
The audio involves the erotic dreams and secret fantasies of an individual; for the listener, it may also help guide and visualise them.

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Hidden in Plain Sight

Afterwards you'll wonder who or what I really am, and if we'll ever meet again. But the real question you should be asking yourself is how many times have we met before? How many times has my curvaceously coated body brushed past yours in a crowded hall. How often have I watched you stroll by, hidden in plain sight. You don't even know my name, do you? I could be anyone. I could be anywhere....

Nominative Determinism

Today, I'm holding another one of my very special online "Shibby Says" erotic hypnosis classes, which any of my adoring fans can come watch or join on webcam. And you — my favourite listener of all — I'm sure that you won't miss out on attending as well. In fact, I'm counting on it. You look like just the perfect demonstration bottom for what I have planned this morning. Although I teach...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Be Better for Shibby

Do It For Me // Commission #5
Are you finding it hard to change your habits? To motivate yourself to the life you envision? I know it’s so easy to fall into a pattern, into a comfortable complacency. But I don’t like complacent pets. I want all my pets to constantly be striving to do everything they can to please me. To better themselves, so they can better please me, and so treat the...

Control Room Inside Your Mind

Inside your mind is a control room of sorts, but is it really yours or perhaps it is mine? For those slaves who have already listened to lots of my recordings perhaps you already know the answer... But I'm sure just one more brain­washing loop won't be too hard for you to handle. Because now it's time we both explored that thought a little bit deeper. Now it's time I made myself a...

Your Naughty Loving Wife Leaves You A Message

I hope this doesn't distract you at work. It's just a harmless voicemail message from your wife about what she has in store for you when you get home...                                            ...

You'll Do Anything For Erika

It was gradual at first. You didn’t trust it. You didn’t even want to admit it to yourself. You were developing feelings for her. Or rather, not developing. You had feelings for her. There was no denying it at this point. It had been, what, a year? Maybe two? How many nights had you spent staring at your phone, texting back and forth? How many times had you hung out and spent a...

Fun with Fudgepops

Dieting is so hard. So very very hard. Honestly, I need you to help me baby... I need reminding of why I diet, why I want to look so good. I want to feel that power that comes from being hot. From having men and women drooling at my feet because my tits look just that good. The way my soft white breasts jiggle with every movement... Fuck, you know you love it. ...

Fun with Fudgepops

Dieting is so hard. So very very hard. Honestly, I need you to help me baby... I need reminding of why I diet, why I want to look so good. I want to feel that power that comes from being hot. From having women and men drooling at my feet because my tits look just that good. The way my soft white breasts jiggle with every movement... Fuck, you know you love it too. ...

Ear Play Edging

Your ears are one of my favorite parts of your body. As the means and method by which I oh so easily manipulate that cock of yours. And I just can't wait to lick and suck and whisper dirty things into them. All while I stroke you to the edge over and over... and over again... Each time counting you down deeper into our dream-like sexual fantasy, of my hands playfully twisting and teasing...

Breast Obsession

You've been a good boy in your slave training so far. That is until I catch you staring at my tits...                                            ...

Just Let Go: A Meditative HFO

Sit up straight! Today, we are going to be focusing on one thing and one thing only — Breathing. I know that when you listen to me, more often than not, you do not follow my instructions as they are given. Now, I don't necessarily blame you for this. I can be quite distracting to horny little boys after all. But those instructions are given for a reason. And although I don't expect all...

ASMR Sparkle Flogger: HFO

Sparkle Flogger // Series #1
Imagine for me, if you will, my sparkle flogger. It's made of a tinsel-like material, light, pretty — all the rainbow colours catching against the shifting light. I love my collection of floggers, and this is one of the most special to me. It's short for that optimal twirl­ability, with many Mylar Falls that flicker upward like a silver-tinged kaleidoscope that...

Trapped in Anal Slut Training

"Will you become my denial slut?" All I'm going to do is offer you this one choice. Its such a simple mental trap. The chance to indulge all your dark desires with me. And yet, so very effective. Because I know sluts like you are never truly satisfied. You're always just so needy, so desperately craving to be filled, pegged, and taken. ...

Trapped in Anal Slut Training

"Will you become my denial slut?" All I'm going to do is offer you this one choice. Its such a simple mental trap. The chance to indulge all your dark desires with me. And yet, so very effective. Because I know sluts like you are never truly satisfied. You're always just so needy, so desperately craving to be filled, pegged, and taken. ...

