfect world... You will have been in chastity for a bit before listening to this. If you are truly a Good Boy... You may have even tried my "Chastity Challenge" regimen. I do so hope you succeeded. Orgasms are much more intense and satisfying when you've been a Good Boy for me. ...

Release from Chastity

Chastity // Series #3
Now in a perfect world... You will have been in chastity for a bit before listening to this. If you are truly a Good Boy... You may have even tried my "Chastity Challenge" regimen. I do so hope you succeeded. Orgasms are much more intense and satisfying when you've been a Good Boy for me. ...

My Kinky Life - Kinkation

I went on vacation for a week to a kinky summercamp. A giant festival of sexual freedom of every sort - especially kink! Most interesting and fun people watching EVER. You could be talking to someone one minute, and the next see someone coming up behind them and hooding them out of nowhere. To be followed by several more guys and girls picking them up and carrying them off with their legs...

My Kinky Life - Pool Hypno

I went on vacation for a week to a kinky summercamp! This is the second chapter in my recounting of the awesome real scenes I did while on "Kinkation".                                            ...

My Kinky Life - Guess the Paddle

I went on vacation for a week to a kinky summercamp! This is the first chapter in my recounting of the awesome real scenes I did while on "Kinkation".                                            ...

Foot Fetish HFO

Toes and feet, toes and feet... My Toes and Feet rubbing all over your body... all over your cock. This is an exquisitely slow paced audio, written and submitted by one of my devoted slaves.                      ...


Chastity // Series #1
I love controlling you. It's so easy... You are just such a slut. Such a slut that to control you, all I have to do is control your cock. Control when you can get release... When you listen to this file... when you are ready to truly listen and be my slave, it is best if it has been a few days since the last time you came. Because the more you want to cum, the...

Slip into Slave Mode

The Slave Mode Collection#1
This file will make you feel more submissive. It will take you to a peaceful blank place in your mind, where you are so very vulnerable to my suggestions. In it, I place the trigger 'Slave Mode'. You will feel more submissive when you see those words in text. This trigger will let your mind know it's time to play. Time for you to obey. You will have no choice except...

A Game Called Denial

Tease and Denial is so much fun, don't you think? I've turned it into a game. Depending on how well you do, on how good your self control is, decides how long before you are allowed to cum. How long you will be stuck in mental chastity, unable to stroke your cock or cum. Because I said so. It could be awhile... ...

Slip into Slave Mode

The Slave Mode Collection#1
This file will make you feel more submissive. It will take you to a peaceful blank place in your mind, where you are so very vulnerable to my suggestions. In it, I place the trigger 'Slave Mode'. You will feel more submissive when you see those words in text. This trigger will let your mind know it's time to play. Time for you to obey. You will have no choice except...

HFO Iteration

HFO Indoctrination // Series #4
Continuing in the footsteps of the rest of the HFO Indoctrination series, this is a HFO followed by a JOI. This file is about counting up your pleasure. Counting up your arousal. This file is not so much a beginner file as it begins with the presumption that some of the triggers from the HFO Indoctrination series are already instilled deep in your mind....

HFO Iteration

HFO Indoctrination // Series #4
Continuing in the footsteps of the rest of the HFO Indoctrination series, this is a HFO followed by a JOI. This file is about counting up your pleasure. Counting up your arousal. This file is not so much a beginner file as it begins with the presumption that some of the triggers from the HFO Indoctrination series are already instilled deep in your mind....

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

Shibby Says

"Shibby Says" is allll about me moving you around as my little puppet. Be a little paranoid as I make it very clear in this file I know what you are doing, starting with a little bit of roleplay... or is it? Maybe in a former file you listened to... I have made you give me certain... permissions. And then made you forget them. ...

HFO Fractionation

HFO Indoctrination // Series #3
Another file in my series, "HFO Indoctrination". I'm going to use blowjobs to fuck with your head. Make you feel it in your mind, another slave.. a sexy female under my power. Using her lips and mouth at my command to take you down as she goes down on you. Every time her lips touching the base of your shaft your mind will blank out in pleasure. In trance....


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...

HFO Fractionation

HFO Indoctrination // Series #3
Another file in my series, "HFO Indoctrination". I'm going to use blowjobs to fuck with your head. Make you feel it in your mind, another slave.. a sexy female under my power. Using her lips and mouth at my command to take you down as she goes down on you. Every time her lips touching the base of your shaft your mind will blank out in pleasure. In trance....

