
The audio mentions (or includes depictions of) this particular item of clothing.

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Mind Melting Bliss

This file is paced towards those new to trance, those who enjoy the process of letting go, step by step. So I'll start out slow at first, bringing you down to a nice level of calm heavy relaxation. But once you've reached that deeper hypnotic state; well, I don't want to spoil too much sweetie. Lets just say the content is erotic, steamy, sexy, arousing, pleasurable ... orgasmic even. ...

Brainless Bimbo Slut

No thinkies! In this file I'm totally like an airheaded bimbo... And the best-est good girl. Fake. Plastic. And like, so dumb and horny. I exist to serve, so I like totally recorded myself when I was asked to at the gym. Aren't I the best? I knew you'd agree! And I bet you love to giggle too! So like, I put alllll my fave things in just like I was told too. So like, I love to workout and like...

Bounce For Domina

You find yourself in Shibby's dungeon, body pressed up against the wall. Behind you Shibby is teasing and taunting you, all while lubing up her big fat futa cock. Preparing herself to take you Deeper then you've gone before. Deeper into submission. Deeper into pleasure... To a state of relaxation so deep you can take every thrust of her cock. But before you can take it, Shibby has to be...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Just Let Go: A Meditative HFO

Sit up straight! Today, we are going to be focusing on one thing and one thing only — Breathing. I know that when you listen to me, more often than not, you do not follow my instructions as they are given. Now, I don't necessarily blame you for this. I can be quite distracting to horny little boys after all. But those instructions are given for a reason. And although I don't expect all...

My Perfect Sissy Doll

Would you look at that? — A cute boy actually responded to the job listing! He has no idea about what I have planned for him. With my magic, I can craft dolls of all kinds to serve me in my manor, but he will become a different kind of doll. Not a doll of hard, stiff porcelain, but one that is soft and limp. A perfect sissy doll. ...

The Milking Bench

Your Domina has built you up to be an obedient and confident submissive, and in turn she has earned your absolute trust. Now she's about to put that trust to its biggest test with a new piece of furniture she's put together that she hopes both of you enjoy.                      ...

The Slave Owners First Trick

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 2 / 3
The events of this session take place straight after those in "The Slave Auction". You find yourself kneeling at the foot of your new owner's bed. Bound, restrained, legs spread apart and blindfolded.                      ...

The Slave Owners First Trick

Sex Slave Simp // Series Part: 2 / 3
The events of this session take place straight after those in "The Slave Auction". You find yourself kneeling at the foot of your new owner's bed. Bound, restrained, legs spread apart and blindfolded.                      ...


A playful bondage scene... You, my love, are blindfolded, bound, tied down to our bed, naked and exposed before me. Completely at my mercy. Completely helpless. As I touch, taunt and tease, making sure you understand the vulnerable position you are in.

I break you down to build you back up

You're a slut.  MY slut.  And I love that about you. I love that you specifically come to me. That you're not just any slut. No. No. No... You're not a beginner anymore. This isn't your first fucking time. We both know it. And that's what makes you such fucking fun. You're mine now. My slut. My creature. My pet. And I love knowing this about you. That I could do such terrible...

No Peeking

The end of your work day means it's time for you to come home and perform our ritual. Open the door, step through, and kneel down, waiting upon my pleasure. Tonight I feel like teasing you. So close your eyes while I strip and taunt you... It's all loving baby - but I'm still going to make you ache.

Choose Me- No Choose Me!

Two friends invite you over so you can help them fix some stuff around the house. After all that hard work you did, they want to reward you... properly. Problem is, they BOTH want to be the one to give you that ultimate reward.

Bounce For Domina

You find yourself in Shibby's dungeon, body pressed up against the wall. Behind you Shibby is teasing and taunting you, all while lubing up her big fat futa cock. Preparing herself to take you Deeper then you've gone before. Deeper into submission. Deeper into pleasure... To a state of relaxation so deep you can take every thrust of her cock. But before you can take it, Shibby has to be...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Boy. I think we need to do some training. ...

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

Making A Bet With A Gamer Girl

Your gamer girl friend is having trouble beating a boss and doesn’t appreciate hearing how easy it was for you.
I bet that you won’t be able to beat him while I distract you. Oh no! My distractions are so sexy! What will you doooooooo?                      ...

