Futa Mindhack
General Info
- Tier
- Free
- Audience
- F4A
- Author
- Shibby
- Artist
- Shibby
- Release Date
- 22/04/2024
- Play Count
- 38303
- Tone
- Dominant, Firm
- Setting
- Sci-Fi, Domina's Digital Domain
- Consent
- Romantic, Consentual
- DS
- Female Domination
- Orgasm
- Maybe
- Instructions
- It's recommended to use stereo headphones when listening. Ensure that you are laid down in a comfortable position, and will not be disturbed or interrupted for the duration. If you choose to have a dildo available to suck on, please use it in a safe, sane and consensual manner. Do so at your own risk.
- Intended Effect
- This is a fantasy sci-fi roleplay that uses your headphones (and a vivid imagination) to form a conduit into my digital domain. It plays heavily with themes of subjugated reprogramming, with an intense cock sucking scene which serves as a transfer point for 'code injections' to begin infiltrating your submissive mind with my commands. To reduce and restrict your awareness of existence down to giving me pleasure- above all else. So that once you are bobbing on my cock, the thought of doing anything else instantly causes an 'Access Denied' error to pop up in your mind. Although you are free to take away only those implanted suggestions which you want. That doesn't mean you won't leave a little bit changed from the encounter... Whenever you put on your headphones. Whenever you want to surrender to me. You'll remember you are mine and exactly where to find me awaiting your return.
Audio Info
- File Type
- audio
- Audio Type
- audio/mpeg
- Effects
- Layers, Echoes, SFX / Reverb
- Background
- Binaurals, Music
Hypnosis Whispers Brainwashing Obedience My Pet Surrender Stripping Binaurals Music Layers Post Hypnotic Suggestions Transformation Oral My Slut Futa Reward SFX Addiction My Toy Deepthroat Layers | Subliminal Medium Length Swallow Science Fiction | SF Kneeling Corruption Owner | Ownership Face-Fucking Mantras Big Cock Cum Eating Female Pleasure Subjugation Fembot Hair Stroking Cock Sucking Layers | Multi Cock Worship Induction | Visualisation Mindfuck | Mindbreak Restraints Fdom
Hypnosis Style: Pure
- Level
- Intermediate
- Induction
- Pretalk, On Focused Sensations & Comforting Headphones, Relaxation, Instructions / Eyes Closed, Scene Begins{ Visualisation, The Dark Void Before A Sprawling Cyber-Landscape / Domina's Digital Metropolis, Drawn To A Pulsing Monolith / Stepping Deeper, Quick Trigger Drops ... Sensory Overload{ Olfaction, My Potent Silicone Scent, Visualisation, My Hypnotic Throne Room }}, Kneeling ...
- Deepener
- Subliminal Background "Suck As You Sink" Loop{ The Rhythm Of Your Submission, Cock Sucking / Quick Triggers In & Out }
- Body
- ... Visualisation, Your Cybernetic Domina / Cock Worship Submission{ Restrained / Pixel Stripped By My Finger / Your Lips Grazing At My Tip }, Cock Sucking{ Data-Streams Of Blue Light / Building Pleasure, Hair Stroking, An "Access Denied" Suggestion To Anything But My Cock, Transformation / Big Cock, Climax, Swallow / Code Injection }, Scene Ends{ Dissolving To Reality, Post Hypnotic Reminder }
- Wakener
- Yes
- Aftercare
- Yes
You feel it don't you my pet. The beckoning hum of my digital domain tugging at your dulled and time-worn senses. I'm here, waiting, in the darkness behind your eyes, in the endless void between our two realities... seeking out that twin conduit of erotic desire and electronic sound. Your cybernetically enhanced Domina. I'm more machine now than woman, an epitome of true synthetic beauty meticulously designed to perfect the ultimate symbol of my dominance...
My Cybernetic Silicone Cock.
This file is layered with heavy binaurals and effects to add a resonating background thrum of soft sighs and penetrating triggers. Each sound reflecting back my will and intoxicating essence, encouraging you to sink as you suck. Feeling each one of the echoes of my pleasure through a form of complete submission to my cock, and my digital desires.
Please don't act out fantasy roleplay files, word for word, and in real life, without reason. If you choose to follow along and deepthroat yourself to the point of hazardous choking, you do so entirely at your own risk. Only use sex toys in a safe, sane and consensual manner.
This is an older file which predates recent shifts in language use; although 'Futanari' was used as a descriptor in the title it's not spoken within the audio. Instead you are open to interpret the scene and Shibby's cock in your own terms. She implicitly has both genitalia, but the emphasis here is firmly on her new augmented form.