
In this audio a physical transformation occurs.

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Your Shrink's New Toy

Your therapist has been working with you for a long time. Working ‒ on you ‒ for a long time. In today's session, her goals of shrinking you down and keeping you as her little plaything will finally become realized as her hypnotic trap is sprung!                      ...

An Interdimensional Orgasm

Have you ever just stopped and wondered?— I mean, really, really stopped. Stopped everything. Stopped what you were doing. Stopped what you were thinking. And just closed your eyes to contemplate. What’s it all about?—Why are we here?—What does it all mean?—Where am I going?—Where is humanity as a whole going to end up?—What is the meaning of life?...

Futa Mindhack

You feel it don't you my pet. The beckoning hum of my digital domain tugging at your dulled and time-worn senses. I'm here, waiting, in the darkness behind your eyes, in the endless void between our two realities... seeking out that twin conduit of erotic desire and electronic sound. Your cybernetically enhanced Domina. I'm more machine now than woman, an epitome of true synthetic beauty...

Ultraman vs Latex

                  A clash of good versus evil. In this classic comic-style crossover between two much-loved titles, "L.A.T.E.X." and "The Enslavement of Ultraman", you will be taken along on a superhero adventure to turn the tides against the dark and viscous sticky corruption of all mankind. Surely you can save the day!...

Ultraman vs Latex

                  A clash of good versus evil. In this classic comic-style crossover between two much-loved titles, "L.A.T.E.X." and "The Enslavement of Ultraman", you will be taken along on a superhero adventure to turn the tides against the dark and viscous sticky corruption of all mankind. Surely you can save the day!...

Breast Obsession

You've been a good boy in your slave training so far. That is until I catch you staring at my tits...                                            ...

ASMR Sparkle Flogger : Cheerleader Trance

Sparkle Flogger // Series #2
Imagine for me, if you will, my sparkle flogger. It's made of a tinsel-like material, light, pretty — all the rainbow colours catching against the shifting light. The way it sparkles and turns and twists like a pretty skirt. The way it twirls just like a pom-pom. I bet you can already see it can't you? All those pretty cute cheerleaders dancing and cheering for...

ASMR Sparkle Flogger : Cheerleader Trance

Sparkle Flogger // Series #2
Imagine for me, if you will, my sparkle flogger. It's made of a tinsel-like material, light, pretty — all the rainbow colours catching against the shifting light. The way it sparkles and turns and twists like a pretty skirt. The way it twirls just like a pom-pom. I bet you can already see it can't you? All those pretty cute cheerleaders dancing and cheering for...

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

#05 : Shibby Live and Uncut

Podcast #05 //  27-04-2023Shibby Live
Welcome to my "Live and Uncut" podcast series. Each month I try to do at least one live recording session, and these files are a way for you to listen back on those experiences at your own leisure. It'll be casual, relaxed, and you'll get to hear me go through the process of voicing yet-to-be released files in their most raw and naked form. New episodes...

Fly Like A Fairy With Me

I'm so glad you could come join me... Feel the earth beneath your feet, the air is cool and fresh. Filled with the subtle sense of flowers that mingles together to create a perfume that is both intoxicating and revitalizing. Going deeper into the forest with me. Appreciate the majestic wonder around you. Feeling a sense of transformation taking place within you. Gradually spreading...

Fly Like A Fairy With Me

I'm so glad you could come join me... Feel the earth beneath your feet, the air is cool and fresh. Filled with the subtle sense of flowers that mingles together to create a perfume that is both intoxicating and revitalizing. Going deeper into the forest with me. Appreciate the majestic wonder around you. Feeling a sense of transformation taking place within you. Gradually spreading...

Divinity’s Corruption

You find yourself held captive in the dungeon of a powerful succubus. Bound. Beaten. And — Alone. Or so you had believed. Thankfully there has been a guardian watching over you. An angel trying her best to save you! Revealing herself at last she comes to your aid. But the succubus catches on, and attempts to corrupt you both. Will you be able to hold back and ascend to the...