You're just a Toy

As irresistible to you. As it is irresistible to me. That's the beauty of hypnosis. That's why you're so precious to me. I sense who, and what you are... And I feel the excitement rise, even as my anxiety fades. And I taste power, and pleasure, at the thought of playing with somebody. Thinking of you all so blank, and floaty, and feeling so nice. It draws me in... It draws me to...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Your Wife's Supercharged Hex Strapon

Welcome to a quasi-futuristic steampunk reality where magical energy has finally been harnessed with the power of technology. With this great new innovation available to the vast non-magical population, of course it would be used to create sextoys like never before! Tonight is swingers night so both you and your wife had dates all setup. Unfortunately, your date bailed on you. But don’t...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

The Milking Chair

I want you to sit down somewhere that's soft and comfortable. You can lie down if you want to but this experience will work better if you're seated in a soft, comfortable chair. Get naked for me and maybe put a towel underneath you. When you're seated and comfortable, I want you to put your hands on the arm-rest. Relax your shoulders and let them take the weight of your arms. Lean your head...

Tomboy Tussle

Ready to wrestle?                                                                  ...

Choose Me- No Choose Me!

Two friends invite you over so you can help them fix some stuff around the house. After all that hard work you did, they want to reward you... properly. Problem is, they BOTH want to be the one to give you that ultimate reward. In this part one, two girls- Shibby and Kasey, take turns giving you a blowjob while the other licks and whispers into your ear, giving you shivers of...

Bound and Waiting for a File

Sluts like you need to be slapped around sometimes, or they don't behave. Mmm I'm gonna tie you up like you're on a rail road sweetie. Talk dirty to you, put your cock in my mouth and show you who is in charge. And after... I'm gonna play an hypnosis file and see what effect having your balls tied up has on a Hands Free Orgasm.

Your Wife's Supercharged Hex Strapon

Welcome to a quasi-futuristic steampunk reality where magical energy has finally been harnessed with the power of technology. With this great new innovation available to the vast non-magical population, of course it would be used to create sextoys like never before! Tonight is swingers night so both you and your wife had dates all setup. Unfortunately, your date bailed on you. But don’t...

Let's Quarantine Together

I'm so sorry you are sick, all I want is for you to feel better, for you to feel GOOD. I do not have the energy to ride you, to fuck you - I'd probably suffocate if I tried to blow you or eat you out. So grab your vibrator and we will pleasure each other with the lowest effort needed! And if you are really sick - I get it if you don't have the energy. ...

Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...

The Chateau

You awake, dazed from drugs and a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions, you are still coming to terms with the shock of your new reality. You've been medically transformed into one of the sexiest, most beautiful women you've ever seen, and have been enslaved by an exclusive and mysterious sex club. Mistress arrives bearing gifts... beautiful, sexy lingerie and high heels for you...

I want to try something!

Now that we've started experimenting in the bedroom, I'm having all these ideas. All these... fantasies. That I want to try with you. This femdom thing has been kinda getting me really excited lately. “So um, you remember when we first started having sex together and you asked me to tell you if there was anything I wanted to try? Yeah? Well… there is actually, something I wanted to ...


I know we had a connection. I know you felt it. And I know you were just scared. But you really shouldn't have ghosted me...                                            ...

Hypnotherapist Bullies You Into Submission

You're going to feel blank and stupid and horny. Let's face it, this is a common occurrence for you. Lately, I've noticed you've become a bit... obsessed. Listen, I think I might have an idea of what we could do to make you better. Something we haven’t tried before. It will require us to step outside the boundaries of the standard treatment protocol, which is really not something I’m...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...

Do you think I'll let you cum tonight?

Some late night playing as I tease you and tell you to touch yourself for me. The real question that should be on your mind is, will I let you cum tonight?

Sit Down, Shut Up, Hold On

Today my job suuuucked. My boss has worked my last nerve. And you - YOU - have been sending me sexy Instagram selfies and Voice Mails nonstop. I'm frustrated, pissed off, and batshit loco horny. There’s only one thing that will fix this.                      ...

You Want to be a Good Sissy Girl

This is a heavily layered loop, made to send your sissy mind into submissive, brainwashed bliss. A fun little loop to keep you on track while you follow my commands in "Shibbys Slutty Sissy Cum Calendar", (you can find free on my Shibbydex). Nothing in this file will be at odds with any of the days of the calendar. So long as you don't touch your little boy clitty, you have permission to...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...

I will blow, I will blow, I will blow...

Wake up! It's time for presents. I already changed into mine for you, of course that's only one of your presents. You're going to have to interrogate me if you want to find out what the rest are...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

What It Feels Like For A Girl

Everything is more fun forced. But is it really force when it makes your cock so hard? Or is the force just what I need to do to you to make you accept it - accept what you are. My Dirty Little Bimbo Whore.                      ...

Office Sex Slave

Pick a picture. Any picture, with a face and a slutty pose. No exposed tits, pussy or ass though. Keep it in front of you and remember... you aren't allowed to look anywhere else.

Two Sided Sorority Jackpot

We are going to go behind the scenes of two slutty sororities. You've just started dating one of our sisters, and there are certain... traditions to be upheld. You wouldn't want to disappoint your new girlfriend.. so settle back and pick a voice to listen to - let the other just drone on in the back of your mind. She's talking about a different scene anyways! We wouldn't want you to become...

