Mindfuck | Mindbreak

The audio involves mentally 'breaking' you; a mindfuck for overwhelming the capacity for clear coherent thoughts, or resistance and self-control.

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

My Will Drowns You Out

Water — It makes for such a malleable metaphor for the mind. Those streams of conscious thought, that flow and run through all our lives, dictating our each and every action. It's all too easy to get swept up or swept along by an enticing idea. To suddenly spiral out of control in a tidal wave of emotion and intense feelings. But not for you. Not anymore. Not after all these files and...

My Will Drowns You Out

Water — It makes for such a malleable metaphor for the mind. Those streams of conscious thought, that flow and run through all our lives, dictating our each and every action. It's all too easy to get swept up or swept along by an enticing idea. To suddenly spiral out of control in a tidal wave of emotion and intense feelings. But not for you. Not anymore. Not after all these files and...

Control Room Inside Your Mind

Inside your mind is a control room of sorts, but is it really yours or perhaps it is mine? For those slaves who have already listened to lots of my recordings perhaps you already know the answer... But I'm sure just one more brain­washing loop won't be too hard for you to handle. Because now it's time we both explored that thought a little bit deeper. Now it's time I made myself a...

Futa Mindhack

You feel it don't you my pet. The beckoning hum of my digital domain tugging at your dulled and time-worn senses. I'm here, waiting, in the darkness behind your eyes, in the endless void between our two realities... seeking out that twin conduit of erotic desire and electronic sound. Your cybernetically enhanced Domina. I'm more machine now than woman, an epitome of true synthetic beauty...

Mindless Milking

You've been such a good slut for me lately. I just knew I had to make you this JOI file, to continue playing with you some more... And I already sense that, deep down, you felt the same way. Didn't you pet? — You needed more of me. You desired more of me. Now, I want you to embrace that feeling. To fall into the madness of lust with me. Slipping under my spell of mindless stroking...

Mindless Milking

You've been such a good slut for me lately. I just knew I had to make you this JOI file, to continue playing with you some more... And I already sense that, deep down, you felt the same way. Didn't you pet? — You needed more of me. You desired more of me. Now, I want you to embrace that feeling. To fall into the madness of lust with me. Slipping under my spell of mindless stroking...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

Mindless Milking

You've been such a good slut for me lately. I just knew I had to make you this JOI file, to continue playing with you some more... And I already sense that, deep down, you felt the same way. Didn't you pet? — You needed more of me. You desired more of me. Now, I want you to embrace that feeling. To fall into the madness of lust with me. Slipping under my spell of mindless stroking...

Mindless Milking

You've been such a good slut for me lately. I just knew I had to make you this JOI file, to continue playing with you some more... And I already sense that, deep down, you felt the same way. Didn't you pet? — You needed more of me. You desired more of me. Now, I want you to embrace that feeling. To fall into the madness of lust with me. Slipping under my spell of mindless stroking...

Your Wife's Supercharged Hex Strapon

Welcome to a quasi-futuristic steampunk reality where magical energy has finally been harnessed with the power of technology. With this great new innovation available to the vast non-magical population, of course it would be used to create sextoys like never before! Tonight is swingers night so both you and your wife had dates all setup. Unfortunately, your date bailed on you. But don’t...

Your Wife's Supercharged Hex Strapon

Welcome to a quasi-futuristic steampunk reality where magical energy has finally been harnessed with the power of technology. With this great new innovation available to the vast non-magical population, of course it would be used to create sextoys like never before! Tonight is swingers night so both you and your wife had dates all setup. Unfortunately, your date bailed on you. But don’t...

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Busy Little Buzzer

You can't help but BUZZ for me my little drone. My words dripping over you like honey until you become a sticky mess.                                          ...

Mindless to the Metronome

Deeper into pleasure and deeper into submission as I continue to condition you to feel pleasure from my metronome.                                            ...

Busy Little Buzzer

You can't help but BUZZ for me my little drone. My words dripping over you like honey until you become a sticky mess.                                          ...

Sucking At Your Thoughts Loop

I'm at your ears, in your mind. Nibbling away at your sanity with the pleasure that fills you up. Too blissed out to hold them in, feel as all your thoughts are sucked away...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...


Ever play 2048? Well, LostDjinn from reddit sent me a lovely and hypnotic version of the game he made. I've been so tickled by the idea I've been challenging you all week. And how better to cap it off... Then with a file devoted to it. To devote you to it. To devote you to me. ...

When Cock goes In, Mind goes Out

This file is perfect for any slut who enjoys being called a 'Good Girl'. There is no suggestion of cumming or the cock in question being attached to a man or woman, and where the cock goes in after the blowjob is left entirely up to wherever your slutty little mind takes you.

Licking My Clit While I Suck Your Mind Away

A short induction taken from the file, "Sacrilege".

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

Breaking Your Control

You will be sweetly and seductively broken down by triggers that reduce your intelligence, increase your pleasure, break down your inhibitions, and heighten your arousal - until orgasm is inevitable. No need to fight it though, it all feels so good, and I am here to make you feel good. So so so soooooo good. There are some humiliation and femdom elements to the script... ...

I Will Be Your Whole World

A short FemDom... statement of intent.