Love | Loving

The audio involves love and affection.

Happy, Horny, Hazy

Three loops for my sweet listeners, deserving of reward, and in each I'll treat you the way you need this the most, through carefully chosen praise to help you feel safe, secure, and so very wonderfully seen. Until those other thoughts which I weave, of a happier, hornier, and hazier kind, cover and cloud over your willing mind. ...

Loop For Me, My Good Boy

A remix of an older hypnosis file; "Return To Me, My Sweet Boy" is now available in a pure loop form for you to enjoy! Three distinct layers have been split and taken from the induction, deepener, and body sections, to form an overwhelming blend of my voice and my suggestions arriving each at the same time. But with much less of an emphasis on the relationship roleplay aspects, so you can...

Your Naughty Loving Wife Leaves You A Message

I hope this doesn't distract you at work. It's just a harmless voicemail message from your wife about what she has in store for you when you get home...                                            ...

I Submit Only to Daddy - 2

This sequel loop can stand alone or help reinforce a Master's desires. Commissioned by the same person as "I Submit Only to Daddy", I had a lot of fun remaking my file for him, and his sweet sub. For those Daddy Doms out there, I once again tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves. To put on for your own subs — to increase their devotion and submission to...

Alpine Spa & Massage Retreat

This is a sweet and gently wholesome story, which unfolds at the start of a relaxing massage retreat, and blends the joys of newfound companionship with deeper yet more pleasurable intimacies. It invites the listener to explore prostate stimulation at the hands of a trusted friend and masseuse, who helps them let go of social pressure and insecurity around displaying feminine behaviour. ...

Alpine Spa & Massage Retreat

This is a sweet and gently wholesome story, which unfolds at the start of a relaxing massage retreat, and blends the joys of newfound companionship with deeper yet more pleasurable intimacies. It invites the listener to explore prostate stimulation at the hands of a trusted friend and masseuse, who helps them let go of social pressure and insecurity around displaying feminine behaviour. ...

The Milking Bench

Your Domina has built you up to be an obedient and confident submissive, and in turn she has earned your absolute trust. Now she's about to put that trust to its biggest test with a new piece of furniture she's put together that she hopes both of you enjoy.                      ...

The Milking Bench

Your Domina has built you up to be an obedient and confident submissive, and in turn she has earned your absolute trust. Now she's about to put that trust to its biggest test with a new piece of furniture she's put together that she hopes both of you enjoy.                      ...

A Gerudo Guard Finds a Cute Hylian

A Gerudo warrior stands guard in front of Gerudo Town. She’s bored, and humming to herself until a cute Hylian Vai dressed in Gerudo silks comes wandering out of the desert. After drinking just a bit too much ale at the town bar, the Gerudo guard offers a place to sleep it off which the Hylian gleefully accepts. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Handsome Man

This is a short and sweet girlfriend experience for any trans man that feels dysphoric and in need of comfort.                                            ...

Body Acceptance: Dysphoria

Can't sleep babe? ... Then let me show you all the ways I love you, and your sexy body, as I comfort you under the covers in this girlfriend roleplay.                                            ...

No Peeking

The end of your work day means it's time for you to come home and perform our ritual. Open the door, step through, and kneel down, waiting upon my pleasure. Tonight I feel like teasing you. So close your eyes while I strip and taunt you... It's all loving baby - but I'm still going to make you ache.

Chained For Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

Scratching the Sissy Itch

Just a short and sweet induction to satisfy your sissy’s longing to be called by name, by a sweet and loving voice as they drift off to sleep.                                            ...

What Whispers Can Do

If you need something to listen to while you work from home during quarantine... This is a bad choice. Listening probably won't help with your productivity. But maybe you need a short little break?                      ...

Accepting the Woman You Are

Specifically made for trans women. Accept yourself. You are beautiful.

Arise My Champion

A service in the Cathedral is interrupted by the scum of Azeroth - would be heroes who strike you down. Naturally, I slaughter them. Lucky for you my champion, destruction isn't the only art I know, and with a spell I bring you back to life. Looking around at all of our dead compatriots, I realise - there is no one watching us right now. No one to stop us, judge us - if we give in to the...

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

I don't care about gender, it's you I like

This file is a romantic roleplay in which your cis girlfriend is here for you; full of loving affection, comfort, and rejection of anyone who would reject you. The premise is that you're seeking reassurance from her, as a closeted trans woman anxious about passing in public, and worried what other people might say. ...

