
The audio drops the "Love" word, often for the first time.

Do My Poor Pet A Favour

You've been staring so intently and for so long now. It's like you've fallen deep down into my eyes... As if you've slipped along your gaze to fall deeply inside them, deep into my eyes. To where you could just turn around and see yourself through them. And when you do... You see that, in this moment, you're all that matters to me. And that makes you so very happy. That makes you smile...

Shy Superheroine Accidentally Mesmerizes You with Pheromones

You've been a superhero for a long time now. You've even made a pretty good name for yourself. Tonight, you're staking out some criminals you've been tracking for a while. But before you can leap into action, she appears... A newbie hero with a ridiculously revealing costume. She tells you she can secrete pheromones that make people docile. She wants to help you fight, but you aren't so...

A Gerudo Guard Finds a Cute Hylian

A Gerudo warrior stands guard in front of Gerudo Town. She’s bored, and humming to herself until a cute Hylian Vai dressed in Gerudo silks comes wandering out of the desert. After drinking just a bit too much ale at the town bar, the Gerudo guard offers a place to sleep it off which the Hylian gleefully accepts. ...

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

Anniversary Kidnapping

This is my own original creation, an affectionate GFE Fdom audio where I am kidnapping you, my love, for a surprise anniversary weekend. And it just wouldn't be much of a surprise if I didn't drug you, bind you, and blindfold you for the car ride over to an undisclosed location, now would it? ...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

A Good Boy’s Birthday Gift

It's your birthday, and I have some special surprises for you.                                                                  ...

Your girlfriend helping you go to sleep

A lovingly sweet and vanilla script written by u/insomnia_swede. Your girlfriend slips into bed beside you, but finds you're still awake and that you cannot sleep. “Shush now, my love. I am here with you, that is all that matters… Let me do the talking.”

Dancing the Blades: Ronin After the Battle

This was a beautiful script to bring to life. The audio opens after battle, with me standing over your wounded body, covered in the blood of your enemies while pleading for you to be ok, terrified you might be mortally wounded or dead. Our love is forbidden... and yet even if you were to banish me from your side, I would always follow and watch over you. ...

I Love Chubby Guys!

Can I tell you something? It’s kind of a secret. I... like chubby guys. I mean, I really like chubby guys. I’m serious! There’s something about larger men that... really turns me on! The truth is, when I look at you... when I see that big, beautiful body of yours... I just want to tear your clothes off... and just ravish you!!! ...

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Better let me in, this costume is way too skimpy for this weather. Do you like it? I picked it just for you, I know this is your favorite character crush, and I even got the wig to pull it all together! Ummm... I may have had a bit to drink but, I needed it! To get up the courage. You see - I really like you. And tonight, I've decided to show you how much! Now let me...

I Fucking Love You, Ok?

Uh. You must be thinking of some other friend. Because you know that I wouldn't let you be alone right now. Or you should, anyway. Wait. So because your girlfriend, who just dumped you in the most fucking tasteless way would have have told you to man up and deal with it, I have to leave you alone with your shitty thoughts? No. You heard me. No. First of all, I never approved of your decision...

Your Sidekick just Became a Supervillain, and Now She's Taking What She's Always Wanted.

I can wrap my hand around your throat like this, and end it all right here. It would be sad for sure, but what’s an origin story without a little tragedy? I could sit here on top of you and just watch you just fade away. I’d see the look in your eyes as you finally realize you love me. That you’ve always loved me. It’d almost be worth it, just to know for sure... but I’m tired of...

Your Catgirl’s Heat Month

Master! Master, wake up! What's wrong? What does it look like's wrong!? My face is all red and flushed. My body all hot and sweaty. Yes. It's heat month!!! No master, I didn't forget how to take my heat medicine. I would have, except look! Yes, it's empty! You forgot to refill it! Every minute is torture. This... itching. This burning, deep inside of where my womb is. Ever since it...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...

I Want To Hurt You But I'm Afraid

I've been dating you for a little bit, but I have a secret I haven't been able to talk about with you. Something I don't know if I can keep hiding. When I see you in my arms... how vulnerable you look... it brings out something in me... Something I'm afraid of... Something I can't control. But when it comes out while we're cuddling, you reassures me that it's okay, and we work through it...

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

I'm Going To Edge You, My Good Boy

I like what I see, my kinky little love. You look so amazing handcuffed naked in that chair, and it looks like your cock is rock hard in anticipation of what I'm going to do to you. You're going to love it. Oh you're going to love it so much.                      ...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.

Apprehended By Two Female Police Officers

Two Female Police Officers find you jaywalking across a street, and take you into custody. They take you somewhere a bit more isolated than a police station and have their yandere way with you. Don't worry sweetheart, we'll lick away your tears, and I promise once you realize you are so much weaker than us, once you accept that you can't fight us, that your only choice is to relax and let us...

If I Had a Futa Cock I'd Want it to be Just Like Yours

I bet you wish I had a cock. That I could claim you the way a man traditionally claims a woman. Sadly, I don't have the ability to grow and dismiss one at will. But that doesn't mean I can't use your slutty little boypuss until you are dripping and drooling for me. Enjoy this Shibby GFE, which feels all the more real for being based on real scenes, with very real aftercare afterwards. I want...

