Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

#08 : Shibby Live and Uncut

Podcast #08 //  19-06-2023Shibby Live
Welcome to my "Live and Uncut" podcast series. Each month I try to do at least one live recording session, and these files are a way for you to listen back on those experiences at your own leisure. It'll be casual, relaxed, and you'll get to hear me go through the process of voicing yet-to-be released files in their most raw and naked form. New episodes...

Partying with the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #5
I am certain that for those of you who are absolute sluts, who want to experience sex in every way possible, those of you who are just horny holes who want to enjoy the heat and power and absolutely depraved promiscuity that only having a pussy can bring you... Well you're going to make a mess. ...

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Futa Abduction 2: Transformation

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 2 / 2
The second part and long awaited return to my “Futa Abduction” series, collaborating my ideas and voice once more with u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing; it's time again for you to be taken! You are accepted... You will remember… My sisters have decided. You will be prepared for service, for Futa cock. Prepared to receive your...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc!  Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc ! Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc ! Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Bob, Do Something!

You wanted to join the Deadlock Gang, right? We are an illustrious organization. You wanna be part of the legend? I've got an opening for you. Well, not exactly you. You see, BOB took a beating in that last dust-up. More than a beating, actually. Irrecoverable, they call it. Well, I decided I couldn't live without BOB. The strength, the loyalty, the obedience... Those are harder to...

The Breeding Machine

The listener is kidnapped by a scientist who is worried about plummeting birthrates. She's developed a machine that forces sexual intercourse and impregnation, complete with sexy, sexy drugs. And she's going to use herself as the second test subject. Of course, she'll stop the experiment before she gets pregnant. That's harder to do when you're pumped full of aphrodisiacs, though... ​ ...

Empowering the Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #4
Well this one took quite awhile to get to, and several days to edit... But for the sluts out there who like to be turned into a girl and FUCKED. It will all be worth it.
This time I bring you to my dungeons secret garden. Introduce you to my special plant. It's been waiting for you. It will fill you up like no amount of men can, throbbing and fucking...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Tomboy Lab Accident

Hey - Hey, I kinda need your help. Can I come in? There was an accident at the lab - I mishandled a vial, and got it all over me. And now my body just feels hot, and needy... and I know what it needs. Will you help your tomboy best friend out?

Futa Abduction: Probing

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 1 / 2
In this break out file, the first of a brand new series that collaborates my ideas and voice, and u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing, you are abducted. Restrained... Mentally incapacitated. Tested... Tested for your desire for Futa cock. Tested for your ability to experience pleasure from being penetrated, used, and dominated. Tested in...

Partying with the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #5
I am certain that for those of you who are absolute sluts, who want to experience sex in every way possible, those of you who are just horny holes who want to enjoy the heat and power and absolutely depraved promiscuity that only having a pussy can bring you... Well you're going to make a mess. ...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Futa Abduction: Probing

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 1 / 2
In this break out first file of a brand new series that collaborates my ideas and voice, and u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing, you are abducted. Restrained... Mentally incapacitated. Tested... Tested for your desire for Futa cock. Tested for your ability to experience pleasure from being penetrated, used, and dominated. Tested in your...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Bob, Do Something!

You wanted to join the Deadlock Gang, right? We are an illustrious organization. You wanna be part of the legend? I've got an opening for you. Well, not exactly you. You see, BOB took a beating in that last dust-up. More than a beating, actually. Irrecoverable, they call it. Well, I decided I couldn't live without BOB. The strength, the loyalty, the obedience... Those are harder to...

The Breeding Machine

The listener is kidnapped by a scientist who is worried about plummeting birthrates. She's developed a machine that forces sexual intercourse and impregnation, complete with sexy, sexy drugs. And she's going to use herself as the second test subject. Of course, she'll stop the experiment before she gets pregnant. That's harder to do when you're pumped full of aphrodisiacs, though... ​ ...

Empowering the Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #4
Well this one took quite awhile to get to, and several days to edit... But for the sluts out there who like to be turned into a girl and FUCKED. It will all be worth it.
This time I bring you to my dungeons secret garden. Introduce you to my special plant. It's been waiting for you. It will fill you up like no amount of men can, throbbing and fucking...

Empowering the Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #4
Well this one took quite awhile to get to, and several days to edit... But for the sluts out there who like to be turned into a girl and FUCKED. It will all be worth it.
This time I bring you to my dungeons secret garden. Introduce you to my special plant. It's been waiting for you. It will fill you up like no amount of men can, throbbing and fucking...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Tomboy Lab Accident

Hey - Hey, I kinda need your help. Can I come in? There was an accident at the lab - I mishandled a vial, and got it all over me. And now my body just feels hot, and needy... and I know what it needs. Will you help your tomboy best friend out?

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Revealing the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series #3
This file furthers your training, your transformation into a slutty girl. While you start off with a cock, that soon changes as I show you to your bedroom. There we really go over your new look while looking in the mirror — and afterwards we pull your reflection out of the mirror for some intense lesbian sex as I make you Pulse with feminine arousal. ...

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

Steps to Damnation: A HFO

Let me in. Into your home and into your dreams. Just a little consent will go such a long way in giving you sinfully wicked pleasure. Such pleasure... Such pleasure and yet you have to want it. To ask for it. To know fully what you are giving up to receive it. To receive me into your mind... There's a succubus teasing at the window of your mind - will you let me in? ...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Training the Slut Inside You: A Multi HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #2
The main thrust of this script (heh), beyond a massive orgasm and temporary gender transformation, is to separate orgasm from ejaculation in the mind of the listener. Allowing the subject to have multiple mental orgasms over the course of a session before finishing with a squirting (ejaculating) orgasm. This file is very sexual, just like you, and has very...

Training the Slut Inside You: A Multi HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #2
The main thrust of this script (heh), beyond a massive orgasm and temporary gender transformation, is to separate orgasm from ejaculation in the mind of the listener. Allowing the subject to have multiple mental orgasms over the course of a session before finishing with a squirting (ejaculating) orgasm. This file is very sexual, just like you, and has very...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...