
Be warned... The audio takes things to the extreme!

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Succubi Scholarship: Classroom Pet

For the latest cohort of hot young Demonesses enrolled in the Succubi Scholarship Program, these last six months have been textbook study hell... Literally. With endless lectures on the intricacies of soul-binding contract law, reading scroll after scroll of magical theory necessary for seducing and enslaving humans. Yet as the semester comes to an end, this final class promises something a...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

Fucked by Tentacles

Do we really need any more of a description? You're clearly a slut for tentacles if you're reading this far... But this isn't quite like my other tentacled files, oh no, its a bit more... out there then that. Don't worry though, I'll start out nice and slow and gentle at first, before I take you down, deep into my realm, and introduce you to all my special little friends. ...

HFO Slave Training

From now on the only thing you get to touch is the play button on this fucking audio. Whenever you feel the need to stick your hands down your pants you're going to hear my voice calling you back. When you become sooo horny and confused wondering whether or not you should touch yourself, my conditioning sets in, and you come back here without further questions. It feels so good to just...

Brainless Bimbo Slut

No thinkies! In this file I'm totally like an airheaded bimbo... And the best-est good girl. Fake. Plastic. And like, so dumb and horny. I exist to serve, so I like totally recorded myself when I was asked to at the gym. Aren't I the best? I knew you'd agree! And I bet you love to giggle too! So like, I put alllll my fave things in just like I was told too. So like, I love to workout and like...

Control Room Inside Your Mind

Inside your mind is a control room of sorts, but is it really yours or perhaps it is mine? For those slaves who have already listened to lots of my recordings perhaps you already know the answer... But I'm sure just one more brain­washing loop won't be too hard for you to handle. Because now it's time we both explored that thought a little bit deeper. Now it's time I made myself a...

Do My Poor Pet A Favour

You've been staring so intently and for so long now. It's like you've fallen deep down into my eyes... As if you've slipped along your gaze to fall deeply inside them, deep into my eyes. To where you could just turn around and see yourself through them. And when you do... You see that, in this moment, you're all that matters to me. And that makes you so very happy. That makes you smile...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Tickle Torture at the Hands of a Cult

The road here is dark and unfamiliar... And your car that had been slowly stuttering past the clawing canopy of trees is now stuck at its wayside. You turn the key a few more times but realise it’s no use. Pulling out your phone only further dampens your hope. It's as if you shouldn't be here, wherever here is. No phone service. No map. No idea of where you are. You really are alone....

Futa Yandere Steals Your Girlfriend

A woman whose recent advances you spurned gets her final revenge by kidnapping you and your new girlfriend. She then forces you to watch as she fucks her down into helpless and desperate servitude. But is fear of her knife at your throats really the only thing that's keeping you such a captive audience? Or do you both have a dirty secret to reveal? ...

Futa Yandere Steals Your Girlfriend

A woman whose recent advances you spurned gets her final revenge by kidnapping you and your new girlfriend. She then forces you to watch as she fucks her down into helpless and desperate servitude. But is fear of her knife at your throats really the only thing that's keeping you such a captive audience? Or do you both have a dirty secret to reveal? ...

Ancient Goddess Visits You in Your Dreams

Your entire life as an archeologist has been leading up to this. A few weeks ago, you and your team completed the dig of the century. While everyone was celebrating your success, you couldn't help but let a certain totem catch your eye. You knew it was wrong to steal it, but something about it felt like it was calling to you. You took it and hid it under your bed where no one would see. ...

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

#10 : Shibby Live and Uncut

Podcast #10 //  06-07-2023Shibby Live
Welcome to my "Live and Uncut" podcast series. Each month I try to do at least one live recording session, and these files are a way for you to listen back on those experiences at your own leisure. It'll be casual, relaxed, and you'll get to hear me go through the process of voicing yet-to-be released files in their most raw and naked form. New episodes...

