Keep Quiet

In the audio you are told to keep quiet.

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Staircase Deepener

As the title suggests, this is a short visualisation exercise, and hypnotic sequence, in which I guide your mind's eye down a dark winding flight of stairs. One that stretches down into the very depths of your subconscious mind, and lets me take you even deeper under my control. With each of the ten steps I'll guide your thoughts and actions; as you nod and breath, and relax into a...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Tickle Torture at the Hands of a Cult

The road here is dark and unfamiliar... And your car that had been slowly stuttering past the clawing canopy of trees is now stuck at its wayside. You turn the key a few more times but realise it’s no use. Pulling out your phone only further dampens your hope. It's as if you shouldn't be here, wherever here is. No phone service. No map. No idea of where you are. You really are alone....

Bratty Classmate Trances You into Her Fucktoy

You can't believe you got partnered with her for this university group-project. She's hot, extremely hot even, you won't deny that, but she's a total bitch other­wise. You can't stand how stuck up she is and the fact that she clearly realizes the effect she has on people. On top of that, you've never seen her so much as hold a pencil, but she somehow has perfect grades anyway. Everything about...

The Sissy Soldier Trap

You are a high ranking soldier in the Empire's army. Head of the Experimental Weapons Division, you've been working on a new weapon which will strip the enemy of their will to fight and turn them into something more compliant through subliminal radio broadcasts. After testing it out, you find one poor soldier has succumbed to its effects — and so you take him back to your base where he is...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Girl. I think we need to do some training. ...

Playing with your Nipples

Slave! What are you doing on the floor in front of my bed. The warmth from the fireplace is soothing but you're not supposed to be in here!! I didn't call for you, did I? — Aww. You couldn't sleep and wanted to be closer to me? How cute. Yet such a lapse in your obedience. Bad Boy. I think we need to do some training. ...

Domina's Outlet

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Left tied up, waiting for my next desires... Left with my recording, my voice playing in your ears...
Until at last you hear me return, my heels popping on the dungeon...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Yes, these are gloves, but that’s not hand sanitizer

Returning home from stocking up with a box of medical gloves, I test a theory I had about your medical kink. And... it looks like I was right. I'm going to treat your swelling inside and out, draining every drop.                      ...

Silken Strands

Tonight, my pet, I’m going to tell you a story, or more specifically, I'm going to read you a bedtime story, of sorts... And just like all the best fantasy novels there will be adventure, wonder, and perhaps, some peril. For no doubt our hero will need to overcome a terrible and truly hideous monster in a tale so fraught as, The Silken Web. I do so hope he is up to the challenge ahead....

Sensory Deprivation

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Feel me over top of you, teasing and whispering over your helpless body while I play with your balls and your mind. Before leaving you tied up and waiting for my...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Silken Strands

Tonight, my pet, I’m going to tell you a story, or more specifically, I'm going to read you a bedtime story, of sorts... And just like all the best fantasy novels there will be adventure, wonder, and perhaps, some peril. For no doubt our hero will need to overcome a terrible and truly hideous monster in a tale so fraught as, The Silken Web. I do so hope our intrepid journeyman is up to...

We Have To Keep Quiet

The night is ending after a party on campus. After spending most of the night together, two students are walking home together. I decide to invite you to stay over at my dorm for the night instead of making you walk home alone. The only problem is I'm in an all female dorm! But my roommate is asleep. ;) As long as you're gone by morning nobody will know. We just have to keep quiet so we...

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE.

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Human Boys Need to Be Protected ... and Fucked Silly

Monster girl Monday strikes again...
A She-Panther finds a human boy out all alone. She can't believe that he's being allowed to wander freely like this. He's so fragile! No matter. "If no one else will keep you safe, then I'm willing to step up to the plate - although that will mean taking you back to my home, and keeping you there. That's okay though, I've been looking for a...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...


Before it continues, let me repeat this one last and final warning. The themes in this file are even darker, and more dangerously twisted then those which preceded it... If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you take a moment to look up the full tags, and stop reading now. Still here? Good Slut. The Chip implant has been a resounding success, completely shifting and consuming...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.

Body Worship

Called back after class by your yoga teacher, she noticed you were almost hypnotized staring at her. She has special training in store for you... And 'almost' is going to disappear with the rest of your mind.                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Silent Witness

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 4 / 7
Stare deeper into my eyes. Watch them glint and sparkle... Try to focus on them, you can think of it like a contest. But every time you blink, just a little, they become so much heavier to open the next time...                      ...