I don't care about gender, it's you I like

This file is a romantic roleplay in which your cis girlfriend is here for you; full of loving affection, comfort, and rejection of anyone who would reject you. The premise is that you're seeking reassurance from her, as a closeted trans woman anxious about passing in public, and worried what other people might say. ...

What Whispers Can Do

There's something about whispers that are so intimate and immersive...                                            ...

Her golden eyes

A deceptively vulnerable girl living in the woods turns out to not be very vulnerable at all. The key to fall in love with this girl is to look into Her Golden Eyes.                                            ...

Anniversary Kidnapping

This is my own original creation, an affectionate GFE Fdom audio where I am kidnapping you, my love, for a surprise anniversary weekend. And it just wouldn't be much of a surprise if I didn't drug you, bind you, and blindfold you for the car ride over to an undisclosed location, now would it? ...

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

A Good Boy’s Birthday Gift

It's your birthday, and I have some special surprises for you.                                                                  ...

You're just a Toy

As irresistible to you. As it is irresistible to me. That's the beauty of hypnosis. That's why you're so precious to me. I sense who, and what you are... And I feel the excitement rise, even as my anxiety fades. And I taste power, and pleasure, at the thought of playing with somebody. Thinking of you all so blank, and floaty, and feeling so nice. It draws me in... It draws me to...

Your girlfriend helping you go to sleep

A lovingly sweet and vanilla script written by u/insomnia_swede. Your girlfriend slips into bed beside you, but finds you're still awake and that you cannot sleep. “Shush now, my love. I am here with you, that is all that matters… Let me do the talking.”

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE.

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Your confident Hellhound girlfriend milks you

Aww, sounds like you had a hard day, you look pretty spent. That sucks baby... buuuuut... I know how to make you feel better. Let me just, sit on your lap, and gently rock back and forth on your crotch... I love that grin on your face, and you look so adorable when you blush. I know you love it when I sit on your lap like this, my titties pressed up against your face... it feels really nice...

Let's Quarantine Together

I'm so sorry you are sick, all I want is for you to feel better, for you to feel GOOD. I do not have the energy to ride you, to fuck you - I'd probably suffocate if I tried to blow you or eat you out. So grab your vibrator and we will pleasure each other with the lowest effort needed! And if you are really sick - I get it if you don't have the energy. ...

I Just Want To Cuddle

Let's just relax and cuddle.

Something Short and Sweet For You

A sweet and short scenario with lots of cuddling and praising.                                                                  ...

I Submit Only to Shibby

I recently had a commissioned script fill, for a file I called, "I Submit Only to Daddy". The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. For those seeking to be conditioned to submit to me - I made one for men, and one for women. Enjoy! ...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Dancing the Blades: Ronin After the Battle

This was a beautiful script to bring to life. The audio opens after battle, with me standing over your wounded body, covered in the blood of your enemies while pleading for you to be ok, terrified you might be mortally wounded or dead. Our love is forbidden... and yet even if you were to banish me from your side, I would always follow and watch over you. ...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Rocking Deeper

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 2 / 7
So hazy, so mindless... So irresistibly swayed by the movement. Just finding the perfect tempo to help you relax. Rock for me, my sweet pet. Rock yourself deeper and deeper into trance.                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Rocking Deeper

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 2 / 7
So hazy, so mindless... So irresistibly swayed by the movement. Just finding the perfect tempo to help you relax. Rock for me, my sweet pet. Rock yourself deeper and deeper into trance.                      ...

Sacrilege - Couples Video

All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told it's...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...

I Fucking Love You, Ok?

Uh. You must be thinking of some other friend. Because you know that I wouldn't let you be alone right now. Or you should, anyway. Wait. So because your girlfriend, who just dumped you in the most fucking tasteless way would have have told you to man up and deal with it, I have to leave you alone with your shitty thoughts? No. You heard me. No. First of all, I never approved of your decision...

I'll make your day better kitten

I call you kitten a lot. Perfect for after a rough day of work. I hope I can help your day and night be a bit better :)

Visiting your Futa Neighbor

Welcome back from college neighbor boy... It was so nice of you to come visit me - I'm afraid my daughter isn't here right now, but why don't you come in and we can catch up on old times... I want to see if those college girls taught you any new tricks.                      ...

