
In this audio I get a little possessive over you.

Happy, Horny, Hazy

Three loops for my sweet listeners, deserving of reward, and in each I'll treat you the way you need this the most, through carefully chosen praise to help you feel safe, secure, and so very wonderfully seen. Until those other thoughts which I weave, of a happier, hornier, and hazier kind, cover and cloud over your willing mind. ...

Happy, Horny, Hazy

Three loops for my sweet listeners, deserving of reward, and in each I'll treat you the way you need this the most, through carefully chosen praise to help you feel safe, secure, and so very wonderfully seen. Until those other thoughts which I weave, of a happier, hornier, and hazier kind, cover and cloud over your willing mind. ...

Happy, Horny, Hazy

Three loops for my sweet listeners, deserving of reward, and in each I'll treat you the way you need this the most, through carefully chosen praise to help you feel safe, secure, and so very wonderfully seen. Until those other thoughts which I weave, of a happier, hornier, and hazier kind, cover and cloud over your willing mind. ...

Your Shrink's New Toy

Your therapist has been working with you for a long time. Working ‒ on you ‒ for a long time. In today's session, her goals of shrinking you down and keeping you as her little plaything will finally become realized as her hypnotic trap is sprung!                      ...

Whispered Domination

With each command I whisper. With each shackle of words I lock around you. Finding them giving you a sense of purpose. A thrill of pleasure. "Deeper," I whisper, and Deeper you fall. Spinning in the enchanting spiral that is my voice. Every loop of my words, a chain of my command, which only draws you closer, only binds you tighter. You were born to serve, to submit, to surrender to my...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

Twelve Months Together

Hm, would you like that? Other people seeing how deep I fuck you with this cock? Other people getting off to your pleasure? But they all know that I’m the only one who gets to grip your hips like this, I’m the only one who gets to thrust into you like this, I’m the only one you answer to, who you’re desperate to please. You’re only for me. ...

I break you down to build you back up

You're a slut.  MY slut.  And I love that about you. I love that you specifically come to me. That you're not just any slut. No. No. No... You're not a beginner anymore. This isn't your first fucking time. We both know it. And that's what makes you such fucking fun. You're mine now. My slut. My creature. My pet. And I love knowing this about you. That I could do such terrible...

Chained For Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

Domina's Outlet

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Left tied up, waiting for my next desires... Left with my recording, my voice playing in your ears...
Until at last you hear me return, my heels popping on the dungeon...

Restoring Morale

...I have been thinking of other ways to remind you guardsmen and women of your duty to the emperor, to mankind… ways that are perhaps more effective than a bolt pistol to the head… I wish to test it on you, since you seem like a prime example for some “motivational training” ... Not to mention, that nervous look on your face is incredibly adorable... ...

Just Lay There and Take It

Sexy and intimate, this is how I treat good pets, well behaved subs and slaves. There are rules. And I will tease and torment you until you obey them ALL.

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc!  Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

Discovered in the Bedroom

Oh my god. Did you see the girl your roommate brought home tonight? What a snacc ! Mmm, maybe I need to be trading up to a curvier model. Awww, don’t look so scared. You’re a much more fun to fuck than she could ever be. Nobody else could ever submit for me the way you do, my little pet. You’re such a good little slut for me. And only me. Remember the bet we made the other day? ...

You're mine. And I'm going to make you feel so good

You're mine. Your cock is mine. Get ready for me to play with it - and you - to my wickedest and most teasing desires. You'll come into this file not knowing if you get to cum or not, and personally I think that is just so much more fun. Or you could cheat and check out the oh so sexy script by /u/funnytraybake ... Either way. You're MINE.

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

You're just a Toy

As irresistible to you. As it is irresistible to me. That's the beauty of hypnosis. That's why you're so precious to me. I sense who, and what you are... And I feel the excitement rise, even as my anxiety fades. And I taste power, and pleasure, at the thought of playing with somebody. Thinking of you all so blank, and floaty, and feeling so nice. It draws me in... It draws me to...

Human Boys Need to Be Protected ... and Fucked Silly

Monster girl Monday strikes again...
A She-Panther finds a human boy out all alone. She can't believe that he's being allowed to wander freely like this. He's so fragile! No matter. "If no one else will keep you safe, then I'm willing to step up to the plate - although that will mean taking you back to my home, and keeping you there. That's okay though, I've been looking for a...

Chastened Down to Size

I got you a present! It's this cute little cock cage, I got it from this mysterious old lady - she laughed a bit when I bought it. More of a cackle really. But I just can't wait to have you try it on! It might have some side effects - but that just makes it more fun!                      ...