Dropping into the Loop: Silent Witness

Dropping Into The Loop // Modular Series Module: 4 / 7
Stare deeper into my eyes. Watch them glint and sparkle... Try to focus on them, you can think of it like a contest. But every time you blink, just a little, they become so much heavier to open the next time...                      ...

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Better let me in, this costume is way too skimpy for this weather. Do you like it? I picked it just for you, I know this is your favorite character crush, and I even got the wig to pull it all together! Ummm... I may have had a bit to drink but, I needed it! To get up the courage. You see - I really like you. And tonight, I've decided to show you how much! Now let me...

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

I will blow, I will blow, I will blow...

Wake up! It's time for presents. I already changed into mine for you, of course that's only one of your presents. You're going to have to interrogate me if you want to find out what the rest are...

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next", where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend into a perfectly submissive little...

Jerking For The Hairdresser

Naughty naughty, are you getting hard during your haircut?! Well... I guess I'll take it as a compliment. And since your cock is nice and hard anyways, why don't you be a good boy and stroke it so softly no one can see, keep your moans in so no one can hear. It'll be a fun little game. One only the two of us know about. ...

Stay quiet while I play with you

We are curled up in bed and you are sleepy... But I'm horny and we both know who gets what they want in this situation — Me! Your loving girlfriend and secret Mistress, the one who just loves to tease and torment you to the point where you don't even know how you don't break from it. You really just want to slam your cock into me, and on some level you know you could, you are bigger...

Slaves Covid Clinic Check-up

In this crazy world, forever changed by this pandemic going on - one thing remains constant. A good mistress will bring her slave in for regular check-ups to ensure it's health. I guess you have a good one. Of course, I do tend to take liberties with my patients...                      ...

Bedtime Breeding

I was dreaming I was pregnant with your baby. The thought made me happy, so when I woke up next to you... well, I couldn't help but touch and stroke and whisper in your ear. I'm going to breed you. And make you clean your slower swimmers from my pussy with your tongue.

Slave Mode: Muted

The Slave Mode Collection#3
Building on the triggers from my file, "Slip into Slave Mode", in this file I take things further. Making you so helpless, you cannot even speak. From there I torment you in such a wickedly sensual way. Playing with you, commanding you to SPEAK... even though you cannot, even though you struggle to obey me, a duality of desire to please and obey, overwritten...

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE. ...

Tingle with Me, We'll Tingle Together

Instead of a normal induction, in this file I start by causing tingles to run over your body via ASMR. Touching... Teasing... Triggering your body into pleasure after tingly pleasure, with my snaps and my wet hot dripping pussy. As I play with your senses and whisper in your ears. Bound by your desire to stay within the dream I have crafted for you, you sink deeper and deeper into it.......

High and Horny Titfuck

As awkward as real life, I come up behind you while you're playing video games. Using gratitude for giving me as an excuse to 'reward' you, things get steamy as we awkwardly and mutually share the crush we've always had on each other.                      ...

Yes, these are gloves, but that’s not hand sanitizer

Returning home from stocking up with a box of medical gloves, I test a theory I had about your medical kink. And... it looks like I was right. I'm going to treat your swelling inside and out, draining every drop.                      ...

Sensory Deprivation

Slaves should only ever hear their mistress's voice. To that effect I have you bound in my dungeon, body encased in restraints, head covered in a thick hood that leaves you blind, gagged, and only able to hear MY voice. Feel me over top of you, teasing and whispering over your helpless body while I play with your balls and your mind. Before leaving you tied up and waiting for my...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

Discovered in the Doorway

I came over to play some video games, but when you left to go to the bathroom you took a bit too long. I got bored, started rummaging around your room - and found some verrrrry interesting things in your nightstand. I go out in search of you... only to find you engrossed, peeking through an almost closed door. You dirty peeping tom! You are watching your roommate fuck his hot little...

We Have To Keep Quiet

The night is ending after a party on campus. After spending most of the night together, two students are walking home together. I decide to invite you to stay over at my dorm for the night instead of making you walk home alone. The only problem is I'm in an all female dorm! But my roommate is asleep. ;) As long as you're gone by morning nobody will know. We just have to keep quiet so we...

Bend Over

Oh fuck baby. When I have you like this I can't help but get wet, can you sense me, smell me... drip drip dripping in arousal for you? I love touching you when you are so helpless - not bound by ropes but by my orders, as my hands go up and down your body, glorying in what is MINE.

Human Boys Need to Be Protected ... and Fucked Silly

Monster girl Monday strikes again...
A She-Panther finds a human boy out all alone. She can't believe that he's being allowed to wander freely like this. He's so fragile! No matter. "If no one else will keep you safe, then I'm willing to step up to the plate - although that will mean taking you back to my home, and keeping you there. That's okay though, I've been looking for a...