Religious Submission

I want to welcome you to my to house of worship where I will show you a new system of belief around the thing you desire most - me, and submission to me. Your Domina, and the ultimate goddess of your fantasies. There is an instinct present in every human being that reacts to submission. That desire to worship something greater. That need to be down on your knees. I can show you a way to give...

Reverse Hypnotherapy

Feel My presence, real and intense, as I take you under for a very special session together. My lips will move and your body will shudder as you respect My power and My authority. I have a lot of paying clients like yourself... Who are obsessed with cock. Who simply can't stop fantasizing about cock. I know it's...  HARD...  But don't think about cock. ...

Apprehended By Two Female Police Officers

Two Female Police Officers find you jaywalking across a street, and take you into custody. They take you somewhere a bit more isolated than a police station and have their yandere way with you. Don't worry sweetheart, we'll lick away your tears, and I promise once you realize you are so much weaker than us, once you accept that you can't fight us, that your only choice is to relax and let us...

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...

ASMR Punishment Edging

My Good Boy // ASMR Series / Punishment Bonus
Naughty boy!! — I told you not to cum without permission, but you just couldn't hold it in could you? Well. Naughty sluts get punished. And here is yours! Do NOT Cum.                      ...

No Peeking

The end of your work day means it's time for you to come home and perform our ritual. Open the door, step through, and kneel down, waiting upon my pleasure. Tonight I feel like teasing you. So close your eyes while I strip and taunt you... It's all loving baby - but I'm still going to make you ache.

Don’t worry about the mess baby, I’ll clean it up...

Due to recent world events, you’ve been working from home and your toppy girlfriend can see how stressed out you are, she wants to help relieve you by giving you something else to focus on for a little while…                      ...

Drop for Teacher

I notice you haven't been focusing as much as you should lately. I'm here to help with that. Just relax. Teacher will take care of everything...                                            ...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Making A Bet With A Gamer Girl

Your gamer girl friend is having trouble beating a boss and doesn’t appreciate hearing how easy it was for you.
I bet that you won’t be able to beat him while I distract you. Oh no! My distractions are so sexy! What will you doooooooo?                      ...

Tomboy Tussle

Ready to wrestle?                                                                  ...

Bound and Waiting for a File

Sluts like you need to be slapped around sometimes, or they don't behave. Mmm I'm gonna tie you up like you're on a rail road sweetie. Talk dirty to you, put your cock in my mouth and show you who is in charge. And after... I'm gonna play an hypnosis file and see what effect having your balls tied up has on a Hands Free Orgasm. ...

I want to try something!

Now that we've started experimenting in the bedroom, I'm having all these ideas. All these... fantasies. That I want to try with you. This femdom thing has been kinda getting me really excited lately. “So um, you remember when we first started having sex together and you asked me to tell you if there was anything I wanted to try? Yeah? Well… there is actually, something I wanted to ...


I know we had a connection. I know you felt it. And I know you were just scared. But you really shouldn't have ghosted me...                                            ...

Shibby's New Slave

Orgasmic Training // PrequelNight: 0
First dates are fun, aren't they? Especially when a HypnoDomme decides she wants you... Experience Shibby as your girlfriend or rather your Mistress. As I have you all restrained and am gloating over the first time we met, the things I did to you...  How I installed hypnotic triggers within hours of our first meet-up. I also use those triggers in...


The brainwashing file "Bondage" with extra sissy layers added in... to enhance it for good girls like you.                                            ...

You Want to be a Good Sissy Girl

This is a heavily layered loop, made to send your sissy mind into submissive, brainwashed bliss. A fun little loop to keep you on track while you follow my commands in "Shibbys Slutty Sissy Cum Calendar", (you can find free on my Shibbydex). Nothing in this file will be at odds with any of the days of the calendar. So long as you don't touch your little boy clitty, you have permission to...

I'm Such a Slut for You

Let me show you how much I want you. How dirty you turn me, the naughty things I'll do, Just for you. I want you to really feel me though, so I will take you down into trance first. Take you down into seeing me, feeling me... tasting me. And I'll taste you... This file has very real hypnosis, followed by lots of very vivid and steamy sex. ...

I'm Such a Slut for You

Let me show you how much I want you. How dirty you turn me, the naughty things I'll do, just for you. I want you to really feel me though, so I will take you down into trance first. Take you down into seeing me, feeling me... tasting me. And I'll taste you... This file has very real hypnosis, followed by lots of very vivid and steamy sex. ...

Do you think I'll let you cum tonight?

Some late night playing as I tease you and tell you to touch yourself for me. The real question that should be on your mind is, will I let you cum tonight?