Choose Me- No Choose Me!

Two friends invite you over so you can help them fix some stuff around the house. After all that hard work you did, they want to reward you... properly. Problem is, they BOTH want to be the one to give you that ultimate reward.

Pure ASMR Hands Free Orgasm

I know, I know... the title is a bit lacking in art, a bit... clickbaity. But it gets the point across. Don't worry, once you listen, once you relax as I start with a bit of rambling to calm and soothe and build the intimacy between us... Once my fingers and lips start going to work, and my whispered words start pulling you down, down, deeper into a hypnotic ASMR trance. You'll forgive me...

What Whispers Can Do

If you need something to listen to while you work from home during quarantine... This is a bad choice. Listening probably won't help with your productivity. But maybe you need a short little break?                      ...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

What Whispers Can Do

There's something about whispers that are so intimate and immersive...                                            ...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

Hypnotic Joy

Hey- You seem a bit… distracted? Are you getting bored, perhaps, of all the pointless day to day distractions of modern life... The incessant too and fro. The chaotic bustle. All those hectic racing thoughts. Focus. Don’t you really just want to come play with me instead? Just me and you, together. There's nothing I love more than to spend some time with you, my favorite...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. ...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

HFO Brainwashing Loop

When I am finally done with you, it will be so easy for you to simply cum on command. To ejaculate whenever I say. You see, slut, in this loop I’m going to train you. I’m going to layer my voice to the vibrations, track by track, and trigger by trigger, until I make you release for me. Till the vibing pulsing rhythms break all resistance down, and you succumb to my control over you. I...

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...

You're mine. And I'm going to make you feel so good

You're mine. Your cock is mine. Get ready for me to play with it - and you - to my wickedest and most teasing desires. You'll come into this file not knowing if you get to cum or not, and personally I think that is just so much more fun. Or you could cheat and check out the oh so sexy script by /u/funnytraybake ... Either way. You're MINE.

You're just a Toy

As irresistible to you. As it is irresistible to me. That's the beauty of hypnosis. That's why you're so precious to me. I sense who, and what you are... And I feel the excitement rise, even as my anxiety fades. And I taste power, and pleasure, at the thought of playing with somebody. Thinking of you all so blank, and floaty, and feeling so nice. It draws me in... It draws me to...

Drip. Drop.

Drop for me my sweet pet, welcoming in my influence as it washes over you.


You've been sitting in this room for what's felt like hours. You're naked and the hard chair beneath you is beginning to feel just a bit uncomfortable. But you'll sit there as long as necessary, eyes close, legs slightly spread and hands gripping the sides of the chair. Because that's what she instructed you to do. Your mistress. Your goddess. ​ No restraints bind your arms or legs, no...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Hooked up to the Hive

My Latex Series // Session Three / Loop #3
It always starts with the snap... Then the whirring of unseen gears. The artificial bathing of green light... And you are in. Hooked up directly to my hive system, and my brain­washing machine. The place where all my slaves conditioning is monitored, moulded and manipulated. ...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...

Pleasure for a poor neglected Slut

You poor thing. Have I been neglecting you? I'm sorry I've been a little busy lately. I have a new addiction. It seems like you might be a little bit addicted to me. Addicted to hypnosis. Addicted to my control I have over you. My poor needy little slut. My Good Slut. You have been a Good Slut, haven't you? Don't worry, I'm here to make it up to you, getting lost in playing with you, while...

Choose Me- No Choose Me!

Two friends invite you over so you can help them fix some stuff around the house. After all that hard work you did, they want to reward you... properly. Problem is, they BOTH want to be the one to give you that ultimate reward. In this part one, two girls- Shibby and Kasey, take turns giving you a blowjob while the other licks and whispers into your ear, giving you shivers of...

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.                      ...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

The Big Bang

Relax for me, you are a Good Submissive. Settle yourself down in a quiet, comfy spot and and allow yourself to drift down into subspace. See a rope within your mind. Knots every foot or so, stretching deep into the blank void inside your mind. Inside is trance. Inside is submission. A pit, endless, you can always go deeper. With every number you feel yourself grabbing a knot and pulling...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Transitional Touching

I want you to start by finding a video, a very specific, pornographic video. One with a woman, one so very close to an ideal you. There shouldn’t be too much talking, just a straight-on view of her masturbating. Of her rubbing her pussy. Playing with her nipples, hands running over her body. Looking into the camera straight on the whole time. We don’t want any foreplay, just...