Jerking For The Hairdresser

Naughty naughty, are you getting hard during your haircut?! Well... I guess I'll take it as a compliment. And since your cock is nice and hard anyways, why don't you be a good boy and stroke it so softly no one can see, keep your moans in so no one can hear. It'll be a fun little game. One only the two of us know about. ...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Bite the Pillow - Futa

It's going to be a long night baby, so I'm really hoping you prepped your ass for it. Because I am going to take you... fuck you... make you mine, as I make you bite your pillow to keep all those slutty sounds from waking up the neighbours. Bite down HARD baby, because after I make a deal with your hidden observer, I'm going to take you sooooo deep. Just like your ass is about to take me...

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Better let me in, this costume is way too skimpy for this weather. Do you like it? I picked it just for you, I know this is your favorite character crush, and I even got the wig to pull it all together! Ummm... I may have had a bit to drink but, I needed it! To get up the courage. You see - I really like you. And tonight, I've decided to show you how much! Now let me...

For MY Pleasure

Relax for me. As my voice transforms you, deeper and deeper down with each smack of the crop. Let my smacks ride through your body, sending you further into subspace with each one. You are MINE for the taking. With each spank you feel more relaxed. More submissive. Until the impacts against your skin are secondary to my will and my voice, and we sink into a scene of bondage and...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Public Play

A file meant to be listened to in public, on a bus, train or airplane - Not while driving! I'm going to take you down, to plant and reinforce some pleasure triggers. Then I'm going to bring you back up and tease you, saying dirty things, arousing things... and your triggers. I'm masturbating with a vibrator and fingering when the fucking thing runs out of juice - no fourth wall, I'm...

Puppy Play Mindfuck

This is the prequel to my other puppy play file, "A Moment of Puppy Play"... and harsher by a long shot. Not entirely consensual, although it starts out that way... I'm kinda tired of not seeing you enough, you work too fucking much. So once I have you all restrained and helpless I let you know I'm going to keep you think way - my bound up pet, regardless of your thoughts on the matter. We...

Stay quiet while I play with you

We are curled up in bed and you are sleepy... But I'm horny and we both know who gets what they want in this situation — Me! Your loving girlfriend and secret Mistress, the one who just loves to tease and torment you to the point where you don't even know how you don't break from it. You really just want to slam your cock into me, and on some level you know you could, you are bigger...

I will blow, I will blow, I will blow...

Wake up! It's time for presents. I already changed into mine for you, of course that's only one of your presents. You're going to have to interrogate me if you want to find out what the rest are...                      ...

Quiet, They Might be Listening

An audio for those who listen to my work at their work. I’m under your desk, whispering up at you, gradually relaxing you into trance as my hands go slowly up your thighs. Sweet words to not be nervous, but you have to be very very quiet for me while I play with you. Or else everyone will know as my words wrap around you, as your mind feels my lips wrap around you, as you blank and keep...

Busty Petite Bookworm Cheats w/Big-Dicked Friend

In it the titular character gets right down to business, surprising and seducing her friend that she knows for a fact has a dick big enough to fuck her exactly the way she wants, and she's not going to let the fact that both of them are in relationships stop her.                      ...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next". You can find the first part linked, where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend...

Quiet, They Might be Listening

An audio for those who listen to my work at their work. I’m under your desk, whispering up at you, gradually relaxing you into trance as my hands go slowly up your thighs. Sweet words to not be nervous, but you have to be very very quiet for me while I play with you. Or else everyone will know as my words wrap around you, as your mind feels my lips wrap around you, as you blank and keep...

Quiet, They Might be Listening

An audio for those who listen to my work at their work. I’m under your desk, whispering up at you, gradually relaxing you into trance as my hands go slowly up your thighs. Sweet words to not be nervous, but you have to be very very quiet for me while I play with you. Or else everyone will know as my words wrap around you, as your mind feels my lips wrap around you, as you blank and keep...

Wedding Night Surprise

Oh Honey... I'm so glad we are finally wed. We can finally have that wedding night we've been talking about, that you have been saving yourself for. There's just this one thing... I'm not really a virgin. Or religious. In fact, I'm a dominatrix, and I've decided to turn you into my perfect slave. ...

Shh... You don't want your mom to hear

No age, or incest - your mom came over with just enough warning to hide all the sex toys, and now she is in the guest room and you and I are cuddled up in our bed in the next room. About to go to sleep... when I roll over and start whispering in your ear. Playing with you. Taunting you. Teasing you o so quietly as you try not to make any noise. Getting you excited and then talking about that...