
The audio includes a break in dialogue, between character and listener, where one side speaks, at length, about their thoughts, motives and actions.

An Interdimensional Orgasm

Have you ever just stopped and wondered?— I mean, really, really stopped. Stopped everything. Stopped what you were doing. Stopped what you were thinking. And just closed your eyes to contemplate. What’s it all about?—Why are we here?—What does it all mean?—Where am I going?—Where is humanity as a whole going to end up?—What is the meaning of life?...

An Interdimensional Orgasm

Have you ever just stopped and wondered?— I mean, really, really stopped. Stopped everything. Stopped what you were doing. Stopped what you were thinking. And just closed your eyes to contemplate. What’s it all about?—Why are we here?—What does it all mean?—Where am I going?—Where is humanity as a whole going to end up?—What is the meaning of life?...

An Interdimensional Orgasm

Have you ever just stopped and wondered?— I mean, really, really stopped. Stopped everything. Stopped what you were doing. Stopped what you were thinking. And just closed your eyes to contemplate. What’s it all about?—Why are we here?—What does it all mean?—Where am I going?—Where is humanity as a whole going to end up?—What is the meaning of life?...

Do My Poor Pet A Favour

You've been staring so intently and for so long now. It's like you've fallen deep down into my eyes... As if you've slipped along your gaze to fall deeply inside them, deep into my eyes. To where you could just turn around and see yourself through them. And when you do... You see that, in this moment, you're all that matters to me. And that makes you so very happy. That makes you smile...

Shy Superheroine Accidentally Mesmerizes You with Pheromones

You've been a superhero for a long time now. You've even made a pretty good name for yourself. Tonight, you're staking out some criminals you've been tracking for a while. But before you can leap into action, she appears... A newbie hero with a ridiculously revealing costume. She tells you she can secrete pheromones that make people docile. She wants to help you fight, but you aren't so...

Pool Party Piggy

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 3 / 3
Welcome back to the final episode of this devilish little trilogy. The Trio have grown in substantial wealth and notoriety since your last encounter. And it is very easy to understand why given their adept ability to wrap even the most buttoned up subject around their little finger. The Mistresses have subsequently attracted an array of interested...

An Interdimensional Orgasm

Have you ever just stopped and wondered?— I mean, really, really stopped. Stopped everything. Stopped what you were doing. Stopped what you were thinking. And just closed your eyes to contemplate. What’s it all about?—Why are we here?—What does it all mean?—Where am I going?—Where is humanity as a whole going to end up?—What is the meaning of life?...

I break you down to build you back up

You're a slut.  MY slut.  And I love that about you. I love that you specifically come to me. That you're not just any slut. No. No. No... You're not a beginner anymore. This isn't your first fucking time. We both know it. And that's what makes you such fucking fun. You're mine now. My slut. My creature. My pet. And I love knowing this about you. That I could do such terrible...

Chained For Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

How Dare You Make Me So Horny

How fucking dare you. Do you know what you do to me? — Do you know how excited I am? Just listen at how fucking depraved you make me feel. Make no mistake, I’m in charge but even I have my limits on how much I can take.                      ...

Accepting the Woman You Are

Specifically made for trans women. Accept yourself. You are beautiful.

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

Ode to Your Cock Cage

Put on your headphones, and prepare to be relentlessly teased, until I’ve sucked out each and every drop of power you once had. I want you this way... Frustrated. Powerless. Giving it all to me. Knowing you are swelling, and squirming with discomfort and need.                      ...

Ode to Your Cock Cage

Put on your headphones, and prepare to be relentlessly teased, until I’ve sucked out each and every drop of power you once had. I want you this way... Frustrated. Powerless. Giving it all to me. Knowing you are swelling, and squirming with discomfort and need.                      ...

The Breeding Machine

The listener is kidnapped by a scientist who is worried about plummeting birthrates. She's developed a machine that forces sexual intercourse and impregnation, complete with sexy, sexy drugs. And she's going to use herself as the second test subject. Of course, she'll stop the experiment before she gets pregnant. That's harder to do when you're pumped full of aphrodisiacs, though... ​ ...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Latex Lobotomy

Before we continue, my sluts. Let me start out with a warning. The themes in this file may be uncomfortable for some listeners who find the idea of their mind being turned into a liquid latex mush distressing. And I wouldn't want anybody to be enticed in further, that wasn't prepared to be mind-fucked beyond their wildest imaginations... The Chip implant looks as though it has been a...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...


Before it continues, let me repeat this one last and final warning. The themes in this file are even darker, and more dangerously twisted then those which preceded it... If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you take a moment to look up the full tags, and stop reading now. Still here? Good Slut. The Chip implant has been a resounding success, completely shifting and consuming...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Left Bound and Horny

Bound up, cock twitching and begging for me to use it. Oooo baby I love seeing you this way so so much. I love leaving you this way even more...

Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...