Cum for me, My Perfect Pet

Sometimes when I'm busy recording my mind will get an idea stuck in it that I just can't seem to shake off. I was daydreaming about sharing intimate moments with you, and I just had to vent it out and record this file. So just relax as I snuggle up to you and imagine me climbing on top and mounting you, one leg on either side. Does it make you excited, having me this close, moaning in your...

Drip. Drop.

Drop for me my sweet pet, welcoming in my influence as it washes over you.                                            ...

Listen With Headphones: An Email From A Slutty Co-Worker

Hello, I hope this email finds you well today. I'd like to bring your attention to something I find a bit concerning, but for privacy reasons I've recorded my concerns, and what I think might help resolve them... verbally. Please make sure you are wearing headphones, you wouldn't want any of our co-workers to hear. I'm watching you right now. I can't wait to watch as you listen. Just make...

So you think you have control over your cock?

I just love fucking with you. This script by u/funnytraybake is a challenge for the listener. Listen through five minutes of intense teasing while managing to stay soft and you get to listen to an amazing JOI. Can't control yourself and get hard? Take your hands off, turn the audio off and try again later.

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

Entranced Confessions - Cum Eater

The Entranced Confessions Collection#4
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. So how about a little humiliation? A little snack, to show you who is in charge, and show you that we really can make you do anything. ...

Peeping Tomboy

Rape tag to be safe, the sex is consensual but there are a fair amount of references to rape. Your tomboy friend owes you a favor, and decides to pay you back by showing a place to spy on naked girls. Will anything more happen between you two? The tags say yes.                      ...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...

Come for Me

This file is pure JOI, and you'd better be ready with cock out when you start listening. In it I tell you very specifically how I want you to stroke for me, and when you are allowed to cum for me.                      ...

Playful Femdom pushes limits without being mean

Grab some lotion and a blindfold, I'm about to have some fun with you. Oh, and get naked. I like you best that way. Be a good boy and follow all my instructions and we can have such a lovely time together.                      ...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

You Need Help Getting To Sleep, Don't You Baby?

You can't sleep... you're frustrated... pent up... but, I know what you need baby... I know exactly what's going to help you... me...                                            ...

Facebook Crush Cuckold JOI

Pull up your social media for me. Go to HER page. Look at all those pictures. You want her so badly don't you? But right now, she's fucking someone else. Your cock is never going to have that pussy, poor thing. But hey, lets have a bit of fun jerking off to her fucking other guys!                      ...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...

I'm going to talk about your cock while you're at work

I really love making audios designed to tease you at work. Dirty talk about your cock. My preferred way for you to listen is trying to do work, or concentrate on a project while I talk to you, distracting you.

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next", where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend into a perfectly submissive little...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Brain Squeeze

I love having an obedient toy who will let me experiment with all sorts of new and wonderful things. Especially ones I can use on someone else. On a boy who's open minded, and eager to see all the different ways in which I can work my hypnotic magic. On a good boy, like you... You don't mind letting me explore you a little do you? To be my little test bunny? You see I just found...

Your Girlfriend Has Been Reading Your Scripts

This is a bit of a meta-script written by u/Scriptdoctornick. You, the listener, my boyfriend, have taken up writing [Fdom] scripts for GWA, and I’ve stumbled across them and found out all your secret desires. Am I turned on by your kinks and excited to indulge them? Or pissed off that you've been doing this behind my back? ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Reverse Hypnotherapy

Feel My presence, real and intense, as I take you under for a very special session together. My lips will move and your body will shudder as you respect My power and My authority. I have a lot of paying clients like yourself... Who are obsessed with cock. Who simply can't stop fantasizing about cock. I know it's...  HARD...  But don't think about cock. ...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Brain Button

I go deep. Deep inside you. Where I can flick switches and push buttons. Every bulb in your brain just turns on when you focus on my voice. Electric signals traveling through your nervous system when I press that button. That little button. Right there, in the back of your head. I can just reach out, and press it... And make you drop! ...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Demonic Desires

Relax Sweetie, I'm just going to help you to relax. To release tension... To drift... for a bit, under the guidance of my voice. I'll guide you on a journey, deeper and deeper inside yourself, until we come to a place we can pretend is controlled by you. Your perverted, slutty mind is so very useful, for the naughtier your mind, the more sexual energy you produce - and the more hands...

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.                      ...