Pleasure for a poor neglected Slut

You poor thing. Have I been neglecting you? I'm sorry I've been a little busy lately. I have a new addiction. It seems like you might be a little bit addicted to me. Addicted to hypnosis. Addicted to my control I have over you. My poor needy little slut. My Good Slut. You have been a Good Slut, haven't you? Don't worry, I'm here to make it up to you, getting lost in playing with you, while...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Playing with My Pussy

Welcome to a very exclusive and luxurious kink spa. Where we cater to rare fetishes & desires, and make your dreams come true. Come be helpless, wet, transformed into mud that I rub all over my body — I absorb you, condense you — you find yourself concentrated into MY Pussy. Here I tease you. I play with you. I rub and finger until together we just burst ...

Something Short and Sweet For You

A sweet and short scenario with lots of cuddling and praising.                                                                  ...

You're a Greedy Fucking Whore

My voice is going to surround you with abuse... because you like it. Because you're a whore and being treated this way is what gets your dick hard. We both know it's true. Just relax, and listen, and probably stroke yourself you dirty slut.                      ...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...


I know we had a connection. I know you felt it. And I know you were just scared. But you really shouldn't have ghosted me...                                            ...

Call of the Wild

This audio whispers in your mind, stories of a time before Earth as we know it. It takes you deep into a magical forest where you’ll be met with a beautiful, radiant woman who goes by the name: Mother Nature.                      ...

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

Squeezed Into Submission

You go for a walk in the woods and meet a lonely lamia. You are never seen again. A lovely file to place after an induction, or to listen to as a sexy bedtime story before you fade off to sleep...                      ...

Shibby Clone Loop

All the clones from "Anything is Possible" come out to play with you, in a loop made from the steamiest bits of the files. Moans, sucking noises, and a possessive battle over who will make you cum. No story is needed, I'm going to take you right into the action. Put it on a loop and listen until you pop.

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...


I made this. Why? For the fuck of it really. It's tone and pacing is not like my normal, but I get bored and like to fuck around with other styles sometimes. I didn't really intend this to be a part of the patron thing... but I guess all of my recordings sort of are. And since you guys support me and I imagine a few of you will enjoy it, I figured I'd share. I play a game called OverWatch a...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

Harvested for Cum

You awaken... You are on a space ship. A call comes in and you answer... A lovely woman comes on screen and makes you aware of your new reality, shortly bringing you down even deeper into trance. She then uses her fembots, and futabots, to tease you to the brink, to draw up every sperm your body is capable of producing, to have it all explode in one intense orgasm. ...

Entranced Confessions - Pegging

The Entranced Confessions Collection#2
Oh my... you dirty dirty slut. Your secrets are simply not enough anymore. Now I want more from you. I want to DO more to you. So I'm going to fuck you. :)                      ...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Summoning the Succubus

It's late at night and my voice is whispering in your ears. You feel a need and a drive and yet you find yourself moving mindlessly, drawing runes on a floor. Smoke fills the air, and the silhouette of a lovely and inhumane woman starts to show itself. You've summoned a Succubus - can you handle what happens next? ...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Venus 2000

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Five #2
Slave. You made it... The sluts have long since disappeared... But you still feel a lingering fullness inside that slutty ass of yours... We have no company down here, no audience, it’s just you and me. Alone... Here in my private dungeon buried in the deepest corner of your mind. ...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Deepener

My Latex Series // Session Two / Part Two #2
You're doing so well, following my instructions as I desire. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog - floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. Worship your Domina. Drop...

A Little Quickie

We don't have much time, so let's strip the bullshit. In the next ten minutes, I am going to drop you into trance, install and reinforce some triggers, and then I am going to make you release. A little quickie never hurt anyone...

Apprehended By Two Female Police Officers

Two Female Police Officers find you jaywalking across a street, and take you into custody. They take you somewhere a bit more isolated than a police station and have their yandere way with you. Don't worry sweetheart, we'll lick away your tears, and I promise once you realize you are so much weaker than us, once you accept that you can't fight us, that your only choice is to relax and let us...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from where we left off...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all but the fourth of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Broken by the Sluts

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section B #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

R.U.B.B.E.R - Maid Audition

My Latex Series // Session Two / Section A #2
You're doing so well. Just follow my instructions. Just follow my voice, as you find yourself surrounded by fog. Floaty and calm. Let me guide you through the mist, to where you truly belong. You want to please your Domina, you'll do anything to make it down into my dungeon won't you, so prove it to me. You do want to please me don't you,...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...