Teased at the Convention

You dirty slut. Shouldn't you be checking out the convention? Watching shows and playing games and exploring... Maybe you needed a break though. Maybe you are a weak little slut and just couldn't resist your deeper, darker urges. Well, I certainly won't try to scare you away. Just remember - this was your idea. I'm not to be blamed for giving you what you want. Well... most of...

Listen With Headphones: An Email From A Slutty Co-Worker

Hello, I hope this email finds you well today. I'd like to bring your attention to something I find a bit concerning, but for privacy reasons I've recorded my concerns, and what I think might help resolve them... verbally. Please make sure you are wearing headphones, you wouldn't want any of our co-workers to hear. I'm watching you right now. I can't wait to watch as you listen. Just make...

Your Sidekick just Became a Supervillain, and Now She's Taking What She's Always Wanted.

I can wrap my hand around your throat like this, and end it all right here. It would be sad for sure, but what’s an origin story without a little tragedy? I could sit here on top of you and just watch you just fade away. I’d see the look in your eyes as you finally realize you love me. That you’ve always loved me. It’d almost be worth it, just to know for sure... but I’m tired of...

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

I'm Going To Edge You, My Good Boy

I like what I see, my kinky little love. You look so amazing handcuffed naked in that chair, and it looks like your cock is rock hard in anticipation of what I'm going to do to you. You're going to love it. Oh you're going to love it so much.                      ...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next", where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend into a perfectly submissive little...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

My Feet on your Face

Speaking to you from my chair, with my bare feet rubbing on your face.

Chained for Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

Accepting the Woman You Are

Specifically made for trans women. Accept yourself. You are beautiful.

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

HFO Suggestion

HFO Indoctrination // Series #7
Little suggestions can make such a big difference. In this file I take you down with a series of suggestions. Once you are nice and deep in trance for me, the suggestions continue, becoming more and more pleasurable until you find yourself in the grips of an amazing hands free orgasm. ...

The Breeding Machine

The listener is kidnapped by a scientist who is worried about plummeting birthrates. She's developed a machine that forces sexual intercourse and impregnation, complete with sexy, sexy drugs. And she's going to use herself as the second test subject. Of course, she'll stop the experiment before she gets pregnant. That's harder to do when you're pumped full of aphrodisiacs, though... ​ ...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice"- If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Left Bound and Horny

Bound up, cock twitching and begging for me to use it. Oooo baby I love seeing you this way so so much. I love leaving you this way even more...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Give In

The same type of file as "Mine", or "Slut to My Voice" - If you enjoyed them you will like this file. I'm going to tell you why you like it, tell you to say yes, knowing that every time you say yes it becomes easier to say yes the next time. I know you inside and out, and I am going to use it to condition you to my will. Pleasure is just a tool for me, but for you... it's your undoing of free...

Your Sidekick just Became a Supervillain, and Now She's Taking What She's Always Wanted.

I can wrap my hand around your throat like this, and end it all right here. It would be sad for sure, but what’s an origin story without a little tragedy? I could sit here on top of you and just watch you just fade away. I’d see the look in your eyes as you finally realize you love me. That you’ve always loved me. It’d almost be worth it, just to know for sure... but I’m tired of...

Listen With Headphones: An Email From A Slutty Co-Worker

Hello, I hope this email finds you well today. I'd like to bring your attention to something I find a bit concerning, but for privacy reasons I've recorded my concerns, and what I think might help resolve them... verbally. Please make sure you are wearing headphones, you wouldn't want any of our co-workers to hear. I'm watching you right now. I can't wait to watch as you listen. Just make...

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

Dark Therapy

I saw this script, written by u/Hou_bi, and wanted it so bad I decided to gender flip it. In it, you are my little bird, whose been coming to me for therapy for quite awhile now. With a cocktail of drugs and intense brainwashing sessions, I've been slowly molding your life to be better - and hitching all of that progress to an association with me. You need me. So why did you try to run...

I'm Going To Edge You, My Good Boy

I like what I see, my kinky little love. You look so amazing handcuffed naked in that chair, and it looks like your cock is rock hard in anticipation of what I'm going to do to you. You're going to love it. Oh you're going to love it so much.                      ...

I Need To Hurt You To Keep You

A young woman infatuated by a regular customer, takes matters into her own hands and tries to make him see the error of his ways. He isn't the first, and he likely won't be the last. But to keep him for now, she's going to need to hurt him to cover her tracks. Written by u/KardinalSin

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Busty Petite Bookworm Cheats w/Big-Dicked Friend

In it the titular character gets right down to business, surprising and seducing her friend that she knows for a fact has a dick big enough to fuck her exactly the way she wants, and she's not going to let the fact that both of them are in relationships stop her.                      ...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next". You can find the first part linked, where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend...

Hate Fuck

I strapped you down before I told you what I was going to do. I'm kinda in a bad mood. And I am going to take my frustrations out on you. It's honestly what you are good for.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the fantasy...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way. This version is in the right ear only.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way.

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...

I Will Be Your Whole World

A short FemDom... statement of intent.