Pure ASMR Hands Free Orgasm

I know, I know... the title is a bit lacking in art, a bit... clickbaity. But it gets the point across. And also will show up great on [Tag] searches. =P Don't worry, once you listen, once you relax as I start with a bit of rambling to calm and soothe and build the intimacy between us... Once my fingers and lips start going to work, and my whispered words start pulling you down, down, deeper...

What Whispers Can Do

If you need something to listen to while you work from home during quarantine... This is a bad choice. Listening probably won't help with your productivity. But maybe you need a short little break?                      ...

Darkest Desires

An improv from a live recording. Just relax and give in... Picture your darkest desires as I take you down into your personal naughty taboos that turn you on.
I'm exulting in my power over you as your submission takes over and your hands obey.

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...                                            ...

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

What Whispers Can Do

There's something about whispers that are so intimate and immersive...                                            ...

Choose Me- Snippet!

I did a bit of improv today for an upcoming ASMR file which I'm going to name, "Choose Me- No Choose Me!". Its still in progress, since its a lot of editing, but I just really wanted to see what you loves thought of this ear licking snippet.

A Happy Little Orgasm

Hi, I’m Shibby. I’d like to welcome you to the happy world of painting, using your imagination. Imagination is like any muscle in your body. The more you practice, the better you become. In today's session I have so many experimental techniques I’d like to show you. All you need is a happy little heart and a willing mind. Life is all about creating happy little places. ...

You're mine. And I'm going to make you feel so good

You're mine. Your cock is mine. Get ready for me to play with it - and you - to my wickedest and most teasing desires. You'll come into this file not knowing if you get to cum or not, and personally I think that is just so much more fun. Or you could cheat and check out the oh so sexy script by /u/funnytraybake ... Either way. You're MINE.

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...


You've been sitting in this room for what's felt like hours. You're naked and the hard chair beneath you is beginning to feel just a bit uncomfortable. But you'll sit there as long as necessary, eyes close, legs slightly spread and hands gripping the sides of the chair. Because that's what she instructed you to do. Your mistress. Your goddess. ​ No restraints bind your arms or legs, no...

The Shape of Madness is Your Desire

The stars have seen your plight; they have answered the prayer that you didn't know you voiced. Your new companion arrives through your dreams, and she will ensure that you will want for nothing. The Shoggoth is an intricate being, and has a complex design. You'll soon realize that you have already belonged to her for a long time... This amazing file was written by u/EighthSpan.

Futa Fireworks

Blow for me and I'll Blow in you. For those of you who really like the purer side of hypno, and the psychological dirty talk that is my special touch... Not so much straight Futa, as it is me pegging you while telling you to relax, it's ok to think of it as a real cock, as me of being a woman able to really fuck you in the intimate way that just feels so much more RAW when I have a...

Horny Motivation for a Marathon Runner

A positively motivating audio track to listen to while you run. "I fell in love with you because you are so smart and funny. And this new body of yours makes you a fucking wet dream. You are the man of my dreams."                      ...

Fuck this I want Porn

A short masturbatory ramble on the kinds of sadistic fantasies I use to get off, when you're not here to play with.

Entranced Confessions - Cum Eater

The Entranced Confessions Collection#4
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. So how about a little humiliation? A little snack, to show you who is in charge, and show you that we really can make you do anything. ...

Listen With Headphones: An Email From A Slutty Co-Worker

Hello, I hope this email finds you well today. I'd like to bring your attention to something I find a bit concerning, but for privacy reasons I've recorded my concerns, and what I think might help resolve them... verbally. Please make sure you are wearing headphones, you wouldn't want any of our co-workers to hear. I'm watching you right now. I can't wait to watch as you listen. Just make...

So you think you have control over your cock?

I just love fucking with you. This script by u/funnytraybake is a challenge for the listener. Listen through five minutes of intense teasing while managing to stay soft and you get to listen to an amazing JOI. Can't control yourself and get hard? Take your hands off, turn the audio off and try again later.

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Munch for Me

Do It For Me // Series #1
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Run for Me

Do It For Me // Series #2
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Clean for Me

Do It For Me // Series #3
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Peeping Tomboy

Rape tag to be safe, the sex is consensual but there are a fair amount of references to rape. Your tomboy friend owes you a favor, and decides to pay you back by showing a place to spy on naked girls. Will anything more happen between you two? The tags say yes.                      ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...

Come for Me

This file is pure JOI, and you'd better be ready with cock out when you start listening. In it I tell you very specifically how I want you to stroke for me, and when you are allowed to cum for me.                      ...