Sit Down, Shut Up, Hold On

Today my job suuuucked. My boss has worked my last nerve. And you - YOU - have been sending me sexy Instagram selfies and Voice Mails nonstop. I'm frustrated, pissed off, and batshit loco horny. There’s only one thing that will fix this.                      ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...


So you're at a party with your girlfriend, and she's noticed your eye wandering. She doesn't react to this quite as negatively as the typical partner, but then the pair of you don't exactly have a typical relationship... So she takes you inside and tells you to touch yourself while she teases you. ...

You're Safe with Me

"It sounded like you were having a great dream. Something dirty. You kept talking in your sleep... moaning... Babe, you're blushing!" Betrayed by his own sweet dreams, our dear listener awakens to discover that he's accidentally revealed one of his most closely guarded fantasies to his new girlfriend. He's worried what she'll think when she finds out that her average, seemingly ordinary man...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

I will blow, I will blow, I will blow...

Wake up! It's time for presents. I already changed into mine for you, of course that's only one of your presents. You're going to have to interrogate me if you want to find out what the rest are...                      ...

The Enslavement of Ultraman

In it, you have just been tricked and trapped by your lovely wife Lara, who drew you down into this deep cavernous dungeon and slipped a Zirconite collar - your only weakness! - around your neck. And then I appear. Standing before you, sending you to your knees with my powerful presence... Your arch enemy, Queen of Evil and soon to be Master of your mind. ...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Shrinking for Goddess

It only takes but a moment to lose yourself in her deep blue eyes... To fall deeply into them, just as her gentle gaze penetrates deep into your mind. To fall, and shrink, and slip into the alluring sleep of trance. Your Goddess loves to toy with her slaves this way. To make them submit to her control while she plays in the depths of their minds. Shrinking them further and further by her...

Tight White Dress

I love dressing sexy for you....

Tomboy Saves Her Best Friend From Spending His Money on Strippers

All done! And you were going to pay someone to change your oil for you. You're lucky your best friend is awesome with cars. No, I won't take your money. But you could buy me some dinner. Tonight is good. We could even go right - Oh, I see. It's another frat event. Let me guess... the strip club again? I knew it. You already look guilty. And maybe you're thinking about how much money you're...

Rita's Lascivious Trap

Don't let the "trap" in the title fool you, this is not a trap file. It's an orgy to be sure, but yours is the only cock there. A very explicit story, being used as the helpless pawn in your co-workers lacivious bet. How many times can they make you cum? They are determined to find out. You can't help it, you can't stay limp as they use all of their very generous tits to entice your cock...

What It Feels Like For A Girl

Everything is more fun forced. But is it really force when it makes your cock so hard? Or is the force just what I need to do to you to make you accept it - accept what you are. My Dirty Little Bimbo Whore.                      ...

Office Sex Slave

Pick a picture. Any picture, with a face and a slutty pose. No exposed tits, pussy or ass though. Keep it in front of you and remember... you aren't allowed to look anywhere else.

Misogynistic Man Owned

There are rumours going around that a bunch of very strong women are running around raping men! No ones talking, except you. Several drinks in and talking trash about how you would show these women who the boss is. I think someone heard you....                      ...

Two Sided Sorority Jackpot

We are going to go behind the scenes of two slutty sororities. You've just started dating one of our sisters, and there are certain... traditions to be upheld. You wouldn't want to disappoint your new girlfriend.. so settle back and pick a voice to listen to - let the other just drone on in the back of your mind. She's talking about a different scene anyways! We wouldn't want you to become...

Two Sided Sorority Jackpot

We are going to go behind the scenes of two slutty sororities. You've just started dating one of our sisters, and there are certain... traditions to be upheld. You wouldn't want to disappoint your new girlfriend.. so settle back and pick a voice to listen to - let the other just drone on in the back of your mind. She's talking about a different scene anyways! We wouldn't want you to become...

Shibby gets Spanked

As far as I am aware this file is the first of its kind. I know there are a few of you out there, that are switches or tops, who secretly just want to take me over your knee and spank me red. So I’m going to take you down, because my devotion to you requires me to give YOU pleasure. Master's cock is so important, what true slave wouldn’t want to entrance you into feeling the pleasure of my...

Shibby gets Spanked

As far as I am aware this file is the first of its kind. I know there are a few of you out there, that are switches or tops, who secretly just want to take me over your knee and spank me red. So I’m going to take you down, because my devotion to you requires me to give YOU pleasure. Master's cock is so important, what true slave wouldn’t want to entrance you into feeling the pleasure of my...

Punishment Edging

My Good Boy // Series / Punishment Bonus
Naughty boy!! — I told you not to cum without permission, but you just couldn't hold it in could you? Well. Naughty sluts get punished. And here is yours! Do NOT Cum.                      ...

Using You

You have such a nice mouth, I think i'm going to use it.