Good Toy

Feel pleasure and pride and feel really good as my pleasure in you washes over you.

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Edged And Brainwashed Into A Better Toy

Are you ready to be trained and conditioned into a better, more useful toy for your Domina? To be dropped into trance and brainwashed for my amusement? Then relax for me pet. And let each of my countdowns and snaps make you fall deeper and deeper into blissful submission... As my voice and my words condition you to my liking... As my triggers cause you so much pleasure that you drop...

HFO Slave Training

From now on the only thing you get to touch is the play button on this fucking audio. Whenever you feel the need to stick your hands down your pants you're going to hear my voice calling you back. When you become sooo horny and confused wondering whether or not you should touch yourself, my conditioning sets in, and you come back here without further questions. It feels so good to just...

Futa Mindhack

You feel it don't you my pet. The beckoning hum of my digital domain tugging at your dulled and time-worn senses. I'm here, waiting, in the darkness behind your eyes, in the endless void between our two realities... seeking out that twin conduit of erotic desire and electronic sound. Your cybernetically enhanced Domina. I'm more machine now than woman, an epitome of true synthetic beauty...

Ear Play Edging

Your ears are one of my favorite parts of your body. As the means and method by which I oh so easily manipulate that cock of yours. And I just can't wait to lick and suck and whisper dirty things into them. All while I stroke you to the edge over and over... and over again... Each time counting you down deeper into our dream-like sexual fantasy, of my hands playfully twisting and teasing...

Product Testing My New Toy

I finally get the chance to test out my new toy! It's an obedient toy with several modes and enough endurance to get me off whenever I want. I'm so excited to use it! And the best part is... It's you.

A Rogue's Roll of the Dice

  Today, I am going to play the role of a completely different sort of Dungeon Master. A Wizard!  Who will use all her skill and magical prowess to cunningly convince you to play along in my D&D-esque adventure. For those of you that know me. You’ll know that I love storytelling. Whether or not that’s weaving my own tales of dread and delight, or bringing another's twisted fable to...

Cock Workout

Well, I think your cock could use a bit of a workout, don't you agree? After all, you may never know when a smoking hot girl might need it.                                            ...

When I Blow, You Blow

Relax. You're safe with me. Just lie back and breathe, as I gently blow your mind away... Letting all of your stress fade away. Letting all of your worries leave your mind. Letting my words untie those unbearable knots and lure that tension out of your body. Just a beautifully blank slate for me to play with, and fill up, with so much Pleasure. ...

Submissive Sissy Slut

You find yourself at a club. Not the kind with flashing neon lights, loud music, and crowds of strangers dancing. No. It’s the kind of club you would only find if you really knew where to look. In a back­room, down a velvet-entry­way, reserved for only those special few with all-night access. Your friend is up at the bar. She told you she was going to order drinks for when you...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc ! Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc!  Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc ! Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Drained in Denim

I love finding more ways to control you, more ways to tie your desires with me. Finding new threads to tug, unravelling your mind before me. Threads that weave around and around inside your brain. My voice is so soft as it slips past your defences so easily. Surrounding you, enveloping your consciousness with my words.
They cross, they knot, they twist and entwine. Your mind becoming...

Edging Survival Mode

What is the optimal time to edge for? Well, as long as you can obviously... This file will test your limits, the more you edge and resist, the more points you get.
The goal is to get the highest  possible score for me.                      ...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...


Before it continues, let me repeat this one last and final warning. The themes in this file are even darker, and more dangerously twisted then those which preceded it... If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you take a moment to look up the full tags, and stop reading now. Still here? Good Slut. The Chip implant has been a resounding success, completely shifting and consuming...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.                      ...

Seductive Hypnosis Therapy: Rubber Ducky

I’m a very unique type of Hypnotherapist. Using arousal and seductive hypnosis, I get past barriers that will resist anything else.

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...

The Stray

This file is a perfect way to relax and condition your mind before listening to other files. To create positive changes in both yourself and the world. I believe very firmly that motivation is important, and part of this file is telling that hidden observer in your mind WHY I make these files, WHY I train you, condition you. It is my desire that understanding my motives better will help your...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire.                      ...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...

Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion

I know what you've been thinking all these nights, grinding WoW together. I’ve been having a blast, it’s been a huge nostalgia trip getting sucked back into Azeroth. But, I've geared up my Druid fully on classic now and I was thinking, maybe we should play together in person... If you catch my drift, I'm sure the guild can manage without us for one night. If you’re game, wanna give it a...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion

I know what you've been thinking all these nights, grinding WoW together. I’ve been having a blast, it’s been a huge nostalgia trip getting sucked back into Azeroth. But, I've geared up my Druid fully on classic now and I was thinking, maybe we should play together in person... If you catch my drift, I'm sure the guild can manage without us for one night. If you’re game, wanna give it a...

Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion

I know what you've been thinking all these nights, grinding WoW together. I’ve been having a blast, it’s been a huge nostalgia trip getting sucked back into Azeroth. But, I've geared up my Druid fully on classic now and I was thinking, maybe we should play together in person... If you catch my drift, I'm sure the guild can manage without us for one night. If you’re game, wanna give it a...

Your WoW Crush Hypnotizes You Into Her New Minion

I know what you've been thinking all these nights, grinding WoW together. I’ve been having a blast, it’s been a huge nostalgia trip getting sucked back into Azeroth. But, I've geared up my Druid fully on classic now and I was thinking, maybe we should play together in person... If you catch my drift, I'm sure the guild can manage without us for one night. If you’re game, wanna give it a...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Venus 2000

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Five #2
Slave. You made it... The sluts have long since disappeared... But you still feel a lingering fullness inside that slutty ass of yours... We have no company down here, no audience, it’s just you and me. Alone... Here in my private dungeon buried in the deepest corner of your mind. ...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Deepener

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Two #2
You're doing so well, following my instructions as I desire. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog - floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. Worship your Domina. Drop...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from where we left off...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all but the fourth of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Alarm #2
This companion audio to "My Latex Series" is designed to be listened to as an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning, preferably after listening to "R.U.B.B.E.R" in the evening and falling asleep. It’s pretty simple, just grab your phone, download the “Sleep” app and add this file as the alarm “Tone”. Make sure to select headphones...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Broken by the Sluts

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section B #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Maid Audition

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section A #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Induction

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part One #2
At thirty six minutes this is far more than just an induction... It's a full file to completion in itself. Think of this more as an episode in a series, perfectly fine to enjoy on it's own. It's been a long time coming, but if you truly think you're worthy of joining me deep down in my dungeon, you're going to have to prove it. You do want to...

Footstool Deepener

A deepener taken from layers in the file, "Footsie Slave - Footstool".

Cast Asleep by an Enchantress

An induction taken from the naked version of the file, "Sudden Succubus".

Footstool Induction

An induction taken from "Footsie Slave - Footstool".


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

The Stray

This file is a perfect way to relax and condition your mind before listening to other files. To create positive changes in both yourself and the world. I believe very firmly that motivation is important, and part of this file is telling that hidden observer in your mind WHY I make these files, WHY I train you, condition you. It is my desire that understanding my motives better will help your...

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.

Footsie Slave - Footstool

In this file, I train you to become a good footsie slave. After conditioning your mind, I play with you... I turn you into my foot stool, scrambling your mind for what comes next - very personal attention from a very sexy lifeguard with fascinating toes.                      ...

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire. I want that fear boner from you. Those after-adrenaline fantastic and orgasmic endorphins of pure pleasure...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Sudden Succubus

In this file you are simply walking home when you are surprised in the forest. A Hypnotic Enchantress surprises you, her voice quickly ensnaring you as you walk willingly into her trap. It feels too good to resist and really... you're just a weak, weak man when it comes to desire. I want that fear boner from you. Those after-adrenaline fantastic and orgasmic endorphins of pure pleasure...

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.                       ...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience

A mysterious woman in a mysterious room. She won't tell you her name as she kisses your lips... breathing a drugged smoke into you... making you feel high. Sensations become stronger... your cock starts to rise to her will, as she takes advantage of your drugged state. This file will take you to another world.
You are going to see sounds and smell colours... your senses becoming more...

Inhaled Experience - Induction

An induction taken from "Inhaled Experience".

Ocean Jungle Journey

This is an extra deepener that I decided to cut out of the extended version of "Inhaled Experience". I like it. It's a fun journey from relaxing on a rubber tube on the ocean, leading into a hypnotic and gently mystical adventure.

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.

Sleepytime Brainwashing Loop

It's time to sleep my sweet pet... sleep and have lovely dreams. I'll be there, with you, beside you. Guiding you. Molding you into a better person, a better slave. Relax into it... Find release in my voice.                       ...


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

HFO Recursion: Focus Loop

HFO Indoctrination // Series / Loop #2
A lovely loopable file to increase your arousal.                                            ...


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...


That’s the sound of a little lock clicking shut. Locking you in. Into restraints, into my control. As you feel your ankles locked and secured. Your wrists, locked and secured. Completely Immobile as I lock your wrists to your thighs, securing you in submission to me. Completely MINE, as I take you further into trance, further into submission. Pure brainwashed submission this does not...

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...

HFO Recursion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #2
This file is meant to scramble your brains via a confusion induction, and then to get you to FOCUS on your sexual energy. It's a bit lighter on the female domination, but bits of it are still there. I use a snap trigger to play with your arousal... and again... and again. ...