Corrupting the Slut Inside You

Slut Inside You // Series Bonus
In this exciting Halloween episode, the slut inside you is pulled out, and turned into a succubus, through group sex, because of course... Then she is sent out into the world to seduce a male priest! It's a long and beautiful mess.

The Sissy Soldier Trap

You are a high ranking soldier in the Empire's army. Head of the Experimental Weapons Division, you've been working on a new weapon which will strip the enemy of their will to fight and turn them into something more compliant through subliminal radio broadcasts. After testing it out, you find one poor soldier has succumbed to its effects — and so you take him back to your base where he is...

The Sissy Soldier Brainwashing Loop

You are a high ranking soldier in the Empire's army. Head of the Experimental Weapons Division, you've been working on a new weapon which will strip the enemy of their will to fight and turn them into something more compliant through subliminal radio broadcasts...                      ...

Pets belong in Cages

I want your cock where it belongs, in chastity, restrained under my control. But be warned... In doing so you are agreeing to fully submitting yourself to me for a long time. So far I have only toyed with having you in chastity. Now, I’m going to take your training to the next level. ...


My Latex Series // Session Three #3
Welcome to the third & final file in “My Latex Series”, and the last step in your journey through slavery to prove you are special. After all this time. All these years spent listening to me. It really has been a long way down into my dungeon, sweet­­heart. Remember? ... All those many many nights spent together, deep within my rubber world,...


My Latex Series // Session Three #3
Welcome to the third & final file in “My Latex Series”, and the last step in your journey through slavery to prove you are special. After all this time. All these years spent listening to me. It really has been a long way down into my dungeon, sweet­­heart. Remember? ... All those many many nights spent together, deep within my rubber world,...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

The Ritual

Your training has been slowly progressing over the past few weeks, as you have adjusted to your new life of chastity amidst this exotic sex club. You’ve become so diligent in taking care of yourself, and your stunning feminine appearance has only reached new heights of beauty. But something in you is holding back, a remnant of your past. The latest tests of your performance have ended in...

Patient 207's Induction

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. And I wouldn't want anybody to be enticed in that wasn't prepared to be mind-fucked...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Installing the Microchip

You are so very Sleepy. Breath in and out, slowly, deeply. Sucking in big lungfuls of the Nurse's sedative gas. Naked, exposed, lying on the cold metal of the operating table. The Doctor and Nurse re-join you... Stay as calm as you can, the procedure should be painless, but the Doctor can barely hold back her excitement for the possibilities of what is now possible, once The Chip has...

Latex Lobotomy

Before we continue, my sluts. Let me start out with a warning. The themes in this file may be uncomfortable for some listeners who find the idea of their mind being turned into a liquid latex mush distressing. And I wouldn't want anybody to be enticed in further, that wasn't prepared to be mind-fucked beyond their wildest imaginations... The Chip implant looks as though it has been a...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...


Before it continues, let me repeat this one last and final warning. The themes in this file are even darker, and more dangerously twisted then those which preceded it... If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you take a moment to look up the full tags, and stop reading now. Still here? Good Slut. The Chip implant has been a resounding success, completely shifting and consuming...

Take Your Medicine

Before we do anything. Let me start out with a disclaimer. This file isn't like my others. It's a little rougher. The subject matter is dark, descriptive, and a little dangerous. If that doesn't sit well with you. I suggest you stop reading now. This is a file for all my sluts that truly can't help themselves. ...

Rubber Plugged Ride

Hey sweetheart. I’m really hoping this isn’t your first time with me. I wouldn’t want you to think this is how I am… all the time. I’m going to be rough with you. You will be bound deep into trance, where I will play with you in a world of my creation. A world where you are brutally invaded. Stretched… Raped... over and over and over. Violated in every way we can think...

Rubber Plugged Ride

Hey sweetheart. I’m really hoping this isn’t your first time with me. I wouldn’t want you to think this is how I am… all the time. I’m going to be rough with you. You will be bound deep into trance, where I will play with you in a world of my creation. A world where you are brutally invaded. Stretched… Raped... over and over and over. Violated in every way we can think...