A Gerudo Guard Finds a Cute Hylian

A Gerudo warrior stands guard in front of Gerudo Town. She’s bored, and humming to herself until a cute Hylian Vai dressed in Gerudo silks comes wandering out of the desert. After drinking just a bit too much ale at the town bar, the Gerudo guard offers a place to sleep it off which the Hylian gleefully accepts. ...

If I Had a Futa Cock I'd Want it to be Just Like Yours

I bet you wish I had a cock. That I could claim you the way a man traditionally claims a woman. Sadly, I don't have the ability to grow and dismiss one at will. But that doesn't mean I can't use your slutty little boypuss until you are dripping and drooling for me. Enjoy this Shibby GFE, which feels all the more real for being based on real scenes, with very real aftercare afterwards. I want...

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

I'm So Sorry - Brainwashing You Was the Only Way

"I… drugged you. That sounds really bad, but… that’s what I did. And I’m so, so sorry, but it was the only way to make you see. I’m going to touch you now, and as I do… all those happy places in your brain where your fiancée lives? I’m going to fill them up with me instead. And once we’re done, I’ll be inside of you forever. I’m sorry. I wish it didn't have to be this way,...

A Good Boy’s Birthday Gift

It's your birthday, and I have some special surprises for you.                                                                  ...

Dancing the Blades: Ronin After the Battle

This was a beautiful script to bring to life. The audio opens after battle, with me standing over your wounded body, covered in the blood of your enemies while pleading for you to be ok, terrified you might be mortally wounded or dead. Our love is forbidden... and yet even if you were to banish me from your side, I would always follow and watch over you. ...

I Love Chubby Guys!

Can I tell you something? It’s kind of a secret. I... like chubby guys. I mean, I really like chubby guys. I’m serious! There’s something about larger men that... really turns me on! The truth is, when I look at you... when I see that big, beautiful body of yours... I just want to tear your clothes off... and just ravish you!!! ...

I Love Chubby Guys!

Can I tell you something? It’s kind of a secret. I... like chubby guys. I mean, I really like chubby guys. I’m serious! There’s something about larger men that... really turns me on! The truth is, when I look at you... when I see that big, beautiful body of yours... I just want to tear your clothes off... and just ravish you!!! ...

Fly With Me, My Little Dove

"There you are, my little dove. I've missed you, from the moment I woke up. You haven't been hiding from me, have you?" Sweet and loving and so very protectively possessive. Come lie in bed with me, and we will fly in pleasure together, as I mark you each day my own.                       ...

Your Sidekick just Became a Supervillain, and Now She's Taking What She's Always Wanted.

I can wrap my hand around your throat like this, and end it all right here. It would be sad for sure, but what’s an origin story without a little tragedy? I could sit here on top of you and just watch you just fade away. I’d see the look in your eyes as you finally realize you love me. That you’ve always loved me. It’d almost be worth it, just to know for sure... but I’m tired of...

I Fucking Love You, Ok?

Uh. You must be thinking of some other friend. Because you know that I wouldn't let you be alone right now. Or you should, anyway. Wait. So because your girlfriend, who just dumped you in the most fucking tasteless way would have have told you to man up and deal with it, I have to leave you alone with your shitty thoughts? No. You heard me. No. First of all, I never approved of your decision...

Your Catgirl’s Heat Month

Master! Master, wake up! What's wrong? What does it look like's wrong!? My face is all red and flushed. My body all hot and sweaty. Yes. It's heat month!!! No master, I didn't forget how to take my heat medicine. I would have, except look! Yes, it's empty! You forgot to refill it! Every minute is torture. This... itching. This burning, deep inside of where my womb is. Ever since it...

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Better let me in, this costume is way too skimpy for this weather. Do you like it? I picked it just for you, I know this is your favorite character crush, and I even got the wig to pull it all together! Ummm... I may have had a bit to drink but, I needed it! To get up the courage. You see - I really like you. And tonight, I've decided to show you how much! Now let me...

Anniversary Kidnapping

This is my own original creation, an affectionate GFE Fdom audio where I am kidnapping you, my love, for a surprise anniversary weekend. And it just wouldn't be much of a surprise if I didn't drug you, bind you, and blindfold you for the car ride over to an undisclosed location, now would it? ...

My Sweet Little Girl

You are on a date with a sultry vampire. You might not know it yet, but you are my new pet, such a very sweet little girl... I tell you, "My little one", how I met the woman who turned me - and then make love to you, feeding on a sultry summer night. Script by u/ ... well that's been deleted. Guess this one won't be on GWA.

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...

I Want To Hurt You But I'm Afraid

I've been dating you for a little bit, but I have a secret I haven't been able to talk about with you. Something I don't know if I can keep hiding. When I see you in my arms... how vulnerable you look... it brings out something in me... Something I'm afraid of... Something I can't control. But when it comes out while we're cuddling, you reassures me that it's okay, and we work through it...

If your body isn't good enough, how come you make me so horny?

This file starts with you in the closet trying on your new suit before a cocktail party, while I cajole you to come out and show me... You seem a bit down baby... let me help you take off that suit and I'll prove how much I love your body.                      ...

I'm Going To Edge You, My Good Boy

I like what I see, my kinky little love. You look so amazing handcuffed naked in that chair, and it looks like your cock is rock hard in anticipation of what I'm going to do to you. You're going to love it. Oh you're going to love it so much.                      ...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.