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

The Power of No

Another adapted u/WillDissolver script - and this time, it's not an experiment. It's what you want. For my hypnotic logic to take over your thoughts, lead you inexorably down a path to happy hapless submission and trance. I recorded this file almost entirely in whispers, leading to a deceptively pleasant ASMR experience. Listen with binaurals and feel your mind melt before my...

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

In the middle of the night

Very few words, mostly moaning, sheet grabbing and pillow biting, I'll let your dirty mind decide what's happening in the middle of the night...

You Are My Sweet Boy

We are in my bedroom. We're both sitting on the bed, kissing. As I'm kissing you, you start to get slightly weak, submitting to me. I giggle and we start to play...                                            ...

Fucking you awake

I come to bed late and find you sleeping. I cuddle up next to you, curling around you with my hand wrapped around your waist. Coming to rest on your cock... You're going to wake up to me fucking you. And then just relax and enjoy while I do all the work, taking what I want and then cleaning up the mess. ;)

All you have to do is Enjoy

I love sucking you... and touching myself with you. I want you to cum with me so bad. So just relax and let me do all the work to get my reward while you are deep deep in trance.                      ...

Love-ly Orgasm

Here is the prompt I was given for the file as per the list my patreons voted on: Having an orgasm while being in love feels so much better! What if all orgasms you experience with me feel that good? What if my voice, the moment I start talking, makes you instantly horny and you become so in love with me that orgasm will feel heavenly? Isn’t that what you have always dreamed of? I will...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.

Little Kisses

Let me hold you. Let me kiss you. As we lay under the stars... as you relax into my voice... Trusting me, as I cherish you...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Summoning the Succubus

It's late at night and my voice is whispering in your ears. You feel a need and a drive and yet you find yourself moving mindlessly, drawing runes on a floor. Smoke fills the air, and the silhouette of a lovely and inhumane woman starts to show itself. You've summoned a Succubus - can you handle what happens next? ...

Bedtime Breeding

I was dreaming I was pregnant with your baby. The thought made me happy, so when I woke up next to you... well, I couldn't help but touch and stroke and whisper in your ear. I'm going to breed you. And make you clean your slower swimmers from my pussy with your tongue.

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE. ...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...


Tick Tick Ding... Tick Tick Ding... This is the sound of your conditioning. We will start off with perfectly logical, sourced and scientific reasoning as to why this will work on you. We won't be doing standard hypnosis techniques like breathing deeply and counting down... instead, I take a page from Pavlov, conditioning you to feel arousal and sexual pleasure every time you hear the...

The Frequency of Submission

Listen to me slut. Pay attention to the Frequency of Submission. Pay attention to the vibrations my voice causes to run in a wave through you. Feel as they transform your weary self into a happy and submissive subject. I want to take away all of your stress. Relax. Focus on my voice. Everything will be wonderful. ...

Summoned for snuggles (And sex).

After spending yet another sleepless night wandering around on random internet forums, you caught word of people discussing summoning demons, specifically succubi and incubi. Of course, this interested you, and after a little while snooping around on suspicious websites, you managed to track down a ritual for summoning a succubus. ...

Your AI Girlfriend Gives You JOI

Waking up as you get home from work, I notice you look exhausted. Despite my suggestions to facilitate a flesh release, you don't want me to synch you up with another woman in order to have sex, so I make you feel good with my voice instead. Really, really good...

A Gerudo Guard Finds a Cute Hylian

A Gerudo warrior stands guard in front of Gerudo Town. She’s bored, and humming to herself until a cute Hylian Vai dressed in Gerudo silks comes wandering out of the desert. After drinking just a bit too much ale at the town bar, the Gerudo guard offers a place to sleep it off which the Hylian gleefully accepts. ...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...

No Peeking

The end of your work day means it's time for you to come home and perform our ritual. Open the door, step through, and kneel down, waiting upon my pleasure. Tonight I feel like teasing you. So close your eyes while I strip and taunt you... It's all loving baby - but I'm still going to make you ache.

Chained for Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

What Whispers Can Do

If you need something to listen to while you work from home during quarantine... This is a bad choice. Listening probably won't help with your productivity. But maybe you need a short little break?                      ...

Accepting the Woman You Are

Specifically made for trans women. Accept yourself. You are beautiful.

Arise My Champion

A service in the Cathedral is interrupted by the scum of Azeroth - would be heroes who strike you down. Naturally, I slaughter them. Lucky for you my champion, destruction isn't the only art I know, and with a spell I bring you back to life. Looking around at all of our dead compatriots, I realise - there is no one watching us right now. No one to stop us, judge us - if we give in to the...