Rubber Plugged Ride

Hey sweetheart. I’m really hoping this isn’t your first time with me. I wouldn’t want you to think this is how I am… all the time. I’m going to be rough with you. You will be bound deep into trance, where I will play with you in a world of my creation. A world where you are brutally invaded. Stretched… Raped... over and over and over. Violated in every way we can think...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...

Proper Worship


Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next", where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend into a perfectly submissive little...

The Chateau

You wake up on what you believe is the morning after a one-night stand, but the details are extremely fuzzy. In reality, life as you knew it – as a man – is over. You are now the property of an extremely powerful and exclusive sex club, and it’s time to start on your journey to becoming a good girl. ...

Summoning the Succubus 2 - Fuckbattery

Brought back down. Down into my realm, my lair. Back down to be turned into a fuckbattery for a wickedly beautiful Succubus, who wants nothing but your pleasure. Your frustration driving you to higher and higher paths of ecstasy as lusty horny thoughts invade your mind, sweet touches and sexual pleasures wrap over and around you, as my voice lulls you deeper and deeper. ...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from where we left off...


My Latex Series // Session Two / Full #2
This is the long awaited sequel to my longest file to date "L.A.T.E.X". It only seems fitting that it should become my next longest file comprising all but the fourth of the previously released parts together. It’s exceedingly long but (I hope you’ll agree) worth it for those who have a soft spot for latex. The narrative directly continues from...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...


My Latex Series // Session One #1
It's a long way down into my dungeon sweetheart. A long, spiralling way down as one by one, you fuck my slaves. Frozen in place, until my SNAP frees them. Of course they are still quite restrained, in perfect positions for you to fuck them the way they want. I call it punishment... But it really isn't for them. They are sluts. My sluts. My...

Succubus Bound

Awwww, such a sexy body you've imagined up for me. I rather like it, rather enjoy deciding how I will use it to twist and torment you. You actually thought you could summon a succubus, and then control her? You think you can turn me into your kinky little sex slave? Other men have thought that before... ...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Entranced Confessions - Caged Blowjob

The Entranced Confessions Collection#5
Oh my... Now that we know your secrets, it's going to be that much easier to break you down into our creature, our pet. Of course one of the easiest ways to break down a man into a desperate slave boy, is to take away something he has taken for granted - like the ability to have an erection. Sexual frustration and desperation is just sooo sexy. So...

Poor Pounded Puppy

This file written by u/KardinalSin is the sequel to "I made your girlfriend my bitch, You're next". You can find the first part linked, where I bring out your girlfriend, decked out like a puppy, and force her to suck your cock. Now, a few days have passed since you psycho ex-girlfriend captured you and revealed to you the harsh tutelage she has used to transform your adoring girlfriend...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the fantasy...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless sex dungeon, chained to the bed type of way. A sequel continuing and changing the...

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way. This version is in the right ear only.

I love you too much to ever let you leave me

Psychotic psychological dirty talk is my favorite. Just like you're my favorite. I love you because I know you will never leave me. I know you will never leave me because I love you, and won't let you. And I don't mean that in the cutesy wootsie holding your leg type way. I mean that in the windowless basement, chained to the wall type of way.


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...


Clamber back into the pool of latex and drift away until you find yourself before your Domina. With your latex covered body prostrated before me, I apply your restraints, your submissive mind eager for every Snick of each and every lock. You hear more footsteps in the cave on either side of me. I have brought slaves to do my dirty work, to tease and torture you with a searing pleasure. ...

I made your girlfriend my bitch. You're next.

You wake up in a dark room. Well, I guess it's only dark because of the blindfold you're wearing, but specifics aren't important. You move your arms and find they are bound above you with chains. From the feeling of the air against your skin you are completely naked. Your ankles are each cuffed and chained so you can't close them. Helpless. And then you hear me whispering in your...