Playing with My Pussy

Welcome to a very exclusive and luxurious kink spa. Where we cater to rare fetishes & desires, and make your dreams come true. Come be helpless, wet, transformed into mud that I rub all over my body — I absorb you, condense you — you find yourself concentrated into MY Pussy. Here I tease you. I play with you. I rub and finger until together we just burst ...

Spellcast Slave

You find yourself lost in a library... deeper and deeper you go within a maze of tall shelves and endless books... Finding yourself in the lair of a wicked but beautiful sorceress, she offers to tell you a story. Lost within it, you don't even notice as she casts a powerful love spell on you... and your cock. You try to resist, but the spell has a clause that the more you resist the more...

Chained for Forgiveness

I remember when you escaped me once... I was frantic with worry - my guards went out looking, tearing apart my kingdom until you were found. Brought back to me. I know this is just a game we play, my love - but just as you enjoy escaping, I enjoy punishing you when I catch you. Order must be maintained. But I know your escapades come from boredom. So I bought you a present. A...

A Little Quickie

We don't have much time, so let's strip the bullshit. In the next ten minutes, I am going to drop you into trance, install and reinforce some triggers, and then I am going to make you release. A little quickie never hurt anyone...

Restoring Morale

...I have been thinking of other ways to remind you guardsmen and women of your duty to the emperor, to mankind… ways that are perhaps more effective than a bolt pistol to the head… I wish to test it on you, since you seem like a prime example for some “motivational training” ... Not to mention, that nervous look on your face is incredibly adorable... ...

Just Lay There and Take It

Sexy and intimate, this is how I treat good pets, well behaved subs and slaves. There are rules. And I will tease and torment you until you obey them ALL.

You're mine. And I'm going to make you feel so good

You're mine. Your cock is mine. Get ready for me to play with it - and you - to my wickedest and most teasing desires. You'll come into this file not knowing if you get to cum or not, and personally I think that is just so much more fun. Or you could cheat and check out the oh so sexy script by /u/funnytraybake ... Either way. You're MINE.

Kraken, Queen of the Ocean

I am the Queen of the Seas, the Kraken. All creatures of the ocean are subject to My reign. But I am not cruel; the ocean is peaceful, and I act as the arbiter of this calm. To an extent, the very waves and tides are subject to my whims. The human population knows this, and some believe me to be the goddess of the sea myself. It is for that reason, and to secure their travels against its...

Sirens Song

Avast ye Matey! A storm has brought your ship within the grasp of the cursed isles, where lovely and lonely Sirens sing men to their doom... Or maybe just to be their bewitched sex slaves? A story style hypnosis, bringing you down into trance and using the erotic story to take you deeper.

Human Boys Need to Be Protected ... and Fucked Silly

Monster girl Monday strikes again...
A She-Panther finds a human boy out all alone. She can't believe that he's being allowed to wander freely like this. He's so fragile! No matter. "If no one else will keep you safe, then I'm willing to step up to the plate - although that will mean taking you back to my home, and keeping you there. That's okay though, I've been looking for a...

Chastened Down to Size

I got you a present! It's this cute little cock cage, I got it from this mysterious old lady - she laughed a bit when I bought it. More of a cackle really. But I just can't wait to have you try it on! It might have some side effects - but that just makes it more fun!                      ...

You're a Greedy Fucking Whore

My voice is going to surround you with abuse... because you like it. Because you're a whore and being treated this way is what gets your dick hard. We both know it's true. Just relax, and listen, and probably stroke yourself you dirty slut.                      ...


I know we had a connection. I know you felt it. And I know you were just scared. But you really shouldn't have ghosted me...                                            ...

Squeezed Into Submission

You go for a walk in the woods and meet a lonely lamia. You are never seen again. A lovely file to place after an induction, or to listen to as a sexy bedtime story before you fade off to sleep...                      ...

Fly With Me, My Little Dove

"There you are, my little dove. I've missed you, from the moment I woke up. You haven't been hiding from me, have you?" Sweet and loving and so very protectively possessive. Come lie in bed with me, and we will fly in pleasure together, as I mark you each day my own.                       ...

The Mental Health Hazards of Dungeoneering

A dungeon lies in wait in a remote location, daring teams of adventurers to attempt to conquer it. But unknown to them, this dungeon was already conquered long ago, now occupied by only a single, impossible entity. A Mindflayer. A rare and enigmatic being from some unknown, cosmic dimension. Wriggling tentacles and a smile of unimaginable obscenity mark her appearance, revealing her true...