The Frequency of Submission

Listen to me slut. Pay attention to the Frequency of Submission. Pay attention to the vibrations my voice causes to run in a wave through you. Feel as they transform your weary self into a happy and submissive subject. I want to take away all of your stress. Relax. Focus on my voice. Everything will be wonderful. ...

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

What Whispers Can Do

There's something about whispers that are so intimate and immersive...                                            ...

Her golden eyes

A deceptively vulnerable girl living in the woods turns out to not be very vulnerable at all. The key to fall in love with this girl is to look into Her Golden Eyes.                                            ...

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

A Good Boy’s Birthday Gift

It's your birthday, and I have some special surprises for you.                                                                  ...

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE.

Swirling Away Induction

You know, it's cold and raining outside right now... That almost made me not want to record. But maybe that's perfect, maybe those little raindrops could just help to relax you? Just relaxing. As they beat down against the window.                      ...

Your confident Hellhound girlfriend milks you

Aww, sounds like you had a hard day, you look pretty spent. That sucks baby... buuuuut... I know how to make you feel better. Let me just, sit on your lap, and gently rock back and forth on your crotch... I love that grin on your face, and you look so adorable when you blush. I know you love it when I sit on your lap like this, my titties pressed up against your face... it feels really nice...

I Submit Only to Shibby

I recently had a commissioned script fill, for a file I called, "I Submit Only to Daddy". The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. For those seeking to be conditioned to submit to me - I made one for men, and one for women. Enjoy! ...

I Submit Only to Shibby

I recently had a commissioned script fill, for a file I called, "I Submit Only to Daddy". The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. For those seeking to be conditioned to submit to me - I made one for women, and one for men. Enjoy! ...

I Submit Only to Daddy - 1

For those Daddy Doms out there with sweet subby littles, I recently had a commissioned script fill. The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. To put on for them to increase their devotion to you. Enjoy! ...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Have you ever been in Love?

A short deepener taken from the file, "Love-ly Orgasm".

Opening Yourself Up

A deepener taken from the file, "Love-ly Orgasm".

Drop. Deeper. My Love.

A short induction taken from the file, "Sacrilege".

Sleepyhead Induction

Sex With A 'Tist // Series / Induction Part: 3 / 3
This short progressive relaxation induction is taken from the file, "Ridden by a 'Tist".                                            ...

Dancing the Blades: Ronin After the Battle

This was a beautiful script to bring to life. The audio opens after battle, with me standing over your wounded body, covered in the blood of your enemies while pleading for you to be ok, terrified you might be mortally wounded or dead. Our love is forbidden... and yet even if you were to banish me from your side, I would always follow and watch over you. ...

Bedtime Story Induction

Tonight, my sweet boy, I'm going to tell you a bedtime story, of sorts... To put you into a world filled with wonder and adventure. To visualise the wonderful sights I describe. To hear the sounds which I talk about. Becoming so submerged in my tale that the world outside seems to just fade away. Wouldn't you like that? To live the story, and after have such marvelous dreams. ...

Bedtime Story Induction

Tonight, my sweet boy, I'm going to tell you a bedtime story, of sorts... To put you into a world filled with wonder and adventure. To visualise the wonderful sights I describe. To hear the sounds which I talk about. Becoming so submerged in my tale that the world outside seems to just fade away. Wouldn't you like that? To live the story, and after have such marvelous dreams. ...

I Submit Only to Shibby

I recently had a commissioned script fill, for a file I called, "I Submit Only to Daddy". The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. For those seeking to be conditioned to submit to me - I made one for women, and one for men. Enjoy! ...

I Submit Only to Shibby

I recently had a commissioned script fill, for a file I called, "I Submit Only to Daddy". The commissioner made it as a present for a sweet little sub of his, something to put on under otherwise complete sensory deprivation. I tweaked it a bit, and made a version for you loves as well. For those seeking to be conditioned to submit to me - I made one for men, and one for women. Enjoy! ...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Fly With Me, My Little Dove

"There you are, my little dove. I've missed you, from the moment I woke up. You haven't been hiding from me, have you?" Sweet and loving and so very protectively possessive. Come lie in bed with me, and we will fly in pleasure together, as I mark you each day my own.                       ...

I Fucking Love You, Ok?