Entranced Confessions - Pegging

The Entranced Confessions Collection#2
Oh my... you dirty dirty slut. Your secrets are simply not enough anymore. Now I want more from you. I want to DO more to you. So I'm going to fuck you. :)                      ...


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Entranced Confessions - Spanking

The Entranced Confessions Collection#3
Oh my... I know your dirty secrets. I know what you want. But we are going to do what I want. Because really... that's what matters here. Your enjoyment is going to happen either way. You like having that slutty ass of yours grabbed and beaten. And it's just so inviting I decided not to resist... Bend over and take your spanking. ...

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Wash finds religion

I've always been a fan of firefly, and I was always hoping Saffron would take things a bit... further with some of the crew. Here Saffron makes her way to the front of the ship, to take over Wash's mind and make him pilot the ship where she wants to go.                      ...

My Good Boy Hypno Series Companion Audio

My Good Boy // Series / Loop Bonus
This is an audio loop where I moan trigger words from "My Good Boy Series". I was playing around on audacity and made a moaning track of me saying 'Good Boy' to play with the triggers I've been putting in your mind. Then I played with it some more and gave it layers and binaurals... ...

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...

HFO Induction

HFO Indoctrination // Series #1
I'm going to take you down, deeper and deeper... And then when your will is gone, when you are so far gone you seek only to obey and please me, I will reward you for your devotion. With physical pleasure spreading through your body, traveling up your body, every nerve alive with pleasure as it bursts and explodes into your brain as I tell you what a Good Boy you...

HFO Induction

HFO Indoctrination // Series #1
I'm going to take you down, deeper and deeper... And then when your will is gone, when you are so far gone you seek only to obey and please me I will reward you for your devotion. With physical pleasure spreading through your body, traveling up your body, every nerve alive with pleasure as it bursts and explodes into your brain as I tell you what a Good Boy you...

HFO Induction

HFO Indoctrination // Series #1
I'm going to take you down, deeper and deeper... And then when your will is gone, when you are so far gone you seek only to obey and please me I will reward you for your devotion. With physical pleasure spreading through your body, traveling up your body, every nerve alive with pleasure as it bursts and explodes into your brain as I tell you what a Good Boy you...

Eating out a 'Tist

Sex With A 'Tist // Series Part: 2 / 3
My turn... You didn't think you were going to be the only one getting off, did you? This one gave ME shivers as I listened to it. So yeah. Fun...                      ...

Chastity Voicemail

A custom file I made for a very good slave. Here is the generic version, for all the other subs out there currently in a chastity device just waiting to be released... Though you won't be getting any release from me. I'm just having too much fun.

Punishment Edging

My Good Boy // Series / Punishment Bonus
Naughty boy!! — I told you not to cum without permission, but you just couldn't hold it in could you? Well. Naughty sluts get punished. And here is yours! Do NOT Cum.                      ...

Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // Series #4
You haven't been concentrating enough lately... I'm going to help you rid yourself of your distractions. Release you so you can properly focus. On me, and my will. In this file I will implant triggers for focus and obedience in you. And then I will make you cum. There are multiple versions of this audio - this version has my preferred binaurals, and none of the...

Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // Series #4
You haven't been concentrating enough lately... I'm going to help you rid yourself of your distractions. Release you so you can properly focus. On me, and my will. In this file I will implant triggers for focus and obedience in you. And then I will make you cum. There are multiple versions of this audio - this version has lower binaurals, and is a bit of a game for...

Slave. Obey.

My Good Boy // Series #4
You haven't been concentrating enough lately... I'm going to help you rid yourself of your distractions. Release you so you can properly focus. On me, and my will. In this file I will implant triggers for focus and obedience in you. And then I will make you cum. ...

My Good Boy Hypno Series Companion Audio

My Good Boy // Series / Loop Bonus
This is an audio loop where I moan trigger words from "My Good Boy Series". I was playing around on audacity and made a moaning track of me saying 'Good Boy' to play with the triggers I've been putting in your mind. Then I played with it some more and gave it layers and binaurals... ...

My Good Boy Hypno Series Companion Audio

My Good Boy // Series / Loop Bonus
This is an audio loop where I moan trigger words from "My Good Boy Series". I was playing around on audacity and made a moaning track of me saying 'Good Boy' to play with the triggers I've been putting in your mind. Then I played with it some more and gave it layers and binaurals... ...