Shibby Clone Loop

All the clones from "Anything is Possible" come out to play with you, in a loop made from the steamiest bits of the files. Moans, sucking noises, and a possessive battle over who will make you cum. No story is needed, I'm going to take you right into the action. Put it on a loop and listen until you pop. ...


Simply gentle sweet affection for a good pet. Now layered.                                                                  ...


Simply gentle sweet affection for a good pet.                                                                  ...

Things I'd Do To You

Mmmm... all the things I'd do to you. Would you trust me and give up all of your control? Would you let me use your body in any way I wanted?                                            ...

My Sweet Little Girl

You are on a date with a sultry vampire. You might not know it yet, but you are my new pet, such a very sweet little girl... I tell you, "My little one", how I met the woman who turned me - and then make love to you, feeding on a sultry summer night. Script by u/ ... well that's been deleted. Guess this one won't be on GWA.

Sexy Science Sacrifice

Well I saw this script by u/EighthSpan on GWA and loved it. SO of course I had to go ahead and make it! In it, you start off tied up on a table in my laboratory... not much more to me then any other animal I would experiment on... But as things progress, and I start feeding off of your life revitalizing semen... well. Let's just say I start to look at you, and use you, a little bit...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

Dark Therapy

I saw this script, written by u/Hou_bi, and wanted it so bad I decided to gender flip it. In it, you are my little bird, whose been coming to me for therapy for quite awhile now. With a cocktail of drugs and intense brainwashing sessions, I've been slowly molding your life to be better - and hitching all of that progress to an association with me. You need me. So why did you try to run...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...


I made this. Why? For the fuck of it really. It's tone and pacing is not like my normal, but I get bored and like to fuck around with other styles sometimes. I didn't really intend this to be a part of the patron thing... but I guess all of my recordings sort of are. And since you guys support me and I imagine a few of you will enjoy it, I figured I'd share. I play a game called OverWatch a...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes.

I Need To Hurt You To Keep You

A young woman infatuated by a regular customer, takes matters into her own hands and tries to make him see the error of his ways. He isn't the first, and he likely won't be the last. But to keep him for now, she's going to need to hurt him to cover her tracks. Written by u/KardinalSin

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Morph Girl

I always wanted to make my own monster girl, and this is the idea that has been running around in my mind for a bit, waiting for me to make it. She's a spell, crafted by a long ago Master with some very exotic tastes. This is the naked version of the story, without binaurals or music.

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

A Trip To The Pet Store

Oh, did I forget to tell you where we are going? Just the pet store baby. Why are you looking at me like that? Just because I sound a little evil... I know we don't have any pets. But I have a pet, and I feel like you could use a few things...                      ...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

You Can't Say No To A Nice Girl

I'm so glad you asked me out. I'm not like those other stupid girls you've dated in the past. They treat you like garbage and only want one thing. Not like me. I'm a Nice Girl. I'll treat you like a Prince... the way you deserve. Hey, why are you pulling away from me? What, you don't like me because I'm bigger than you or something? Typical. Well, I guess if Nice Girls are always finishing...

Super O SLUT

To learn something new, you have to be properly prepared. This file announces a set of files which teach the basics to the fabled male 'Super Orgasm'. The file is designed to set up future Super-O themed files and introduce the proper mindset for pursuing this unique pleasure. Though I will be guiding you, there’s value in leaving some of the details in your journey implicit, letting you...

Harvested for Cum

You awaken... You are on a space ship. A call comes in and you answer... A lovely woman comes on screen and makes you aware of your new reality, shortly bringing you down even deeper into trance. She then uses her fembots, and futabots, to tease you to the brink, to draw up every sperm your body is capable of producing, to have it all explode in one intense orgasm. ...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the fantasy...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way. This version is in the right ear only.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way.

The Woman Who Knows You Better Than Anyone

I'm the woman you pass in the street, your biggest fan. I know your body better than anyone... I study you. I feel you with me. I know exactly how you operate. I know what turns you on. Don't you think I'd be so good for you, too?                      ...

Entranced Confessions - Pegging

The Entranced Confessions Collection#2
Oh my... you dirty dirty slut. Your secrets are simply not enough anymore. Now I want more from you. I want to DO more to you. So I'm going to fuck you. :)                      ...

Entranced Confessions - Spanking

The Entranced Confessions Collection#3
Oh my... I know your dirty secrets. I know what you want. But we are going to do what I want. Because really... that's what matters here. Your enjoyment is going to happen either way. You like having that slutty ass of yours grabbed and beaten. And it's just so inviting I decided not to resist... Bend over and take your spanking. ...