Deep Sleep in Wonderland

This audio is a transformation experience. You might find it quite fun to practice hypnosis and become an anime girl. So lay back, relax. Get comfy and follow along with my breathing as I take you on an adventure. Full of imagination and wonderous sights to see. Come deeper down the rabbit hole and float along to my voice as it spirals around inside your head. You feel the ground beneath...

Deep Sleep in Wonderland

This video is a transformation experience. You might find it quite fun to practice hypnosis and become an anime girl. So lay back, relax. Get comfy and follow along with my breathing as I take you on an adventure. Full of imagination and wonderous sights to see. Come deeper down the rabbit hole and float along to my voice as it spirals around inside your head. You feel the ground beneath...

Futa Fuckbattery Transformation

I want you to picture the woman of your dreams, see every beautiful curve, every delicate feature. I am going to turn you into her. It's irresistible, when I have you in this submissive state... I only need to use her seduction against you, and you'll be powerless to resist becoming my futa fuckbattery. For this I will require access to both your mind and body. I'll demand your full...

Submissive Sissy Slut

You find yourself at a club. Not the kind with flashing neon lights, loud music, and crowds of strangers dancing. No. It’s the kind of club you would only find if you really knew where to look. In a back­room, down a velvet-entry­way, reserved for only those special few with all-night access. Your friend is up at the bar. She told you she was going to order drinks for when you...

Futa Abduction 2: Transformation

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 2 / 2
The second part and long awaited return to my “Futa Abduction” series, collaborating my ideas and voice once more with u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing; it's time again for you to be taken! You are accepted... You will remember… My sisters have decided. You will be prepared for service, for Futa cock. Prepared to receive your...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Bob, Do Something!

You wanted to join the Deadlock Gang, right? We are an illustrious organization. You wanna be part of the legend? I've got an opening for you. Well, not exactly you. You see, BOB took a beating in that last dust-up. More than a beating, actually. Irrecoverable, they call it. Well, I decided I couldn't live without BOB. The strength, the loyalty, the obedience... Those are harder to...

Chastened Down to Size

I got you a present! It's this cute little cock cage, I got it from this mysterious old lady - she laughed a bit when I bought it. More of a cackle really. But I just can't wait to have you try it on! It might have some side effects - but that just makes it more fun!                      ...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...


Before it continues, let me repeat this one last and final warning. The themes in this file are even darker, and more dangerously twisted then those which preceded it... If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you take a moment to look up the full tags, and stop reading now. Still here? Good Slut. The Chip implant has been a resounding success, completely shifting and consuming...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Playing with My Pussy

Welcome to a very exclusive and luxurious kink spa. Where we cater to rare fetishes & desires, and make your dreams come true. Come be helpless, wet, transformed into mud that I rub all over my body — I absorb you, condense you — you find yourself concentrated into MY Pussy. Here I tease you. I play with you. I rub and finger until together we just burst ...

The Chateau

You awake, dazed from drugs and a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions, you are still coming to terms with the shock of your new reality. You've been medically transformed into one of the sexiest, most beautiful women you've ever seen, and have been enslaved by an exclusive and mysterious sex club. Mistress arrives bearing gifts... beautiful, sexy lingerie and high heels for you...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Transitional Touching

I want you to start by finding a video, a very specific, pornographic video. One with a woman, one so very close to an ideal you. There shouldn’t be too much talking, just a straight-on view of her masturbating. Of her rubbing her pussy. Playing with her nipples, hands running over her body. Looking into the camera straight on the whole time. We don’t want any foreplay, just...

Seductive Hypnosis Therapy: Rubber Ducky

I’m a very unique type of Hypnotherapist. Using arousal and seductive hypnosis, I get past barriers that will resist anything else.

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

A Sinfully Sticky Situation

In this deliciously sticky script, you and your friend have wandered deep down into a dungeon together. Looking to slay some monsters I suppose, though I have a faint suspicion you both wanted some alone time. Just too afraid to admit your feelings together, you explore your way deep down into the lair of a Dark Slime... Noticing the sexual tension between the two of you, she instantly decides...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

The Chateau

You wake up on what you believe is the morning after a one-night stand, but the details are extremely fuzzy. In reality, life as you knew it – as a man – is over. You are now the property of an extremely powerful and exclusive sex club, and it’s time to start on your journey to becoming a good girl. ...