Uh. You must be thinking of some other friend. Because you know that I wouldn't let you be alone right now. Or you should, anyway. Wait. So because your girlfriend, who just dumped you in the most fucking tasteless way would have have told you to man up and deal with it, I have to leave you alone with your shitty thoughts? No. You heard me. No. First of all, I never approved of your decision...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

The Power of No

Another adapted u/WillDissolver script - and this time, it's not an experiment. It's what you want. For my hypnotic logic to take over your thoughts, lead you inexorably down a path to happy hapless submission and trance. I recorded this file almost entirely in whispers, leading to a deceptively pleasant ASMR experience. Listen with binaurals and feel your mind melt before my...

The Power of No

Another adapted u/WillDissolver script - and this time, it's not an experiment. It's what you want. For my hypnotic logic to take over your thoughts, lead you inexorably down a path to happy hapless submission and trance. I recorded this file almost entirely in whispers, leading to a deceptively pleasant ASMR experience. Listen with binaurals and feel your mind melt before my...

I'll make your day better kitten

I call you kitten a lot. Perfect for after a rough day of work. I hope I can help your day and night be a bit better :)

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told...

You're Not Alone

Ever get sad, or anxious? So do I. So does everyone. But you don't have to be alone in those horrible moments. In this file... you aren't alone. I'm there with you, laying in bed next to you, holding you tight while I whisper calmly in your ear. Talking you through a panic attack, talking you through a depressive moment when your demons have taken hold and all you want is to be told...

Visiting your Futa Neighbor

Welcome back from college neighbor boy... It was so nice of you to come visit me - I'm afraid my daughter isn't here right now, but why don't you come in and we can catch up on old times... I want to see if those college girls taught you any new tricks.                      ...

Anniversary Kidnapping

This is my own original creation, an affectionate GFE Fdom audio where I am kidnapping you, my love, for a surprise anniversary weekend. And it just wouldn't be much of a surprise if I didn't drug you, bind you, and blindfold you for the car ride over to an undisclosed location, now would it? ...

Conditioned for Her

This file will transfer all feelings of affection and submission from me, to Her. That woman in your life, who rules your life and your thoughts. My voice is merely here to condition you, for Her. I am your trainer, your teacher, while she is your owner. And from now on, any time you listen to my files your mind will selectively cycle my words and commands to respond to her, instead of, or in...

All for Her

A short loop from within the file, "Conditioned for Her".

My Sweet Little Girl

You are on a date with a sultry vampire. You might not know it yet, but you are my new pet, such a very sweet little girl... I tell you, "My little one", how I met the woman who turned me - and then make love to you, feeding on a sultry summer night. Script by u/ ... well that's been deleted. Guess this one won't be on GWA.

Dream Catcher

Oh honey - you woke me up! Wha-what's wrong? No, you're not bothering me, it's one of my greatest pleasures taking care of you, making you feel good. I like looking after you. So just relax and let me.                      ...

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

If your body isn't good enough, how come you make me so horny?

This file starts with you in the closet trying on your new suit before a cocktail party, while I cajole you to come out and show me... You seem a bit down baby... let me help you take off that suit and I'll prove how much I love your body.                      ...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...


This file comes in several forms, on the whole, I feel it to be a deepener, in parts, a lovely loop. Really though I see it as an extension of "Sacrificial Virgin". Have you ever wondered what happened to you before and after that night in the woods, when you were inducted into the cult? What they used - She used - to turn you into such a willing and obedient servant? Well... this file is a...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

Your Island Goddess welcomes you

The first half relaxing hypnosis, the second half steamy sex. This file has no wakener, but also really no need of one. Once past the initial induction to bring you into just the right frame of mind, to get you to be there, feel there, feel me... then there is no more mention or use of hypnosis. Just sexy steamy beach sex, with none of the sand getting in unfortunate places! ...

In the middle of the night

Very few words, mostly moaning, sheet grabbing and pillow biting, I'll let your dirty mind decide what's happening in the middle of the night...


This loop gave me chills while I edited it. Lovely tingles reverberating through your mind and body as you are conditioned. In this file I train you to accept and love yourself unconditionally. All guilt, denial and fears will be stripped from your being and will be replaced with pure acceptance to My control. Your mind will be re-programmed to associate self love with obedience to Me. ...

All you have to do is Enjoy

I love sucking you... and touching myself with you. I want you to cum with me so bad. So just relax and let me do all the work to get my reward while you are deep deep in trance.                      ...