Playful Femdom pushes limits without being mean

Grab some lotion and a blindfold, I'm about to have some fun with you. Oh, and get naked. I like you best that way. Be a good boy and follow all my instructions and we can have such a lovely time together.                      ...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Putting a Slut Inside You: A HFO

Slut Inside You // Series #1
Hello pet. Have you been feeling the weight of the world recently pet? Are you looking for an escape? I have a delicious one planned for you today. I'm going to help you take all those worries, all those cares, and store them away. I'm going to help you be... free. I'll take you to a place where all that matters is you and me. Of course I feel you could be a...

Cuckold Roleplay

Baby, I love you but you just can't satisfy me... So I think we need to try something new. Why don't you think about that while we fuck? No - not with your cock. That thing is way too small to satisfy me. Fuck me with this dildo, and think of it as another mans cock in your wife. ...

You Need Help Getting To Sleep, Don't You Baby?

You can't sleep... you're frustrated... pent up... but, I know what you need baby... I know exactly what's going to help you... me...                                            ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next". You can find the first part linked, where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

Ridden by a 'Tist

Sex With A 'Tist // Series Part: 3 / 3
I've come home from work to find you in bed... All warm and naked and cuddly... I know I should've been back sooner, but I know just how to make you forgive me — A bit of hypnosis.                      ...

Tight White Dress

I love dressing sexy for you....

Munch for Me

Do It For Me // Series #1
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Clean for Me

Do It For Me // Series #3
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Run for Me

Do It For Me // Series #2
It's important you realise. Making yourself better isn’t something you do for you, it’s something you do for ME. For that significant other or future woman in your life who you want to attract, to make happy. I want you to be better — really, and truly — I want you to look better, treat the world better. Make more money so supporting me is trivial! I want...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

Facebook Crush Cuckold JOI

Pull up your social media for me. Go to HER page. Look at all those pictures. You want her so badly don't you? But right now, she's fucking someone else. Your cock is never going to have that pussy, poor thing. But hey, lets have a bit of fun jerking off to her fucking other guys!                      ...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the fantasy...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way. This version is in the right ear only.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way.

The Succubus Inside You

This file comes out almost as an erotic bedtime story. Being visited by the succubus of your dreams. Go into it picturing me curled up next to you, a book in hand and whispering a bedtime story in your ear. Feel yourself being sucked into the story...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Orgasmic HFO

Orgasmic Training // HFO Night: 14
The finale, the final file in the "Orgasmic Training Series". I hope you are ready for it... For those of you who have been following my regimen this whole time, I am so very proud of you. Knowing how effective it has been, spices my nights up quite a bit... And every bit of information I'm getting will be used against you at a later time. ...

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...

I'm going to talk about your cock while you're at work

I really love making audios designed to tease you at work. Dirty talk about your cock. My preferred way for you to listen is trying to do work, or concentrate on a project while I talk to you, distracting you.

Cage Game

This audio requires a chastity device, preferably a cock cage. Have it and some lotion on hand, as well as at least a half hour or more of free time. I'd tell you more, but that would ruin the surprise and where is the fun in that?                      ...

A Game Called Denial

Tease and Denial is so much fun, don't you think? I've turned it into a game. Depending on how well you do, on how good your self control is, decides how long before you are allowed to cum. How long you will be stuck in mental chastity, unable to stroke your cock or cum. Because I said so. It could be awhile... ...

The Take

Teasing taunting JOI. That's MY cock and cumming isn't optional.                                                                  ...

The Woman Who Knows You Better Than Anyone

I'm the woman you pass in the street, your biggest fan. I know your body better than anyone... I study you. I feel you with me. I know exactly how you operate. I know what turns you on. Don't you think I'd be so good for you, too?                      ...

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Entranced Confessions

The Entranced Confessions Collection#1
You're a naughty boy. I know it. You know it. So just Confess. Release it, tell Officer Jenny your dirty little secret. That perverted fantasy in your mind. Your secret desire, no one knows... That fetish, so simple, so naughty... Really, you have no choice. Your cock controls you, and I control access to your cock....

Chastity Voicemail

A custom file I made for a very good slave. Here is the generic version, for all the other subs out there currently in a chastity device just waiting to be released... Though you won't be getting any release from me. I'm just having too much fun.

Voicemail - Date Night with Domina

Ever wonder what it's like to go on a date with an evil woman like me? This is the kind of voicemail I leave for new subs. I like them to be really nervous. It's kind of adorable.