I know what a slut you are for shiny, black, latex. There's nothing quite like it - Rubber. Nothing has quite that same sound, or smell, or shine. That's why I went out and bought some proper, real latex gloves to try out on you... Rubber can have such a profound effect on the body, transforming it, sticking and clinging to everything it touches. Consuming your mind, stripping you away....

Futa Abduction: Probing

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 1 / 2
In this break out file, the first of a brand new series that collaborates my ideas and voice, and u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing, you are abducted. Restrained... Mentally incapacitated. Tested... Tested for your desire for Futa cock. Tested for your ability to experience pleasure from being penetrated, used, and dominated. Tested in...

Playing with My Pussy

Welcome to a very exclusive and luxurious kink spa. Where we cater to rare fetishes & desires, and make your dreams come true. Come be helpless, wet, transformed into mud that I rub all over my body — I absorb you, condense you — you find yourself concentrated into MY Pussy. Here I tease you. I play with you. I rub and finger until together we just burst ...

Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Pink Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Pink Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Futa Abduction: Probing

Futa Abduction // Series Part: 1 / 2
In this break out first file of a brand new series that collaborates my ideas and voice, and u/ShadowedScripts scintillating writing, you are abducted. Restrained... Mentally incapacitated. Tested... Tested for your desire for Futa cock. Tested for your ability to experience pleasure from being penetrated, used, and dominated. Tested in your...

Pink Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

ASMR Pink Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Pink Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

ASMR Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her. It was so good I made not just one generic version, but a whole bunch so all my subby loves can enjoy, no matter what their gender. Trans versions...

Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her.                      ...

ASMR Blue Mummy

Wrapped and bound, bondage tape being wrapped over and over, your entire body made immobile. "Pink Mummy" was originally a commission from a very supportive fan, whose girlfriend just loves to play with and use triggers from my files on her. It was so good I made not just one generic version, but a whole bunch so all my subby loves can enjoy, no matter what their gender. Trans versions...

Bob, Do Something!

You wanted to join the Deadlock Gang, right? We are an illustrious organization. You wanna be part of the legend? I've got an opening for you. Well, not exactly you. You see, BOB took a beating in that last dust-up. More than a beating, actually. Irrecoverable, they call it. Well, I decided I couldn't live without BOB. The strength, the loyalty, the obedience... Those are harder to...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Chastened Down to Size

I got you a present! It's this cute little cock cage, I got it from this mysterious old lady - she laughed a bit when I bought it. More of a cackle really. But I just can't wait to have you try it on! It might have some side effects - but that just makes it more fun!                      ...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

Bite the Pillow - Pegging

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

A Sinfully Sticky Situation

In this deliciously sticky script, you and your friend have wandered deep down into a dungeon together. Looking to slay some monsters I suppose, though I have a faint suspicion you both wanted some alone time. Just too afraid to admit your feelings together, you explore your way deep down into the lair of a Dark Slime... Noticing the sexual tension between the two of you, she instantly...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Chrysalis: A HFO

This file is meant to help relieve gender dysphoria for trans women. In brief, the subject is led into trance, guided to spin a cocoon out of their stress and anxiety. Within the cocoon, the subject is transformed into their ideal feminine body, while also being aroused. Then, they are set free, given a non-gendered lover, and stimulated to orgasm, after which they are free to remain in...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...

A Different HFO

I'm going to turn you into a girl! A really slutty, needy, physically and sexually sensitive girl! In this file, I take you down and establish a rapport with you, establish that you are a slave and a slut and that you WANT to experience something new. Something... Unique. I'm going to make you experience the female orgasm - of course, since you're a girl now we don't have to stop at...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes. This is the naked version of the story, without binaurals or music.

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Udderly Entranced

My first transformational file. I made it on a whim, but am actually really happy with how it turned out. It's a very long file, a few minutes shy of an hour... but it is a journey, and one I think you might enjoy. I wasn't sure if those who listen to these sorts of files prefer being cowgirls or fucking cowgirls... so I made this file both. ...