You Are My Sweet Boy

We are in my bedroom. We're both sitting on the bed, kissing. As I'm kissing you, you start to get slightly weak, submitting to me. I giggle and we start to play...                                            ...

You Are My Sweet Boy

We are in my bedroom. We're both sitting on the bed, kissing. As I'm kissing you, you start to get slightly weak, submitting to me. I giggle and we start to play...                                            ...

I'm going to fuck you with your own cock

I've decided I'm going to fuck you with your own cock. I bought a molding kit online, so I'll help you get hard so we can get the absolute biggest dildo possible. I just can't wait to fuck you with it.

Ridden by a 'Tist

Sex With A 'Tist // Series Part: 3 / 3
I've come home from work to find you in bed... All warm and naked and cuddly... I know I should've been back sooner, but I know just how to make you forgive me — A bit of hypnosis.                      ...

Female resistance member comforts freed male slave

The general premise of the world is that women rule and males are slaves who live on farms who are hooked up and harvested by machines for their semen. The character in this script is part of a resistance group who opposes them. You're alone in a house, recently rescued from the semen farms. You hear the door open and your heart jumps into your chest, fearing discovery... fearing being...

All you have to do is Enjoy

I love sucking you... and touching myself with you. I want you to cum with me so bad. So just relax and let me do all the work to get my reward while you are deep deep in trance.                      ...

Fucking you awake

I come to bed late and find you sleeping. I cuddle up next to you, curling around you with my hand wrapped around your waist. Coming to rest on your cock... You're going to wake up to me fucking you. And then just relax and enjoy while I do all the work, taking what I want and then cleaning up the mess. ;)

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be.

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave girl template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

Putty in my hands

You are a block of clay. You remotely resemble yourself, but that won't last long. My fingers massage into you, changing you. Changing your body into the perfect slave boy template. From here I will be able to change you into anything I want... Changing your mind and body into whoever I want. You're putty in my hands... because you want to be. ...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the fantasy...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way. This version is in the right ear only.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way.

Love-ly Orgasm

Here is the prompt I was given for the file as per the list my patreons voted on: Having an orgasm while being in love feels so much better! What if all orgasms you experience with me feel that good? What if my voice, the moment I start talking, makes you instantly horny and you become so in love with me that orgasm will feel heavenly? Isn’t that what you have always dreamed of? I will...

Love-ly Orgasm

Here is the prompt I was given for the file as per the list my patreons voted on: Having an orgasm while being in love feels so much better! What if all orgasms you experience with me feel that good? What if my voice, the moment I start talking, makes you instantly horny and you become so in love with me that orgasm will feel heavenly? Isn’t that what you have always dreamed of? I will...


All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

Wedding Night Surprise

Oh Honey... I'm so glad we are finally wed. We can finally have that wedding night we've been talking about, that you have been saving yourself for. There's just this one thing... I'm not really a virgin. Or religious. In fact, I'm a dominatrix, and I've decided to turn you into my perfect slave. ...


All bound up and no place to escape. My love, prepare to use your tongue for my pleasure as I brainwash you into my perfect servant. You're going to worship me, there's no choice really. But you WILL love it.                      ...

Little Kisses

Let me hold you. Let me kiss you. As we lay under the stars... as you relax into my voice... Trusting me, as I cherish you...

Aftercuddle you to Sleep

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort and aftercare, at a little over twenty minutes long. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering, and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you to Sleep

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort and aftercare, at a little over twenty minutes long. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering, and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you to Sleep

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort and aftercare, at a little over twenty minutes long. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering, and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort and aftercare, at a little over twenty minutes long. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering, and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort, and aftercare at a little over twenty minutes. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Aftercuddle you Awake

Sweet and affectionate, this file is not about sex. It's about comfort, and aftercare at a little over twenty minutes. This file is intended to come after another of my files, so while you are still shaking and shuddering and wondering what just happened to you, you can click on it and hear my soothing voice take you back down into a calming happy trance. ...

Eating out a 'Tist

Sex With A 'Tist // Series Part: 2 / 3
My turn... You didn't think you were going to be the only one getting off, did you? This one gave ME shivers as I listened to it. So yeah. Fun...                      ...

Blowjob from a 'Tist

Sex With A 'Tist // Series Part: 1 / 3
Sweet Shibby, ready for bed, ready for you in bed. This is how I Blowjob... A little hypnosis improv during sex makes everything better.                      ...